
Friday, June 28, 2013

Big Ole Hairy Friday

Yes it is once again that time of the week that we all look foreword to, when we can take time to cease the labors for the week and take a little bit of needed time out to enjoy the fruits of those labors. It is once again the dawn of another weekend, and a Big Ole Hairy Friday.

Surprisingly BOPARC isn't doing a whole lot of movies this summer for some reason. They are playing some, but not as many as they have in years past. Not that I really ever went too many times or that the weather has been very cooperative at all so far this summer.

Tomorrow I will be going to I think my sixteenth (I've lost count) consecutive Rosiak Family 4th of July Pic Nic. Pat, Frank and Trish have made me feel more than welcome through the years, it's been one of the highlights of my summers for years and I will be once again breaking out my Super Soaker for the big water battle that takes place each and every year. Pat decided to do it the weekend before the 4th this year.

Sunday Val is having Erica and Josh's birthday party at her house. This is one cookout where most of the family does make it to one location at least once during the Summer. We need ti all get together and plan a cookout someplace so we can all get together for something other than someone's birthday or a special event.

Hi hi oh wait, I'm off today =)

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