
Sunday, August 02, 2015

Sunday Morning Ramblings

Here I sit once again in a quiet household. I'm the first one to recover from a losing battle with that dreaded Sandman last night and I'm up watching something on HBO and collecting my thoughts for the day.

We had a pretty good day yesterday at Jonny's Birthday Party. I would say that he had himself a very good day when it comes to presents, you can tell that this little boy is very much loved by a very large family. Jon and Laura did a great job of hosting and organizing yesterday's festivities.

Since we traveled yesterday, today is going to be pretty boring, grocery shopping this morning as well as our weekly laundry that we fell a little behind, but it's still very manageable.

I am officially restarting my diet and blood glucose monitoring again today. My last A1C wasn't anything to brag about and my blood sugars have not exactly been healthy. I lost 105 pounds and then but about 50 of it back on since Michelle's surgery, and that has thrown my blood sugars out of whack. I'm officially documenting everything once again as of today (I basically stopped after Michelle had her surgery). Goodbye excess Carbohydrates, it's been fun.

Have a great day.

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