
Monday, September 16, 2024


All good things must come to an end, but this is an exciting day to culminate the weekend fun and get back to business. Now we have to take our collective noses and stick them back onto that grindstone known as life and get back to doing what it is that we do for a living to make this a better rock to live on.

Michelle will finally be returning to work today, she came home last Wednesday Morning sick as a dog and has been off since then. It must be some kind of a bug that is going around, I had it before her, but she had it much worse than I did. Mine has just been lingering longer, but nowhere near as severe as hers was. I guess I have been lucky. We're both withing a few weeks of us getting our flu shots for the year, we always try to get them around the first week of October. 

Did you see where the local Newspaper the Dominion Post was sold last week. They are no longer even printing the newspaper in Morgantown as of last week, they are printed in Wheeling and delivered here for distribution. Bob Nutting, who own the Pittsburgh Pirates, and his company bought out the Raese's. It was a total shock and I have to say that I was completely surprised by the move. Granted printed Newspapers are becoming a lost commodity as everything is going to online. It's just the trend of the market. 

Have yourselves a great day

Hi ho hi ho

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