
Monday, July 01, 2024


All good things must come to an end, but this is an exciting day to end the weekend on. Now we have to take our collective noses and stick them back onto that grindstone known as life and get back to doing what it is that we do for a living to make this a better rock to live on.

A fresh new week at work, the two people in charge are traveling today and we have three new hires coming on including one I have worked with at my last couple of jobs. Happy to assist the new guys, and help them get started. 

I don't know what this week holds for us, but we are about to get swamped with work in the very near future. What I have been working on has been non-billable as it is all internal, but we have a lot of billable work coming up and I call that job security. 

Looking at the week ahead, I plan on working if there is work on the 4th. Being a contractor you don't get paid holidays so if you want paid for them you have to work them. Happily this company lets me work, where as Duquense Light needed a staff position supervisor available and Atmos would let you make up the hours throughout the week. I'm not planning on going anywhere, Michelle is off so she can do any running around that is needed on Thursday and we'll treat it like any other day. 

Have yourselves a great day and the start of a productive week. 

Hi ho hi ho

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