
Saturday, May 18, 2024

Saturday Morning Argument with the Beakhead

Here Kiwi and I sit in a semi-quiet household, we're up arguing about whether or not he can instill plumbing and a heater in his cage so he can have a fountain and have the water nice and warm for him on some chilly nights. He's basically wanting it climate-controlled, he's a demanding little beak-head. Anyone know a good

Michelle is going up to Hayley's today to assist her with painting. She finally got everything moved in last Sunday, now today she and Michelle are going to paint and decorate. Tyler is working so it will just be the two of them.

Me, my grass is getting higher and higher, so I am hoping that the weather holds out so that I can get it cut today. It's been three weeks, I was going to cut it last week, but it was a little damp so I put it off until this weekend. Not sure what else I will get into, we usually do our Aldi shopping on Saturday, so with Michelle up north that could also be on my agenda for the day. 

Have yourselves a great day. 

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