
Monday, June 17, 2013

Weekend Wrapup

The weekend is over with, there are a few things that I wanted to touch on that I didn't get a chance to because of Father's Day and the Peter Frampton concert. To say it was a busy eventful weekend is an understatement.

The picture that you see is of my Nephew Calvin's foot. He was cutting firewood with an axe not wearing any shoes much less not wearing the steel toed boots that he had in the house to cut firewood with. It ended up in 13 stitches and if you ask me he was very lucky as it could have been much much worse.

I did get a chance to visit my sister Pam, Calvin and my Nephew Moke (who is also recovering from semi-recent foot surgery. They stopped by and we sat on the back porch BSing and doing a little catching up and joking about Calvin being polish and that being the cause of his foot being injured.

We got a heck of a deal on a rug scrubber. This thing was still basically new in the box and we picked it up for a small fraction of the price. Someone who Michelle worked with bought it new and then installed hard wood floors before she ever really used it. We were contemplating buying that model anyways being that we have a 17 year old dog that sometimes can't control herself. She usually goes in the bathroom where we have tile, but she has her accidents. This will keep the carpets fresh.

We bought a new TV for the bedroom a couple of weeks ago, it replaced the big bulky thing that had the Wii remote put through it a few years ago. It had sat in our bedroom as a dust collector so we recycled it and replaced it. We hung the new TV up high so it could be easily seen, however that started to interfere with the built in WiFi because there is a huge steel I-beam running down the center of the house for support. It was giving us a sporadic signal because of the interference of that I-Beam so I just ran Cat-6 wire to it and wired it up. No problems losing a signal now. Chad had previously ran Cat-5 wire to his computer due to similar issues a few years ago. If there was no I-beam there probably wouldn't have been any problems, but this house was built solid. I also bought a good surge suppressor and mounted it to the wall to hide any and all unsightly wires.

It was a good and memorable weekend, we have another bigger weekend coming up this weekend which includes seeing Kenny Chesney at Heinz Field. We did forget to take our gnome with us this weekend, but we'll get some pictures of his this coming weekend in the Stadium.

Have a great day

Hi ho hi ho

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