What in the world is up with this SPRINGTIME weather? It's supposed to be warm and sunny, not snowing to beat all hell outside like it was doing yesterday. I think my old buddy Phil, is in hiding because that rat is wanted for fraud. If you see Phil along the road, run him over.
Not sure what is on our agenda for the weekend, I know Chad needs some help getting some things moved over to his storage bin and we're going to give him a hand with that tonight after dinner.
Michelle and I are thinking about doing an extended weekend sometime in the near future, travel somewhere and just relax a little bit. She has been putting in long weeks all year long and hasn't had a holiday break since January 1st, the next one for her will be the end of May, so this is about the halfway point and she's earned a long weekend getaway.
I've taken this week off from cardio, earlier in the week I thought I had a stress fracture but it seems to have pretty much healed up. I may start the cardio again next week and maybe the lifting next week or the week after again. I've taken a couple of weeks off from that other than showing off a little bit on the bench press one day at work, my shoulders are still pretty sore.
Have a great day.
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