Wednesday, May 31, 2023
Tuesday, May 30, 2023
Tuesday's Tidbits
* It is a back-to-work day for most people. A day when you return from an extended weekend and get back to doing what we all do for a living to make this a better world to live in, including myself as I start a new contract today. Michelle on the other hand is extending her weekend one more day, so for Michelle here is a Tidbits.
* It has been 21,698 days since I was born, that is 21 years using my new, new, and improved 1,000-day Calender. I do have to say I start to feel my age or older than 21.
* It has been 6,958 days since I graduated from WVU with a Degree in Geography.
* 5,546 days ago Michelle and I had our first date together, the pizza hut is gone, the movie was 10,000 BC and it sucked to high heaven.
* 4,749 days ago I proposed to Michelle in the backyard at 4:00 in the morning. Second best decision I ever made.
* It was 4,294 days ago in front of our closest friends and family, for the most part, Michelle and I became husband and wife at the Marilla Center, we poured sand into a vase and said our I do's and we were hitched. Best Decision I ever made.
* I have now lived 1,930 days longer than my Dad did and I'm still going strong. It's almost two years according to my birthday age calendar.
* My older Brother Jonathan lived 21,266 days, I've now outlived him by 454 days making me Senior Supreme Sibling once again! To my younger siblings, bow down to my age seniority. =)
* I have 3,142 days to go until I retire, give or take a few hundred days here or there, but I love doing what I do. Who knows though, doing what I do I may never retire as I am getting ready to embark on my next project today.
* 249 more days until Phil steps to center stage again for Groundhogs Day, I saw him this past weekend as he is back here for his Summer home and eating the corn Michelle puts out.
* 215 more days to go until my Goodbye 2023 Blog is posted, I'm just now getting started on content for that one.
* There are 209 more shopping days left until Christmas 2023. You still have plenty of time to prepare and get ready. Walmart hasn't put their Christmas stuff out....yet.
* There are 185 days until I hit the age of 60. Yeah I know, I'm really older than 21.
* There are 108 more days until the Pitt Panthers bring their butts to Morgantown so we can get some revenge on our game this year.
* There are 101 more days to go until the Mountaineers travel to Happy Valley and get another shot at an old-time Rival, Penn State. It's a game that will be at nighttime on NBC so it's going to have a big audience.
* There are 67 more days to go until Michelle and I celebrate our Twelfth Wedding Anniversary together.
* There are 29 days until my second favorite season, the Summer of 2023.
* I have written 7,192 blogs in the now 18 1/2 years plus a couple of days of being a blogger.
* Older Drone still needs to be sent out for repairs, not a big priority at this time. My little drone is awesome and I really like it....when I take time out to fly it.
* I think I know where I want to do my next drone flight, out by the old county graveyard.
* Michelle is relaxing and enjoying day 4 of her 4 day weekend. .
* How about I start doing my favorite Tic Tok of the week? This is this weeks Tic Tok,a lost Championship because the catcher dropped strike 3 (live ball) and did not throw down to first to get the final out and instead started to celebrate what they thought was a Championship until two runners rounded the bases and winning the game.
* This one is long overdue, with that said HI HO HI HO!!!!!!!
Monday, May 29, 2023
Memorial Day

Sunday, May 28, 2023
Saturday, May 27, 2023
Michelle was teasing me on Thursday along with some of her friends trying to trick me into buying her a hammock. I went yesterday and grabbed her the one she said she wanted and brought it home and assembled it.
I also got my Laptop yesterday to do the work I am contracted to do. I got it all set up with my display monitors and now I am all set up and ready to go for Tuesday. Now it's fighting with permissions and getting access to all the software that I need, but I'll be doing that when I can bill them for my time not when everyone is getting ready for a holiday weekend.
Erica Graduates today, I guess their commencement is this morning at Morgantown High, not sure if we will be attending Commencement as that's going to be a headache especially when it comes to finding parking in the area. Might not be too bad with the students gone, but it's still going to be a challenge to get parked. There is a Graduation Party for her tomorrow up at Amy's where we are all going to congregate and have a good time.
Have yourselves a great day, it's going to be one where I grab a few pictures. Hope to see everyone this afternoon.
Friday, May 26, 2023
Big Ole Hairy Memorial Day Weekend Friday
Thursday, May 25, 2023
Photo Flashback Thursday
Wednesday, May 24, 2023
I swear Wednesday is a hard day to find a meme for, you either get camels saying hump day or you get pictures from the Netflix Series Wednesday based on the old Addams family Wednesday Adams. Sometimes it is a little bit limited to say the least.
So what is new, I found out earlier this week my start date for LanceSoft will be May 30 instead of the 29th, but I kind of assumed that since the 29th is Monday and Memorial Day, which is a Federal Holiday. I've had a nice break, but it's time to get back to it as I hate sitting idle plus I like new challenges which this one will be. Believe it or not the head hunter calls have slowed down a little bit this week compared to the previous few weeks. I haven't updated my LinkedIn to reflect any changes yet, but I did update my Facebook profile.
The good news is I was getting so bored watching the grass grow that I took advantage of the nice weather yesterday and mowed the lawn. It wasn't really needing it, but it was going to be at that point in a couple fo days so I decided to go ahead and kill my boredom and cut the grass.
Have yourselves a great day.
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
Tuesday's Tidbits
* It is my Brother from Another Mother George McClains Birthday today, wishing him a Happy Birthday and doing a tidbits are on my agenda.
* It has been 21,691 days since I was born, that is 21 years using my new, new, and improved 1,000-day Calender. I do have to say I start to feel my age or older than 21.
* It has been 6,951 days since I graduated from WVU with a Degree in Geography. That was 19 years ago today.
* 5,539 days ago Michelle and I had our first date together, the pizza hut is gone, the movie was 10,000 BC and it sucked to high heaven.
* 4,742 days ago I proposed to Michelle in the backyard at 4:00 in the morning.
* It was 4,287 days ago in front of our closest friends and family, for the most part, Michelle and I became husband and wife at the Marilla Center, we poured sand into a vase and said our I do's and we were hitched.
* I have now lived 1,923 days longer than my Dad did and I'm still going strong. It's almost two years according to my birthday age calendar.
* My older Brother Jonathan lived 21,266 days, I've now outlived him by 447 days making me Senior Supreme Sibling once again! To my younger siblings, bow down to my age seniority. =)
* I have 3,149 days to go until I retire, give or take a few hundred days here or there, but I love doing what I do. Who knows though, doing what I do I may never retire as I am getting ready to embark on my next project.
* 256 more days until Phil steps to center stage again for Groundhogs Day, I saw him this past weekend as he is back here for his Summer home and eating the corn Michelle puts out.
* 222 more days to go until my Goodbye 2023 Blog is posted, I'm just now getting started on content for that one.
* There are 216 more shopping days left until Christmas 2023. You still have plenty of time to prepare and get ready. =)
* There are 192 days until I hit the age of 60. Yeah I know, I'm really older than 21.
* There are 115 more days until the Pitt Panthers bring their butts to Morgantown so we can get some revenge on our game this year.
* There are 109 more days to go until the Mountaineers travel to Happy Valley and get another shot at an old-time Rival, Penn State. It's a game that will be at nighttime on NBC so it's going to have a big audience.
* There are 73 more days to go until Michelle and I celebrate our Twelfth Wedding Anniversary together.
* There are 36 days until my second favorite season, the Summer of 2023.
* I have written 7,185 blogs in the now 18 1/2 years plus a couple of days of being a blogger.
* Older Drone still needs to be sent out for repairs, not a big priority at this time. My little drone is awesome and I really like it....when I take time out to fly it.
* No Drone flights this weekend, I'm seriously a slacker. I do have my drone and controller charging as we speak.
* Speaking of drones, I have a little free time on my hands, providing the weather is nice it is time to fly. Any suggestions as to where?
* I start back to work next week, I have all my peripherals set up how I like them and now it's just a matter of waiting on the laptop unless I have to go and pick it up.
* How about I start doing my favorite Tic Tok of the week? This is this weeks Tic Tok, I try to avoid Politics on this blog, but this was just plain funny.
* I'm looking I'm looking
Monday, May 22, 2023
Sunday, May 21, 2023
I should have the docking station that I ordered Friday showing up today from Amazon, and Michelle and I went out yesterday and got a couple 24" Monitors and a new keyboard and mouse to set up for my contracting. Parsons is sending me the laptop since this is a Federal Contract, I originally had to go to Utah to pick up the equipment, or at least that is what was originally agreed upon, but they are just going to send it to me. I also bought a new cordless keyboard and mouse. This is the one I use at my regular PC and the one I like the most. I still have my combo from Duquense Light, but it's a straight keyboard and I was never really fond of it. If I have to do any typing I want an ergonomic one that I like with no cords running everywhere. I should be all set up by tomorrow other than the work laptop, which will be Federal Property.
If you are not doing anything today and want to have a little bit of fun and raise money for a good cause, the Johnny Koon Bowl-a-Thon will be held today from 1:00-3:00 at Suburban Lanes. It's only $2.00 a game and shoe rental is free. Come on out and help raise money for Pediatric Brain Tumor Research and have yourself a good time. It's a good way to make some memories that I keep telling you to create.Saturday, May 20, 2023
Happy Birthday Pam and George McClain
George is the Brother in Law who last year at this time was getting ready to retire, now he spends a lot of his time in his boat making sure that we are the fish population doesn't explode.
If you happen to see or talk to Pam today or George on Tuesday, take a little bit of time out of your busy day and wish this special lady or this fine young gentleman a very Happy Birthday today.
Happy Birthday Pam and George a little early.
Saturday Morning Ramblings
So what is on my agenda for the day? I know Michelle and her Sisters are taking their Mom to a dinner at the women's dinner at Woodland this evening. It's a girl thing so I'll stay around the homefront and entertain all the 4 legged and 2 legged with wings friends that we have living here.
Since I am going to start doing a some Geospatial contracting, I need to have my home office set up properly. I've been looking at a couple of 24" Monitors to use, and I just bought a really nice 4K Docking Station yesterday, I had one in mind that Duquense Light had given me when I was working for them, but now I'm going to probably do my own peripheral setup and just use a plug and play laptop, that was as I go from contract to contract it'll just be simply plugging their laptop in and using it. This docking station gives me all the options that I previously had and then some and was a little cheaper than what I had.
Have yourselves a great day, make some memories and make it memorable.
Friday, May 19, 2023
Big Ole Hairy Friday
Thursday, May 18, 2023
Photo Flashback Thursday
Wednesday, May 17, 2023
It has been a pretty uneventful week for me so far, had an interview on Monday for a short-term project and may have a second interview this week to go a little further down into the weeds, should find something out today about that hopefully. It's a Federal Contract for the Department of Defense where they are basically blowing some excess funding to get it off the books before the next fiscal year, it's the use it or lose it mentality basically. I look at it as a chance to audition for another large company that had a NETL Contract 15 years ago. Willing to take a chance to open some doors up so basically all this would be.
A heads up to anyone who would like to go bowling on Sunday, the Johnny Koon Bowl-A-Thon, one of the annual fundraisers that the Koon family does that helps support WVU Children's Hospital. It is ongoing Sunday from 1:00-3:00 and bowling is only $2 per game and shore rental is free. Proceeds go to The Johnny Koon Pediatric Brain Tumor Research Fund at WVU Medicine Children's. It is a very worthy event that I have partaken in a few times, but anymore more of a spectator than a participant. Come out, get some exercise and raise a little money for a very worthwhile cause. All this takes place at Suburban Lanes here in Morgantown and there is always something to do.Tuesday, May 16, 2023
Tuesday's Tidbits
* It was 46 years ago today we lost Grandpa Hall and 19 years ago today I Graduated College fulfilling his wishes for me, sounds like a great reason to do a tidbits.
* It has been 21,684 days since I was born, that is 21 years using my new, new, and improved 1,000-day Calender. I do have to say I start to feel my age or older than 21.
* It has been 6,944 days since I graduated from WVU with a Degree in Geography. That was 19 years ago today.
* 5,532 days ago Michelle and I had our first date together, the pizza hut is gone, the movie was 10,000 BC and it sucked to high heaven.
* 4,735 days ago I proposed to Michelle in the backyard at 4:00 in the morning.
* It was 4,280 days ago in front of our closest friends and family, for the most part, Michelle and I became husband and wife at the Marilla Center, we poured sand into a vase and said our I do's and we were hitched.
* I have now lived 1,916 days longer than my Dad did and I'm still going strong. It's almost two years according to my birthday age calendar.
* My older Brother Jonathan lived 21,266 days, I've now outlived him by 440 days making me Senior Supreme Sibling once again! To my younger siblings, bow down to my age seniority. =)
* I have 3,156 days to go until I retire, give or take a few hundred days here or there, but I love doing what I do. Who knows though, doing what I do I may never retire.
* 263 more days until Phil steps to center stage again for Groundhogs Day, I'm loving the springtime.
* 229 more days to go until my Goodbye 2023 Blog is posted, I'm just now getting started on content for that one.
* There are 223 more shopping days left until Christmas 2023. You still have plenty of time to prepare and get ready. =)
* There are 199 days until I hit the age of 60. Yeah I know, I'm really older than 21.
* There are 122 more days until the Pitt Panthers bring their butts to Morgantown so we can get some revenge on our game this year.
* There are 116 more days to go until the Mountaineers travel to Happy Valley and get another shot at an old-time Rival, Penn State. It's a game that will be at nighttime on NBC so it's going to have a big audience.
* There are 80 more days to go until Michelle and I celebrate our Twelfth Wedding Anniversary together.
* There are 36 days until my second favorite season, the Summer of 2023.
* I have written 7,177 blogs in the now 18 1/2 years plus a couple of days of being a blogger.
* Older Drone still needs to be sent out for repairs, not a big priority at this time. My little drone is awesome and I really like it....when I take time out to fly it.
* No Drone flights this weekend, I'm seriously a slacker. I do have my drone and controller charging as we speak.
* Speaking of drones, I have a little free time on my hands, providing the weather is nice it is time to fly. Any suggestions as to where?
* My back is feeling better, not 100% yet but the older I get the longer it takes to heal/
* How about I start doing my favorite Tic Tok of the week? This is this weeks Tic Tok, I'm using my cousin Linda's Daughter Jessica to supply my content this week, that's my Mom's Sisters granddaughter from Alaska.
* I'm looking I'm looking
Monday, May 15, 2023
Sunday, May 14, 2023
Happy Mother's Day
Saturday, May 13, 2023
Saturday Morning Ramblings
Today would have been my Dad's 78th Birthday. He was born on this day in 1945 and it'll be 24 years in a couple of months that he left us.
I got a little bit of disappointing news yesterday, I interviewed Monday for a job that I really wanted and I was not selected for the position. This was a job I really did want and thought I had but I guess things were just not meant to be for this position. My interview even started funny as I could not connect to Teams and had to do a phone interview, I was a little bit frazzled but I thought it went well. My recruiter even thought I was a shoo-in for this position, but I guess the planets just were not aligned for this opportunity.
If you want a little bit of advice, avoid the WVU Coliseum both today and tomorrow. Their Graduation Ceremonies are taking place so traffic will be heavy this weekend in that area. Just use a little caution and plan your travels accordingly.
No plans for Michelle or I today. I got all the running around chores done yesterday and I even cut the grass Thursday evening, so it may just be a relaxing day for both of us.
Make it special if you can.
Friday, May 12, 2023
Big Ole Hairy Friday
Tomorrow is the Blue and Gold Mine Sale at the Football Stadium. That is when they go through all the dorms and take the items that students left behind that could be sold and the money is donated to the local United Way. It'll be held on the East Concourse, which is the Willowdale Road side of the stadium.
Thursday, May 11, 2023
Photo Flashback Thursday
Once a week I like to take a little bit of time out, time to look at some of the 30,000+ photos that I have stored on my computer. Little lost moments in time that I either captured with a lens, scanned or just stole from someplace on the internet. I like to find just one and post it up and recall or relive the picture to the best of my ability. Sometimes this is a pretty easy task and sometimes it's not that easy, one thing it has always been a whole lot of fun.
This weeks pic is an artistic one I took during COVID, it's one of my former blog co-author Peanut, she held out for a contract dispute and was replaced my the Green Cheek Conure Kiwi, out in the backyard sitting on a rock. I decided I was going to try to do some fun stuff with the camera's setting and chose the color picker. I think this was done with one of my older cameras, as the 35 MM I use now doesn't appear to haver those settings.
Anyways I picked the color of Peanut's nametag and some of the colors on the back were in the same range of the filter to get picked up.
Have yourselves a great day.
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Hump Day
Tuesday, May 09, 2023
Tuesday's Tidbits
* Monday is behind us, can't think of a better reason to do everyone's favorite blog post of the week.
* It has been 21,677 days since I was born, that is 21 years using my new, new, and improved 1,000-day Calender. I do have to say I start to feel my age or older than 21.
* It has been 6,937 days since I graduated from WVU with a Degree in Geography. A field that I am still passionate about.
* 5,525 days ago Michelle and I had our first date together, the pizza hut is gone, the movie was 10,000 BC and it sucked to high heaven.
* 4,728 days ago I proposed to Michelle in the backyard at 4:00 in the morning.
* It was 4,273 days ago in front of our closest friends and family, for the most part, Michelle and I became husband and wife at the Marilla Center, we poured sand into a vase and said our I do's and we were hitched.
* I have now lived 1,909 days longer than my Dad did and I'm still going strong. It's almost two years according to my birthday age calendar.
* My older Brother Jonathan lived 21,266 days, I've now outlived him by 432 days making me Senior Supreme Sibling once again! To my younger siblings, bow down to my age seniority. =)
* I have 3,163 days to go until I retire, give or take a few hundred days here or there, but I love doing what I do. Who knows though, doing what I do I may never retire.
* 270 more days until Phil steps to center stage again for Groundhogs Day, I'm loving the springtime.
* 236 more days to go until my Goodbye 2023 Blog is posted, I'm just now getting started on content for that one.
* There are 230 more shopping days left until Christmas 2023. You still have plenty of time to prepare and get ready. =)
* There are 206 days until I hit the age of 60. Yeah I know, I'm really older than 21.
* There are 129 more days until the Pitt Panthers bring their butts to Morgantown so we can get some revenge on our game this year.
* There are 123 more days to go until the Mountaineers travel to Happy Valley and get another shot at an old-time Rival, Penn State. It's a game that will be at nighttime on NBC so it's going to have a big audience.
* There are 87 more days to go until Michelle and I celebrate our Twelfth Wedding Anniversary together.
* There are 43 days until my second favorite season, the Summer of 2023.
* I have written 7,170 blogs in the now 18 1/2 years plus a couple of days of being a blogger.
* Older Drone still needs to be sent out for repairs, not a big priority at this time. My little drone is awesome and I really like it....when I take time out to fly it.
* No Drone flights this weekend, I'm seriously a slacker. It's getting to be that time of the year though.
* Speaking of drones, I have a little free time on my hands, providing the weather is nice it is time to fly.
* I think I pulled a back muscle this past weekend, it's still rather sore and agitated.
* How about I start doing my favorite Tic Tok of the week? This is this weeks Tic Tok, asking Jon Bon Jovi who he thinks the best guitarist is of all time. Anser might surprise you.
* I'm looking I'm looking
Monday, May 08, 2023
I'm writing this and drinking a glass of diet cran grape as O was in a lot of pain Saturday evening and into yesterday. Thinking it may have been a pulled muscle but remember years ago that something very similar to this happened years ago when I used to lift weights two hours a day when I was at NETL. I went to Med Express and they wrote me two prescriptions for pain (that I never took) and said I had a kidney infection. So Dr Wifey (Better known as Michelle) suggested drinking some cranberry juice to help flush the kidneys. I'm not a fan of cranberry juice, but this Ocean Spray Diet Cran Grape is actually quite tasty and I would drink it again.
Wish me luck this morning, I have another interview for a job out west, but it is a remote role so I can work from home. This is one of those jobs that 30 different head hunters contacted me about this position, but the company that has actually placed people contacted me first, offered the most money and it was indicated I was their first and primary target for this role. Today I meet with the client and was asked if I was offered would I accept today. I thought this was a good sign, so I said yes and it's doing the part of GIS that I enjoy the most, editing. Getting down to the nuts and bolts and building the product. I actually managed a project for what they are asking on this one, but for the state of Virginia when I was with VARGIS, and had three guys working under me. So I think my chances may be favorable and it's more money (without overtime) than I was making contracting for Duquense Light.
Speaking of Duquense Light, I have to go to Pittsburgh once again and test in for a GIS Position that they have. It's a Union Test and has absolutely nothing to do with GIS, it's more along the line of how well you understand physics and mathematical equations. I'm planning on going up Thursday, but plans could change.
I need to charge my drone and the controller, I would like to get out and fly it sometime in the near future. Weather has not been too cooperative but hopefully that will all change in the very near future.
Have yourselves a great day, make some memories.
Sunday, May 07, 2023
We did get a lot of running around done yesterday though, Michelle went to Sephora, Home Goods, and JC Penney and I went to Bass Pro Shops and Harbor Freight and didn't buy a single toy...I mean tool. I did get a number of things done in and around the man cave (garage), bought some new garden hoses, and a new hard-bristled broom for outside, and got a bunch of tools back up into the garage.
Today we are grocery shopping and I would imagine that there will be a nap associated with the day since it is due to Thunderstorm. I was going to cut grass yesterday, but it's not really high enough yet.
Have yourselves a great day, make it memorable.
Saturday, May 06, 2023
Happy May 6th
Friday, May 05, 2023
Big Ole Hairy Friday
Thursday, May 04, 2023
Photo Flashback Thursday
Wednesday, May 03, 2023
Tuesday, May 02, 2023
Tuesday's Tidbits
* Monday is behind us, it's raining so I still can't think of a better reason to do a tidbits.
* It has been 21,670 days since I was born, that is 21 years using my new, new, and improved 1,000-day Calender. I do have to say I start to feel my age or older than 21.
* It has been 6,930 days since I graduated from WVU with a Degree in Geography. A field that I am still passionate about.
* 5,518 days ago Michelle and I had our first date together, the pizza hut is gone, the movie was 10,000 BC and it sucked to high heaven.
* 4,735 days ago I proposed to Michelle in the backyard at 4:00 in the morning.
* It was 4,280 days ago in front of our closest friends and family, for the most part, Michelle and I became husband and wife at the Marilla Center, we poured sand into a vase and said our I do's and we were hitched.
* I have now lived 1,902 days longer than my Dad did and I'm still going strong. It's almost two years according to my birthday age calendar.
* My older Brother Jonathan lived 21,266 days, I've now outlived him by 425 days making me Senior Supreme Sibling once again! To my younger siblings, bow down to my age seniority. =)
* I have 3,170 days to go until I retire, give or take a few hundred days here or there, but I love doing what I do. Who knows though, doing what I do I may never retire.
* 277 more days until Phil steps to center stage again for Groundhogs Day, I'm loving the springtime.
* 243 more days to go until my Goodbye 2023 Blog is posted, I'm just now getting started on content for that one.
* There are 237 more shopping days left until Christmas 2023. You still have plenty of time to prepare and get ready. =)
* There are 213 days until I hit the age of 60. Yeah I know, I'm really older than 21.
* There are 136 more days until the Pitt Panthers bring their butts to Morgantown so we can get some revenge on our game this year.
* There are 130 more days to go until the Mountaineers travel to Happy Valley and get another shot at an old-time Rival, Penn State. It's a game that will be at nighttime on NBC so it's going to have a big audience.
* There are 94 more days to go until Michelle and I celebrate our Twelfth Wedding Anniversary together.
* There are 50 days until my second favorite season, the Summer of 2023.
* I have written 7,163 blogs in the now 18 1/2 years plus a couple of days of being a blogger.
* Older Drone still needs to be sent out for repairs, not a big priority at this time. My little drone is awesome and I really like it....when I take time out to fly it.
* No Drone flights this weekend, I'm seriously a slacker. It's getting to be that time of the year though.
* Speaking of drones, I have a little free time on my hands, providing the weather is nice it is time to fly.
* I went and bought a nice breaker bar yesterday, we had a little trouble getting the bolts out of the mower this weekend, we needed additional leverage to break them loose. I had to borrow a breaker bar to break them loose. So I went and bought one yesterday, yes I bought the Harbor Freight.
* How about I start doing my favorite Tic Tok of the week? This is this weeks Tic Tok, gotta love the Minions and how they relate to West Virginia.
* Have a great day.
* I'm looking I'm looking
Monday, May 01, 2023
Weekend is Over
You will probably notice it's quiet around town this week, as this is finals week for the students at WVU. The last Finals should be on Friday and that will also be Cinco De Mayo so there may be a party or two around town before most of them clear out for the summer. It's been a long school year, and now it is closing for the Semester. Graduation will be next weekend and that is when traffic will really die down around town for three months. I used to hate to see the students leave, but that was many years ago today I am getting ready to say Get the Hell Out of My Town! and have a nice Summer.
Weather looks like a bunch of rain this week, good thing we got the grass cut Saturday afternoon. If it does clear up and we have a nice day, I'm thinking about charging my drone and going out and flying it somewhere, Break out the 2023 maiden voyage, I just need to charge it and the controller before I take on such a task. I do need to find someplace new and exciting to try to fly it. I've really got to take a little time out and do this when the weather breaks while I have a chance.
Have yourselves a great day and a great start to a productive week. Make some memories while you're at it and remember, it's May already. =)