
Thursday, December 28, 2023

Photo Flashback Thursday

Once a week I like to take a little bit of time out, time to look at some of the 30,000+ photos that I have stored on my computer. Little lost moments in time that I either captured with a lens, scanned or just stole from someplace on the internet. I like to find just one and post it up and recall or relive the picture to the best of my ability. Sometimes this is a pretty easy task and sometimes it's not that easy, one thing it has always been a  lot of fun.

I told Michelle last weekend that it's the perfect time of the year to get back into our bread-making. It really is a cold-weather activity that fills the household up with, well the smells of freshly baked bread. The picture above is a Pepperoni and Mozzarella Bread we made last year in the Dutch Oven. The Dutch Oven. I personally think break made in one is some of the best bread, always hearty. It gives it a hardened rust and a warm and fresh heart. Last year we bought a book from amazon called Breadmaking for beginners and it was really helpful in helping us understand the entire process. 

There is just something about a home smelling of warm fresh baked bread. 

Hi ho hi ho

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