
Friday, February 28, 2014

Big Ole Hairy Friday

Yes it is once again that time of the week that we all look foreword to, when we can take time to cease the labors for the week and take a little bit of needed time out to enjoy the fruits of those labors. It is once again the dawn of another weekend, and a Big Ole Hairy Friday.

Every year when we go on vacation, last year especially when we stayed right across the street, there is some kind of convention going on across from our hotel. I tell everyone there are literally hundreds if not thousands of people dressed up on costumes. I can't explain it, but I found some picture of some of the people in costume. Imagine being in a group of 40 people crossing the street and being the only ones NOT dressed up. Enjoy some pics from last years event.

Well we are due for another cold spell and snow storm over the weekend and into early next week. My wife quit dancing a couple of months ago so it has to be someone else doing that snow dance. I'm not sure if I have ever mentioned it before, but I Hate Snow. Don't care for it at all.

Weekend, nothing really planned for us, but who knows what we may or may not get into. We should be finishing up Season 2 of House of Cards tonight on Netflix. We're both saddened that we have come to the end of another season and eagerly await season 3 next year.

Hi ho hi ho

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