
Friday, January 14, 2022

Big Ole Hairy Friday

Yes, it is once again that time of the week that we all look forward to when we can take time to cease the labors for the week and take a little bit of needed time out to enjoy the fruits of those labors. It is once again the dawn of another weekend and a Big Ole Hairy Friday.

I will not be working this weekend for RTI for a couple of reasons. First Monongalia County's COVID numbers are still too high and it's not an eligible county to be worked. There is only one county that can be worked in West Virginia, and it's in the middle of the state. The second reason, I was feeling sick since last weekend and it kept getting progressively worse over time. I tried to find an at-home COVID test kit and couldn't find any in any stores. but Michelle's sister Chris had one and I took the test yesterday morning and I tested positive for COVID. Michelle is feeling alright, but I've had a number of issues. Nothing that would stop me from doing what I do from home work-wise, but I have had some symptoms and thought it best to test and find out for sure. I have had both shots and the booster. 

So I guess this means I'm home this weekend. No running around for me and unfortunately, it's going to put the big burden on Michelle to do some of the things that either I would take of or we would do together every weekend. The worst part about it is, tomorrow is her birthday and this all hits now. 

Funny little story, usually during the day we bring Kiwi out into the living room. He likes being out there and I put him back into the bedroom at night. Yesterday morning I uncovered him and somehow, someway a mouse got into his cage. As I was carrying him out to the bar I told Michelle you are not going to believe this. When she heard me say that she thought Kiwi may have laid a happy egg and Kiwi was actually a shewi, she was shocked to see a mouse in the cage. That's when the excitement started. I reach in the cage to grab the mouse, Kiwi decides to fly out of the cage as if to yell I'm Free and fly around the room. Peanut and Sophie thought to themselves Hmmm, bird chow and attempted to catch him as I'm trying to grab the damn mouse. Michelle put the cats into the bedroom and closed the door, I grabbed the cage and took it outside to get the mouse out of it as Kiwi was just having a good ole time flying around. As I brought the mouseless cage back inside, Kiwi decides to headbutt the sliding glass doors in his attempt to head to Hawaii. Long story short, Kiwi went back into his cage, the cats were let outside the bedroom and the Mouse got evicted. What a way to start a day at 6:00 AM. 

Have yourselves a great day

Hi ho hi ho

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