
Sunday, September 01, 2024


Here I sit on a quiet Sunday Morning, Kiwi is in his cage going over game film to try and figure out what went wrong yesterday. He said he had laid down the perfect game plan, but it didn't turn out favorably. The sun does come up today though, so live another day.

So with the sun coming up today, what is on our agenda? Grocery shopping obviously. Michelle will see if she can maneuver through a sea of leftover cars and make it to Krogers as I do the house chores. JUst out typical Sunday.

I did get a message from Daniel yesterday, he's doing well and tells everyone hello. He has been taking classes and has been busy between school, studying and playing Basketball. 

Tomorrow is Labor Day, Michelle is off but I am planning on working. Most of you working stiffs can enjoy a three day weekend, I'll be working. 

Have a great day. 

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