
Friday, March 25, 2022

Big Ole Hairy Friday

Yes, it is once again that time of the week that we all look forward to when we can take time to cease the labors for the week and take a little bit of needed time out to enjoy the fruits of those labors. It is once again the dawn of another weekend and a Big Ole Hairy Friday.

I have a busy day scheduled ahead of me to say the least, things will slow down around noonish and we'll be able to slow things down and about go into weekend mode, although I am working for RTI tomorrow. 

I will be doing some running around after work, what I usually do on Friday afternoon. Walmart and Sam's Club run followed by dinner with my special lady. It's her week to pick where we eat, we alter week by week where each of us chooses where we have dinner from or order from on Friday Night. 

Other than that life is pretty boring and pretty much uneventful. It's been one of those lather rinse repeat types of periods. I am planning on being off again on Sunday and I get two days next weekend, so woo hoo. 

Have yourselves a great day and make it a memorable one.

Hi ho hi ho

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