
Wednesday, September 11, 2024

20 Years

Can you believe it, it was 20 years ago today at this exact same time that George's Journal went from concept to the wonderful historical perspective of my life over the last 20 years. 

THIS IS WHERE IT ALL STARTED, 7:25 AM on September 11, 2004, when I posted my very first Blog. 

I used to watch my sister Kim write her online Journals that she would do on her website, that and a combination of that and a co-worker telling me he was a grogger not a blogger lead me to looking into what a blogger was. I knew he liked beer so I understood the grogger, but what in the world was a blogger. 

Wouldn't you know there was a website called....blogger and I signed up for an account and got started documenting my thoughts at first then expanding it and refining it to what it is today. 

If nothing else, it is a great historical perspective of events around my life and it is all documented right here on these pages. I started writing it every day in about 2007 when Kim was writing in hers every day, I couldn't let her get more content that I put out. So it has been an every day thing for 17 of those 20 years. 

Thank you for reading, thank you for enjoying my thoughts and memories and helping me document them.20 years is a long time and there have been a lot of thoughts that have went into it. Also a lot of redundant content to make it a daily thing and sometimes a bit of a pain to keep writing. I usually write everything on Saturday Morning and forget about it for the rest of the week. Then do another one if something special comes up like this particular event. 

Thank You for reading 20 years worth of my thoughts, here is to the next 20 years of mindless thoughts. 

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