
Sunday, March 02, 2014


Here I sit early on a Sunday Morning, I'm the first one to recover from a losing battle with that notorious Sandman yesterday evening. I was also the last one to fall to his wrath, so that may mean a nap is in order sometime today. Something is on the TV, but I have no idea what it is or who is even in it other than Sara Silverman.

We are due to get an excessive amount of snowfall  that was supposed to start last night that includes estimates somewhere around a foot of snow. Have I ever mentioned that I Hate Snow? Following the massive blast of snow we're supposed to get hit with sub zero temperatures once again on Tuesday.

Did a little bit of running around yesterday and finally went and our Chimney Charcoal Starter that everyone was asking me about when we purchased our grill. All the Grillmasters I work with suggest that this is an absolute must have item. It really helps keep the coals at a desired temperature especially when you are trying to smoke something like ribs.

So far the snow hasn't started so we'll be running out soon to do our normal grocery shopping. We stopped by last night after the Auction as Hayley was with us, so we could get some dog food for Gracie. It was an absolute madhouse last night to say the least. Everyone running out to get their milk and bread, I'll go in to a fully restocked store with maybe half a dozen shoppers running around. I love Sunday Morning Grocery shopping.

Have a great day and join me in hating snow.

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