
Saturday, July 06, 2024

Saturday Morning Ramblings

Here I sit in a semi-quiet household, Rooster (otherwise known as Kiwi) doesn't believe in sleeping in. He keeps telling me that the early bird gets the worm and I had to remind him that he is a seeditarian, he doesn't eat earthworms. 

We finally broke in the Blackstone this past week, Thursday night we did a chicken stir fry with fried rice and on the 4th of July we grilled up some Hot Sausage and Peppers and Onions as well as toasted the Keyser rolls on it. We had an old stainless steel cart in the back of the garage that we (as in Michelle) cleaned up and sanitized and that's where we store everything we cook on the blackstone or the charcoal grille. 

So what is on our agenda this weekend, well Michelle had planned on going up to Julie's for a Pool Party, but the pool party has been postponed. So I guess that means a trip to Aldi and any other weekend tasks are in store this morning. We have had Gracie the past two weekends, and she is staying home this weekend. No puppies this weekend. 

Have yourselves a great day, make it special and make it memorable. 

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