
Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Return Home

Disclaimer: This week I will be on a week long vacation with my beautiful wife. These blogs were pre-written to keep a flow of my blog going and to let people know where we are that today and what we plan to be doing.

Today we will once again arrive at the point of our departure. We weeks worth of a marvelous vacation is now in our memories and that starts to close out at about 9:00 this morning when we are getting off of the Carnival Pride for the last time on this trip.

Today it's going to be repacking and exiting the ship, it's going to be a day of going back to the hotel and getting out car and starting our drive back to Morgantown. A morning that I woke up in the middle of the Atlantic and will go to bed this evening in my own bed.

It has been the memory of a lifetime for both Michelle and I. It will be the ending of the longest and most fun filled vacation of my life, let's see if we can match or top it in 2013.

Thank you for reading along this past week. We will be home this afternoon, and off of work once again tomorrow, but I imagine there are a number of chores we'll have to do.

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