
Sunday, June 30, 2024


Here Roosterr, aka Kiwi, sit in a semi-quiet household. Kiwi is busy in his cage going internet searches for things that he wants. He's a picky little bugger and likes things the way he likes them. 

Michelle and I had a pretty busy day yesterday. It started out at Aldi's to start our weekly grocery shopping, Michelle is heading to Krogers this morning as I do other tasks.

After Aldi's it was up Rt 857 to Harry's Custom Meats where we ordered some food for the freezer. It's the best meat around and the best price, especially if you have a freezer. 

As we are coming back from Harry's, my lovely wife indicated that she would like to have a Blackstone. We started to research them as were were putting our meat and groceries away. So once we had that taken care of, it was off to Petsmart. We bought the cats a new drinking bowl, a constantly running fountain with a filter, and a large reservoir. Michelle said Hayley has 3 of them and she loves them. 

From there, it was off to Lowes for the Blackstone we decided we wanted. We could have gotten a larger one, but that would have just been overkill and this was plenty big enough for me. You know what I want, a Hero Burger.. Both Michelle and I loved them and miss them, this thing will be perfect to make our own. Also got a number of chefs tools like you would see the chefs at Fusion Steakhouse would use. We still need to season it before using it. 

What did we do after that? Put the grill together of course, as Michelle was riding around on the mower cutting the grass. We stayed ahead of the storms and it's all done. 

Yay us. 

Have a great day. 

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Saturday Morning Ramblings

Here I sit with my local Valley Rooster, otherwise known as Kiwi, in what used to be a quiet household. That's up until Kiwi lets everyone know when he wants to get up, he said he has a job alerting the roosters and that is his contribution. So thank Kiwi for waking everyone else up. 

So what is on today's agenda? Michelle is going to go to Aldi, we both may make a trip to Harry's to stock up a little bit and I need to cut grass. Oh and of course we can not forget that Gracie is once again going to be staying the night as Tyer is going to Lewisburg to pick Hayley up as she stayed down there all week. We've already got her greenies and a new toy we bought her last week, so she should be good to go. 

Yesterday was a strange one in the valley. They are moving the water lines across the street to our side and they were scheduled to have all the water shut off from the top of Van Voorhis until they could tie in the lew line. It was supposed to be shut off from 9:00-2:00 yesterday. Of course, it was over 90° yesterday and a 5-hour job turned into a 7-hour job, where they just happen to finish and turn the water on at about...their quitting time. People were complaining about the traffic down here and everyone was advised to take an alternate route, but we live smack dab in the middle of it, and there are no alternate routes for us. 

The important news is the workweek has completed, it's the weekend which mean I'm going to Tudors for Breakfast. 

Have a great day. 

Friday, June 28, 2024

Big Ole Hairy Friday

Yes, it is once again that time of the week that we all look forward to when we can take time to cease the labors for the week and take a little bit of needed time out to enjoy the fruits of those labors. It is again the dawn of another weekend and a Big Ole Hairy Friday.

Looking for a little bit of free entertainment? The Hazel Ruby McQuain Concert series delivers yet once again this evening with Starship Featuring Mickey Thomas tonight at 8:00. Mickey Thomas first found fame as the lead singer of the Elvin Bishop Group. Then he went to starship (who was Jefferson Airplane, Then Jefferson Starship before taking the name Starship). Thomas was originally a co-lead singer with the Legendary Grace Slick before she retired. The The Parachute Brigade will open the nights festivities. It should be a good night of entertainment. 

We may be getting Gracie again this evening or tomorrow night as Tyler will drop her off on his way down to pick up Hayley in Petersburg. Last week I got her some Greenies and a purple blow up toy, that we were smart enough to keep this week rather than sending them home with Tyler. That way they'll be here when she comes back. 

Have yourselves a great day, let's get this party started. 

Hi ho hi ho

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Photo Flashback Thursday

Once a week I like to take a little bit of time out, time to look at some of the 30,000+ photos that I have stored on my computer. Little lost moments in time that I either captured with a lens, scanned or just stole from someplace on the internet. I like to find just one and post it up and recall or relive the picture to the best of my ability. Sometimes this is a pretty easy task and sometimes it's not that easy, one thing it has always been a lot of fun.

Every boy needs a dog, that was my creed as I tried to convince Grandma that I wanted a dog. I thnk Dad and Glenna Mae both helped my cause and convinced Grandma to let me get a dog. I can't remember who took me to the dog pound, might have been Dad or Ralph or Glenna Mae, but they took me to the pound where I found one dog that really wanted my attention. He also looked like Dad's old Dog Brownie. I got to pick my dog, and we welcomed Rocky into the family. 

Rocky still had a wild streak in him, when he would break the clothes line leash he would run, run to find himself some companionship and there was no catching him. After two or three days he would always come back home, but hew was in fact a wild one. 

Have yourselves a great day. 

Hi ho hi ho

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Tuesday's Tidbits

* Monday is completed and in our rear view mirrors, you know what that means. Time for a Tidbits. 

* It has been 22,097 days since I was born, that is 21 years using my new,  new, and improved 1,045-day Calendar. 

* It has been 7,350 days since I graduated from WVU with a Degree in Geography. Maybe I should do a Josh's Graduation from Penn State Countdown...or should I say WVU. 

* 5,937 days ago Michelle and I had our first date together. Seems like it was just yesterday and it was the third best decision I ever made in my life. 

* 5,148 days ago I proposed to Michelle in the backyard at 4:00 in the morning. She knew it was coming, and it was still the best decision I ever made in my life. 

* It was 5,186 days ago in front of our closest friends and family, for the most part, Michelle and I became husband and wife at the Marilla Center, married by a chiropractor and feasted on food Jeanie made. 

* I have now lived 2,323 days longer than my Dad did and I'm still going strong, slowing down but still going. 

* Michelle has been living a clean and productive life and beat that alcohol demon 982 days ago today. 

* My older Brother Jonathan lived 21,273 days, I've now outlived him by 840 days making me Senior Supreme Sibling once again! 

* I have 2,764 days to go until I retire, give or take a few hundred days here or there, but I love doing what I do. Who knows though, doing what I do I may never retire.

* There are only 268 days to go until Spring 2025, my favorite season of the year.  

* 222 more days until Phil steps to center stage once again for Groundhog Day. He and French Creek Freddie agreed on their predictions this year,  now let's just wait to see if they come true.  

* 197 more days to go until my Goodbye 2024 Blog is posted. Hopefully, I can put some better content together this year. 

* There are 183 more shopping days left until Christmas 2024. You still have plenty of time to prepare and get ready.

* There are 167 days until I hit the age of 61. Yeah I know, I'm really older than 21. 

* There are 116 days until Brittany and Matt enter into the bonds of matrimony. 

* There are 85 more days until we go to Pittsburgh and beat the Panther's butts in their stadium. 

* There are 76 more days to go until the Mountaineers will try to get some revenge here in Morgantown for last weekend when Penn State comes to Morgantown. 

* There are 48 more days to go until Michelle and I celebrate our Thirteenth Wedding Anniversary together. 

* It has been ∞ (infinity symbol) days that I have hated both Pitt and Penn State. 

* I have written 7,596 blogs in the now over 19 3/4 years of being a blogger. Wow, am I really coming up on 20 years as a Blogger? 

* Older Drone still needs to be sent out for repairs, not a big priority at this time. My little drone is awesome and I really like it....when I take time out to fly it.  

* I think I know where I want to do my next drone flight, out by the old county graveyard whenever I get to it. 

* Last Summer I did a top 12 for my favorite Music, I am thinking about doing something like that again this summer on Wednesdays. Favorite Albums? Favorite Movies? Suggestions?

* Still playing Monopoly Go. I have actually moved up to 6th place on my friends list. I passed Bub who was the first to start playing. Of course he retired from the game....

* How about I start doing my favorite Tic Tok of the week? Looking for a Remote Job? This might be a good place to start your look. 

* I think our Cat Sophie is getting closer and closer to crossing that rainbow bridge. The once-fat cat is pretty much paper thin, we're just making her comfortable at this point. She is hanging on and enjoying life though, we're making her comfortable. She's always been bossy. 

* Have yourselves a great day.

* Hi ho hi ho

Monday, June 24, 2024


All good things must come to an end, but this is an exciting day to end the weekend on. Now we have to take our collective noses and stick them back onto that grindstone known as life and get back to doing what it is that we do for a living to make this a better rock to live on.

Looking at my week ahead, nothing really big on the agenda, just working as I usually have. Ever since I came to EPE I have been trying to get a former co-worker hired on as well. We worked together for Duquense Light and then for Matrix and he didn't care for the smallworld software either, so he left. He interviewed with us on Thursday and got his offer letter on Friday. I think he'll be great addition to our team. It always feels good when you can give someone career assistance. Not sure of his specific start date, but has his offer in hand. He lives in New York, but is a WVU Graduate. 

They have been moving the water line on Van Voorhis, over to my side of the street. The entrance to my driveway has gotten worse and worse and the nic guys from MUB, paved the entrance for me since they had to dig everything up. It's just a short fix, as they will be widening the road starting soon. Water and sewer lines are now on my side of the road. 

Have a great day. 

Hi ho hi ho

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Sunday Morning Rambling

Here I sit in a quiet household, Kiwi is up just singing away, he's a big fan of the Bee Gees so he has his disco ball going as he's singing Staying alive. He's such a happy bird with a big personality, he is definitely my little buddy. 

We have Gracie and have had her since Friday, Peanut is starting to come around to her presence, so that's a good thing. Hayley and Tyler are down in Petersburg, Tyler will be coming home tonight and will pick up Gracie but Hayley is staying down there for the week with Tyler going back down to pick her up next week. Did I mention we get Gracie next weekend for a night as well. 

I did make a couple purchases this week, I bought a leg massager that pumps up and releases pressure for 20 minutes. It's got heat with it to and I got it on sale, so I got a real good price on it. I also made not only one, but a Second set of compression socks for my legs and feet. I also got a spray on Spray on neuropathy creme. Michelle usually rubs the creme in when my feet start to hurt,. now I have this spray on battle that makes it so much easier. I'm alright during the day but have noticed my calves and feet have been retaining water as the day goes on, so bought a few products to help assist with that. My first set of socks ended up going to Amazon Locker, which is in the back of Gabes. 

No big plans for the day, grass really isn't high enough to cut so I will let it go for another week. 

Have yourselves a great day. 

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Saturday Morning Ramblings

Here Kiwi and I sit in the early AM, we're up discussing the events of the day. He's wondering why Gracie is here and I had to explain to him Hayley and Tyler dropped her off yesterday and we'll be watching her until tomorrow as they are going out of town. Peanut is in hiding once again, she doesn't like other people or animals being here, she almost pouts. Kiwi thinks she's a whimp and I have to agree. 

So what is on today's agenda? Michelle will take a trip to ALDI to start off the weekly grocery shopping. I may assess what the lawn looks like and may cut it if it is long enough. It was hot all week, with one big storm that knocked much of the power out around town for a day or so. My lights flickered a few times, but never lost power, we were lucky. 

It looks like the higher heats will be around for a while, with a couple showers mixed in between now and the 4th, that and MUB pretty much has the front of the yard torn up as they are moving the main utility lines from the other side of the street to our side of the street in anticipation of Van Voorhis being widened in front of the house and a new bridge going over the creek. That means I have less grass to cut, but I have to do a lot of maneuvering around the yard to avoid posts and such as the construction is getting started. 

Have yourselves a great day, make the most of it. 

Friday, June 21, 2024

Big Ole Hairy Friday

Yes, it is once again that time of the week that we all look forward to when we can take time to cease the labors for the week and take a little bit of needed time out to enjoy the fruits of those labors. It is again the dawn of another weekend and a Big Ole Hairy Friday.

Looking for a little bit of free entertainment? The Hazel Ruby McQuain Concert series delivers yet once again this evening with Sara Evans taking the stage tonight. Grab yourself whatever you need and head on down for a great night of music and entertainment. 

No plans to my knowledge for us this weekend, or should I say that I know of as of presstime (my editor is a real pain in the but about me meeting my blog deadlines). Kiwi will probably have some input on what the weekend will have in store, he's been in his cage his pacing back and forth trying to come up with his next brilliant idea. 

Have yourselves a great day.

Hi ho hi ho

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Photo Flashback Thursday

Once a week I like to take a little bit of time out, time to look at some of the 30,000+ photos that I have stored on my computer. Little lost moments in time that I either captured with a lens, scanned or just stole from someplace on the internet. I like to find just one and post it up and recall or relive the picture to the best of my ability. Sometimes this is a pretty easy task and sometimes it's not that easy, one thing it has always been a lot of fun.

No idea of the time of this picture, as I was still unheard of. If I had to guess a date I would guess the early to mid 1950's as this is a picture of my Dad on his by the count of the candles 5th Birthday. I do see he got himself a brand new radio flyer wagon, I wonder if that is why I had one around the same age. 

This picture was taken down at the Old House down in Van Voorhis. Another View. Grandma and Grandpa owned both homes, the one was our garage and as I recall the washhouse. 

Have yourselves a great day

Hi ho hi ho

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Happy Birthday Erica Jean Nicholson

I would like to take this opportunity to wish my great niece Erica a very Happy Birthday today. If my math serves me correctly, she should be turning 20 years old today. 

Seems like it was just yesterday when we were all at the Hospital awaiting her arrival and here we are 20 years later with her already grown up, working and building her own life. 

Not sure what if any plans there are for her today, and I don't even know what she has planned, but if you happen to see this young lady, wish her the Happiest of Birthdays. 

Happy Birthday, Erica. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Tuesday's Tidbits

* Monday is completed and in our rear view mirrors, you know what that means. 

* It has been 22,090 days since I was born, that is 21 years using my new,  new, and improved 1,045-day Calendar. 

* It has been 7,343 days since I graduated from WVU with a Degree in Geography. Maybe I should do a Josh Graduation from Penn State Countdown. 

* 5,930 days ago Michelle and I had our first date together. Seems like it was just yesterday and it was the third best decision I ever made in my life. 

* 5,141 days ago I proposed to Michelle in the backyard at 4:00 in the morning. She knew it was coming, and it was still the best decision I ever made in my life. 

* It was 5,179 days ago in front of our closest friends and family, for the most part, Michelle and I became husband and wife at the Marilla Center, married by a chiropractor and feasted on food Jeanie made. 

* I have now lived 2,316 days longer than my Dad did and I'm still going strong, slowing down but still going. 

* Michelle has been living a clean and productive life and beat that alcohol demon 975 days ago today. 

* My older Brother Jonathan lived 21,273 days, I've now outlived him by 833 days making me Senior Supreme Sibling once again! 

* I have 2,771 days to go until I retire, give or take a few hundred days here or there, but I love doing what I do. Who knows though, doing what I do I may never retire.

* 229 more days until Phil steps to center stage once again for Groundhog Day. He and French Creek Freddie agreed on their predictions this year,  now let's just wait to see if they come true.  

* 204 more days to go until my Goodbye 2024 Blog is posted. Hopefully, I can put some better content together this year. 

* There are 190 more shopping days left until Christmas 2024. You still have plenty of time to prepare and get ready.

* There are 174 days until I hit the age of 61. Yeah I know, I'm really older than 21. 

* There are 123 days until Brittany and Matt enter into the bonds of matrimony. 

* There are 92 more days until we go to Pittsburgh and beat the Panther's butts in their stadium. 

* There are 83 more days to go until the Mountaineers will try to get some revenge here in Morgantown for last weekend when Penn State comes to Morgantown. 

* There are 55 more days to go until Michelle and I celebrate our Thirteenth Wedding Anniversary together. 

* There are only 2 days to go until the start of summer, my second favorite season. We are in my Favorite Season. 

* It has been ∞ (infinity symbol) days that I have hated both Pitt and Penn State. 

* I have written 7,589 blogs in the now over 19 3/4 years of being a blogger. Wow, am I really coming up on 20 years as a Blogger? 

* Older Drone still needs to be sent out for repairs, not a big priority at this time. My little drone is awesome and I really like it....when I take time out to fly it.  

* I think I know where I want to do my next drone flight, out by the old county graveyard whenever I get to it. 

* Still playing Monopoly Go. Several family members are playing and I am back to 8th place overall. It's a back-and-forth battle, I'm trying to maintain my position. 

* How about I start doing my favorite Tic Tok of the week? Words of Inspiration is the easiest way to say it. 

* I think our Cat Sophie is getting closer and closer to crossing that rainbow bridge. The once fat cat is pretty much paper thin, we're just making her comfortable at this point. 

* Have yourselves a great day.

* Hi ho hi ho

Monday, June 17, 2024

Back At It

All good things must come to an end, but this is an exciting day to end the weekend on. Now we have to take our collective noses and stick them back onto that grindstone known as life and get back to doing what it is that we do for a living to make this a better rock to live on.

Looking at my week ahead it's the same as last week pretty much, but with no Doctor's Appointments lined up. Believe it or not, I was down about 20 pounds from my visit last year, I'm not really dieting nor was I trying, but I'm not going to complain. 

It's scheduled to be hot for a few days this week, with temperatures approaching the 90° range for a few days, so if you are out take precautions and wear sunscreen and appropriate protection from the sun. 

If you are or are not a Basketball fan, game 5 of the NBA Finals are tonight with the Boston Celtics having a 3-1 lead and on the verge of being NBA Champions. The Celtics are coached by former WVU star Joe Mazzula, so if you have time watch one of our former players coach his team to an NBA Title. He could be the first coach from WVU to win an NBA Title, although he is the fourth to be an NBA Coach, Jerry West, Fred Schaus and Rod Thorn all preceded him in that accomplishment. 

Have yourselves a great day

Hi ho hi ho

Sunday, June 16, 2024


Here I sit on a quiet Sunday Morning, Kiwi had drawn up a schematic on how I should have cut grass yesterday instead of how I did. He said he was monitoring us on the Ring Cameras and that us Humans don't have the bird's eye view that he does. I think he's mad because I wouldn't let him drive the lawn tractor around the yard. 

We had a busy day yesterday, Michelle started the day with a trip to Aldi's before we went to Christopher's Graduation Party at Krepps Park. No my little buddy Rocky was not up here for the party, I'm a little sad. I did get to see Michael however as he was in town. It was nice to see everyone and spend a little bit of time with them. 

After that we came home and cut Grass, spoke to my brother Gary briefly before hand, but I was being watched and critiqued on my grass cutting style by some un-named bird. He's a know it all, or at least he thinks that he is. 

After that we dropped something off to Val that she requested, Aaron was working so we took her out to dinner at Apple Annies. It was a good time, as their food is always really good. Before heading home we ended up going to Mountaineer Country Ice Cream on Point Marion Road. 

Have yourselves a great day. 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Saturday Morning Rambling

Here I sit in a semi-quiet household, Kiwi is up trying to entertain me by singing his favorite Opera tunes, Kiwi seems to love opera for some reason. He's just got his little birdie headphones on in there just a jamming away. 

Our old neighbors will be in town today. Ashley and Christopher will be having Christopher's Graduation Party this afternoon at Krepps Park. Christopher is Michael's son who moved to South Carolina a few years ago with his Mom and my little buddy Rocky....who I do hope to see today. It's been a few years since I have seen the little rock of love, and today is the day as Michelle and I have been invited to Krepps to see everyone. 

Other plans for the day depend upon the weather, I would like to get grass cut sometime today, weather permitting. I let it go last weekend and it's due to be cut again. 

There was some very sad news this past week, WVU and NBA Legend Jerry West passed away. Whern I first saw the news I thought it was a joke like so many other celebrity hoaxes, but unfortunately it was true. 

Have yourselves a great day today. 

Friday, June 14, 2024

Big Ole Hairy Friday

Yes, it is once again that time of the week that we all look forward to when we can take time to cease the labors for the week and take a little bit of needed time out to enjoy the fruits of those labors. It is again the dawn of another weekend and a Big Ole Hairy Friday.

If you are looking for a little cheap, and when I say cheap I mean Free entertainment this evening. The Hazel Ruby McQuain Ampitheatre is hosting a concert this evening. Ace Frehley, the original lead guitarist for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame band Kiss will be here in Morgantown giving a free concert down on the waterfront. 

Plans for the weekend other than working? Michael's son Christopher just recently graduated HS in South Carolina and Ashley is going to throw a Graduation Party for him here in Morgantown tomorrow that we are invited to. It'll be good to see that clan as we haven't seen them in a few years. 

Have yourselves a great day and lets get this party started. 

Hi ho hi ho

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Photo Flashback Thursday

Once a week I like to take a little bit of time out, time to look at some of the 30,000+ photos that I have stored on my computer. Little lost moments in time that I either captured with a lens, scanned or just stole from someplace on the internet. I like to find just one and post it up and recall or relive the picture to the best of my ability. Sometimes this is a pretty easy task and sometimes it's not that easy, one thing it has always been a lot of fun.

This pic is special and memorable. It's from the old friends and family picnics we used to have at Krepps Park. We had the picnic and my cousin Heather showed up from Ohio after everyone had left and we were cleaning things up. I called Kim and Mom and Gerald and everyone came back to the pavilion so they could visit with Heather and her Mom. 

A few months after this, Heather died in a car wreck in Ohio. She was traveling to see her first grandchild that either was born or was about to be born and she managed to get into a fatal car wreck ending her life. 

Never let a chance to create a memory or even capture it with a camera slip away. We just don't know what tomorrow has to offer. 

Have yourselves a great day. 

Hi ho hi ho

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Tuesday's Tidbits

* Monday is completed and in our rear view mirrors, you know what that means. 

* It has been 22,083 days since I was born, that is 21 years using my new,  new, and improved 1,045-day Calendar. 

* It has been 7,336 days since I graduated from WVU with a Degree in Geography. Maybe I should do a Josh Graduation from Penn State Countdown. 

* 5,923 days ago Michelle and I had our first date together. Seems like it was just yesterday and it was the third best decision I ever made in my life. 

* 5,134 days ago I proposed to Michelle in the backyard at 4:00 in the morning. She knew it was coming, and it was still the best decision I ever made in my life. 

* It was 5,172 days ago in front of our closest friends and family, for the most part, Michelle and I became husband and wife at the Marilla Center, married by a chiropractor and feasted on food Jeanie made. 

* I have now lived 2,309 days longer than my Dad did and I'm still going strong, slowing down but still going. 

* Michelle has been living a clean and productive life and beat that alcohol demon 968 days ago today. 

* My older Brother Jonathan lived 21,273 days, I've now outlived him by 826 days making me Senior Supreme Sibling once again! 

* I have 2,778 days to go until I retire, give or take a few hundred days here or there, but I love doing what I do. Who knows though, doing what I do I may never retire.

* 236 more days until Phil steps to center stage once again for Groundhog Day. He and French Creek Freddie agreed on their predictions this year,  now let's just wait to see if they come true.  

* 211 more days to go until my Goodbye 2024 Blog is posted. Hopefully, I can put some better content together this year. 

* There are 197 more shopping days left until Christmas 2024. You still have plenty of time to prepare and get ready.

* There are 181 days until I hit the age of 61. Yeah I know, I'm really older than 21. 

* There are 130 days until Brittany and Matt enter into the bonds of matrimony. 

* There are 99 more days until we go to Pittsburgh and beat the Panther's butts in their stadium. 

* There are 90 more days to go until the Mountaineers will try to get some revenge here in Morgantown for last weekend when Penn State comes to Morgantown. 

* There are 62 more days to go until Michelle and I celebrate our Thirteenth Wedding Anniversary together. 

* There are only 9 days to go until the start of summer, my second favorite season. We are in my Favorite Season. 

* It has been ∞ (infinity symbol) days that I have hated both Pitt and Penn State. 

* I have written 7,582 blogs in the now over 19 3/4 years of being a blogger. Wow, am I really coming up on 20 years as a Blogger? 

* Older Drone still needs to be sent out for repairs, not a big priority at this time. My little drone is awesome and I really like it....when I take time out to fly it.  

* I think I know where I want to do my next drone flight, out by the old county graveyard whenever I get to it. 

* Still playing Monopoly Go. Several family members are playing and I am back to 8th place overall. It's a back-and-forth battle, I'm trying to maintain my position. 

* How about I start doing my favorite Tic Tok of the week? This guy really knows his shit is the easiest way to say it. 

* We really need to plan another family get together this summer. 

* Have yourselves a great day.

* Hi ho hi ho

Monday, June 10, 2024


All good things must come to an end, but this is an exciting day to end the weekend on. Now we have to take our collective noses and stick them back onto that grindstone known as life and get back to doing what it is that we do for a living to make this a better rock to live on.

It's going to be a long day for me today, I'm going in to work early to make up my time fro a Doctor's appointment that I have later this morning. No biggie, just a routine visit but I have to move my schedule around a little bit to accommodate for it.

Other than that I'm back to working two jobs for the next few weeks. I thought I was going to work Saturday and the IT Department from Parsons called me last week and asked if I was having trouble, big mistake to say no. They detected something that I didn't and I'm going to have to work with them tomorrow to get this issue resolved so I can work. 

Other than that it's going to be a typical week for me. 

Have yourselves a great day.

Hi ho hi ho

Sunday, June 09, 2024


Here Kiwi and I sit on a quiet Sunday Morning. He likes to demonstrate his aviary intellect by drawing out in a flowchart, how exactly he is Beethoven's 4th cousin. I said Kiwi, he's a Human and you're a bird, he just doesn't want to hear it and is convinced of this after his research. I'm waiting for him to declare his campaign for the Presidency, I don't have the heart to tell him he has to be human and over 35 years old. 

Michelle and I had a good, but relaxing day yesterday. She had seen a set of cookware at Sam's club that she wanted, we already have the 5 1/2 Quart frying pan with lid, but now they have the set of the same cookware and she really likes it so we went and got it. 

We made a trip to Petsmart for some soft food for the cats, a trip to Harbor Freight, Crumble Cookies, Best Buy to get another Jump Drive, Aldi's to do some grocery shopping and finally Mal's to get a cantaloupe. We had a busy day to say the least. 

I've been watching the Mountaineer Baseball team play in their first ever Super 8, we were matched up with #4 North Carolina and had a 3-game series in their park for a trip to the College World Series. Friday Night's game I thought we had but a 2 run walk-off home run by North Carolina crushed the dreams of so many Mountaineer Baseball fans with one swing. 

Have yourselves a great and memorable day. 

Saturday, June 08, 2024

Saturday Morning Ramblings

Here I once again sit, me and the bird king Kiwi, we are up playing Gin Rummy and reflecting upon old times. He keeps telling me about all the times he has pooped in his bath water without me noticing and I told him that's a little too much information for this human to process. 

Looks like my hit or miss job working as a contractor for Parsons is back on for this month. I still work for a contracting company called Lancesoft, but we are starting the paperwork to make me a Casual Employee for Parsons which could lead to any number of opportunities. Things are also going good with EPE, so to say I am sitting pretty with two great opportunities is an understatement. It makes for long days, but very financially rewarding and it's all done from the comforts of my own living room with Kiwi, Peranut and Sophie. 

No other plans on the agenda for today that I know of, but that can always change. Michelle has been down a little bit this past week trying to pass a kidney stone, it's been painful to say the least for her. She stayed home on Thursday as she was in so much pain. 

Have yourselves a great day. 

Friday, June 07, 2024

Big Ole Hairy Friday

Yes, it is once again that time of the week that we all look forward to when we can take time to cease the labors for the week and take a little bit of needed time out to enjoy the fruits of those labors. It is again the dawn of another weekend and a Big Ole Hairy Friday.

If you are looking for a little cheap, and when I say cheap I mean Free entertainment this evening. The Hazel Ruby McQuain Ampitheatre is hosting a concert this evening. ABBAMania kicks it off this evening as the featured act. There is a band called 7 South that kicks of the evenings entertainment at 7:00. Grab you a blanket, lawn chairs or whatever and head on down for some evening fun. 

No immediate plans for us this weekend, I don't think there is anything going on for us, but you just never know. With Kiwi around you just never know what your plans are going to be. If the weather is nice, we might just get out and do something. 

Have yourselves a great day and the start of a great weekend. 

Hi ho hi ho

Happy Birthday Hayley and Tyler Ash

I would like to take this opportunity to wish my favorite daughter and favorite son-in-law a very Happy Birthday. Hayley's is today and I think Tyler's is actually tomorrow. Same hospital and the same time period and now they are married. 

I am very proud of Hayley and Tyler as they have just purchased their home and have made it home.  It's a little closer to Morgantown than where they were at, so that makes it nicer. They are both goal driven people, which is always a good thing. 

Tyler is the perfect son-in-law and a perfect match for Hayley. 

Not sure what they have planned for their birthday days, today and tomorrow, but I'm sure it will be special and memorable. 

Make sure that you take a little bit of time out and wish these two a very Happy Birthday today (Hayley) and tomorrow (Tyler). 

Hi ho hi ho

Thursday, June 06, 2024

Photo Flashback Thursday

Once a week I like to take a little bit of time out, time to look at some of the 30,000+ photos that I have stored on my computer. Little lost moments in time that I either captured with a lens, scanned or just stole from someplace on the internet. I like to find just one and post it up and recall or relive the picture to the best of my ability. Sometimes this is a pretty easy task and sometimes it's not that easy, one thing it has always been a lot of fun.

Since yesterday was Jobo's Birthday, I thought I would add another picture of Gary and Grandpa Hall. I'm not really sure of the time frame for this picture other than maybe 1975. Grandpa had not started going downhill yet, but Gary was still pretty young. Unlike yesterday's picture which was taken right behide the church, this one was the house that we lived in as Grandma and Grandpa passed away, I have a geocache hidden there. 

Have yourselves a great day. 

Hi ho hi ho

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Happy Birthday Gary Hall

I would like to take this chance to wish my youngest sibling a very Happy Birthday today. 

I've always loved this picture of Gary, Grandpa Hall used to refer to him as Jobo. No idea where he came up with that nickname, but that was what he called Gary. I used to call Gary BASH, which stood for Bozo, Arnetta (his made up Dad used to use for his Girlfriend), Suck-a-thumb, Hall. Don't worry though, Gary would always give it back to me so it went both ways. 

I know Gary has quit his job back up home and is planning on moving back to Morgantown sometime in the near future. Not sure as to when or where that will happen, but it's his plans. 

If you happen to see or talk to Gary today, wish him a very Happy Birthday. 

Hi ho hi ho

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Tuesday's Tidbits

* Monday is completed, let's face this Tuesday like we own it. Time for a Tidbits. 

* It has been 22,069 days since I was born, that is 21 years using my new,  new, and improved 1,045-day Calendar. BTW< it is my Sister Pam's Birthday. George's is Thursday. 

* It has been 7,329 days since I graduated from WVU with a Degree in Geography. Maybe I should do a Josh Graduation from Penn State Countdown. 

* 5,917 days ago Michelle and I had our first date together. Seems like it was just yesterday and it was the third best decision I ever made in my life. 

* 5,127 days ago I proposed to Michelle in the backyard at 4:00 in the morning. She knew it was coming, and it was still the best decision I ever made in my life. 

* It was 5,165 days ago in front of our closest friends and family, for the most part, Michelle and I became husband and wife at the Marilla Center, married by a chiropractor and feasted on food Jeanie made. 

* I have now lived 2,302 days longer than my Dad did and I'm still going strong, slowing down but still going. 

* Michelle has been living a clean and productive life and beat that alcohol demon 961 days ago today. 

* My older Brother Jonathan lived 21,273 days, I've now outlived him by 819 days making me Senior Supreme Sibling once again! 

* I have 2,785 days to go until I retire, give or take a few hundred days here or there, but I love doing what I do. Who knows though, doing what I do I may never retire.

* 243 more days until Phil steps to center stage once again for Groundhog Day. He and French Creek Freddie agreed on their predictions this year,  now let's just wait to see if they come true.  

* 218 more days to go until my Goodbye 2024 Blog is posted. Hopefully, I can put some better content together this year. 

* There are 204 more shopping days left until Christmas 2024. You still have plenty of time to prepare and get ready.

* There are 188 days until I hit the age of 61. Yeah I know, I'm really older than 21. 

* There are 137 days until Brittany and Matt enter into the bonds of matrimony. 

* There are 106 more days until we go to Pittsburgh and beat the Panther's butts in their stadium. 

* There are 97 more days to go until the Mountaineers will try to get some revenge here in Morgantown for last weekend when Penn State comes to Morgantown. 

* There are 69 more days to go until Michelle and I celebrate our Thirteenth Wedding Anniversary together. 

* There are only 16 days to go until the start of summer, my second favorite season. We are in my Favorite Season. 

* It has been ∞ (infinity symbol) days that I have hated both Pitt and Penn State. 

* I have written 7,574 blogs in the now over 19 1/2 years plus a couple of days of being a blogger. 

* Older Drone still needs to be sent out for repairs, not a big priority at this time. My little drone is awesome and I really like it....when I take time out to fly it.  

* I think I know where I want to do my next drone flight, out by the old county graveyard whenever I get to it. Weather is getting nicer, what is my excuse.  

* Still playing Monopoly Go. Several family members are playing and I am back to 8th place overall. It's a back-and-forth battle, I'm trying to maintain my position. 

* How about I start doing my favorite Tic Tok of the week? Free energy is the way of the future. 

* Michelle's pampered chef, has completed as of Sunday night, she had a really good show as she usually does. She earned $75 in free products and 3 half priced items. 

* Hi ho hi ho

Monday, June 03, 2024


All good things must come to an end, but this is an exciting day to end the weekend on. Now we have to take our collective noses and stick them back onto that grindstone known as life and get back to doing what it is that we do for a living to make this a better rock to live on.

So for me it's just going to be a typical week for me. I did my computer transition for Parsons last week, we were moving to a .us domain and securing everything that needs to be secured on the back end. I had to go through a certification process to work for the Department of Defense, I've got all of that taken care of and upgrades my system, so I could be readily available whenever they need me. I know I have fulfilled my contractual hours with Lancesoft and my boss is wanting to start the process of bringing me on a casual employee for Parsons. That way it's a lot less paperwork on both parts and it gets my foot in the door. They employ a lot of GIS people, thins would just move me to the front of the line of any applicants. I'm still working for AliPro/EPE and am probably going to be brought on with them as well. 

Making this rock a better place one day at a time and one job at a time, I call that a full day and a good path to be on. 

Have yourselves a great day

Hi ho hi ho

Sunday, June 02, 2024


Here Kiwi and I sit once again in a quiet household, he is still thanking me for giving my Kenney Chesney ticket to Hayley so her and Michelle could make some memories. Kiwi likes attention so yesterday was a Kiwi and Daddy day. He's starting to write a book called Teach Your Humans to Fly, I don't think he understands it was either being able to fly or have opposable thumbs, and I chose opposable thumbs. 

I did manage to get some things done yesterday that needed to be done. With all the rain we had had, I fired up the lawn tractor and went to town on the grass. It was nowhere near as bad as it was last time, but it did need cut so I knocked that out as Michelle was loading up the car with the pushmower and a couple of weedeaters we gave to Hayley and Tyler. He has a lawnmower but it is at his dad's camp in Romney, so I just gave him the one that we had as it was just sitting around since we got the tractor. It's a real nice self-propelled troy built, it was just taking up space and they needed one. 

Today's plans will probably just be to let Michelle rest and relax from yesterday. I told her to take pictures, fortunately, I asked Hayley to do the same. We took a trip to Aldi's yesterday and planned our menu for the week, so today's Krogers shopping should be minimal and just filling in with things we need like toothpaste, seeds for Kiwi and other odds and ends. 

Have yourselves a great day. 

Saturday, June 01, 2024

Saturday Morning Ramblings

Here I sit once again in a quiet household, Kiwi woke me up as he's still trying to add a second floor to his cage, he's calling it his love shack just in case any female birds just want to happen to stop by. He was also claiming this week that he is Beethoven's 4th cousin, I'm not sure we are talking about the same Beethoven. 

The Kenny Chesney concert is this evening in Pittsburgh at Acrisure Stadium. Zack Brown, Uncle Kracker and another artist will open for him and the concert kicks off at I think 5:00. I have decided that I don't want to slow Michelle down and take away from her fun, due to me slowing down and not having the energy I once did, that I am giving my ticket to Hayley so they can create a special Mother-Daughter evening filled with entertainment. They are planning to park at Station Square and give Hayley the pleasure to take the Gateway Clipper over and back to enjoy the concert. 

Me, I'll be hanging around the homefront and probably cutting grass and getting everything that needs to be done around here done as Michelle and Hayley have their special day. Who knows what else I might find myself getting into, iwi will be here to keep me company. 

Havre yourselves a great day.