
Saturday, August 17, 2024

Saturday Morning Ramblings

Here I sit in a semi-quiet household. Kiwi and I are obviously up, Kiwi is always up early and if I'm not up he makes sure he lets me know that he's awake and I need to wake up and uncover him so he can bless me with his presence. A little egotistical wouldn't you say? I guess it is my distinct honor to have such a brilliant bird brain living here with me. 

So what is on today's agenda? Well in case you haven't noticed, the Morgantown population is starting to grow as so many of the students are either returning to or coming here as Freshmen for the start of the new school year. I was just getting used to them not being here, I swear once we hit 4th of July it's a blink of an eye until we get inundated with students. 

I think Josh is moving into his dorm today, yesterday was the first day of move in but Val said today was when he was planning on moving in. If memory serves me correct I think he is moving into Stalnaker Hall for the school year. Good luck to him as he starts this academic endeavor, time will go by quickly. 

What's on our agenda? Trip to Aldi's and some other running around. Typical stuff for us. I cut grass last weekend so it doesn't need cut this weekend, so other than that our day should pretty much be open. 

Have a great day. 

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