
Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Hump Day

Well a couple of days are in, now just a couple more ahead of us and we will be looking at another fun filled weekend away from the normal hustle and bustle of what it is we do for a living.

Well it was good to actually get back to the office and see a little bit of normalcy yesterday, my cable was restored yesterday and life is semi-back to normal so to speak. It can cause some stress when you can't do what you need to do for an extended period of time. It's kind of ridiculous that I had to wait so long for something to be restored in bed weather because it was a Holiday weekend. They want to get paid for providing me the service, they need to have support available at all times.

Enough with Comcast and their lack of satisfactory response me losing service to my house that was outside of anything I could have done.

The weather looks like it might be nice this weekend, which means they are going to want me out doing field work again. Yikes.

Have yourselves a great day.

Hi ho hi ho

1 comment:

JackCrab said...

Well yer don't know how attached yer are to stuff until yer do not have it.

Then if yer have to wait longer than is deemed normal yer get irate.

We are conditioned to comfort.

We will get outraged more over comfort zone disturbances than to crooked politicians robbing us blind.