
Friday, December 28, 2018

Big Ole Hairy Friday

Yes it is once again that time of the week that we all look foreword to, when we can take time to cease the labors for the week and take a little bit of needed time out to enjoy the fruits of those labors. It is once again the dawn of another weekend and a Big Ole Hairy Friday and a possible four day weekend.

This is my last "relaxing" weekend for a while as you can call it. I'm at work next Monday and then I'm off to ST Louis for recertification and then my life is going to get very busy. It's going to be filled with my packing for St Louis and realizing the one thing I wanted to do this year considering Michelle is going to be with me and the weather is going to be nice, is to go up into the arch. Federal Monument and there is a Government shut down, so that is very much in doubt unless they get something worked out before then.

Weekend plans include one final Christmas as we have been invited over to see Luke's Christmas tomorrow afternoon / evening. However the early part of tomorrow will be breaking down the 2018 Christmas Tree. We bought it from Lowes and it just didn't seem to suck up the water as other trees we have purchased in the past and lost a number of needles.

So other than possibly watching a WVU Football Bowl game this evening, that's pretty much going to be my weekend.

Have yourselves a great day.

Hi ho hi ho

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