
Monday, May 27, 2024

Memorial Day

As many of you get to extend your holiday weekend yet another day, me being a contractor is off to work today while so many of you get to enjoy a day of BBQ's and fun. I work at home so it's not that bad, so nose to the grindstone as I start another week of doing what it is that I do for a living. 

Please take this chance to reflect upon all of those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for all of us so that we can enjoy the freedoms that we enjoy. Take a little time out today if you have not done so already and remember all who served and fought for us. 

I did my yearly journey to the Gravesites yesterday with Mom. I think we both learned a few things. I showed her the Grave of Morgantown's only Medal of Honor winner. As we both discovered where her infant sister was buried. It was an unmarked grave but she remembers this little lamb on the grave behind it and wouldn't you know. we were right by it and I said like that one. We found it. 

So this is the life of being a contractor, if you want paid for Holidays you need to work the Holidays. Fortunately who I am contracting to for both jobs allow me the freedom to work and not miss any pay from the holiday. I could take the time off, not hurting for money, but I'm also not going to let a revenue opportunity slip away so I can basically nap on the couch. 

Michelle loves my pocket knife that I bought a few weeks ago, this thing is amazing, so I stopped and got her one of her own for work. I'm telling you, this thing is a very well made, a fraction of the cost and high quality. You have to ask for it as they have them in the office. 

Have a great day and make some memories if you have not already done so. 

For me, it's Hi ho hi ho

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