
Saturday, July 20, 2024


Here Kiwi and I sit once again in a quiet household, Kiwi and I are up discussing what we are going to be doing today.  He says you humans are so monochromatic, he just does what he wants when he wants. He's such an independent bird, kind of bossy as well. 

I do have to point out and give you a demonstration of how fast time flies by. This is an indication that you need to cherish every moment and make as many of those moments as you can. Memories for you and for those around you. A quarter century ago, that was 25 years, many of those of us reading this had our lives changed forever. My Dad, George Hall Sr, passed away. It is hard to believe that it has been a quarter century has passed since that fateful day. So much has happened, from new family members being born to others passing away including Jean and the son he never met in Jonathan. Days are short and precious, don't waste them.

So with that being said, what is on our agenda for the day? Aldi shopping of course, we go to the one where the old Hills Shopping Center used to be in Star City. The amount of shopping I've done in that plaza during my lifetime, I used to buy all my school clothes from there. 

Depending on the weather, we may powerwash the back patio. We did the front porch a couple of weeks ago, including Michelle painting the chairs. We did the garage last weekend where Michelle basically shampooed it, that just leaves the back patio and the back of the house. This may be on our agenda for the day. 

Yesterday we had to run Peanut to the Vet, she has an upper respiratory and an eye infection and she needed to be treated and get some medication. She'll be fine, just needs a day or so to rest. 

We also went and made some memories as Kynlea had her birthday party yesterday evening at her home. Ralph and Amy are such good hosts and parents, they do an absolutely amazing job. 

I will say that since we bought the blackstone a couple of weeks ago, Michelle has not cooked a meal in the kitchen since, she loves this thing. 

Have yourselves a great day, make some more memories. 

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