
Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Hump Day

Two days of this work week completed. Check. Two more ahead of us before the next weekend. Check. That must mean this is Wednesday and over the hump day. Come on noon time when the uphill ceases and the downhill journey for the next weekend commences. It is Hump Day.

I swear sometimes my blogs are just repetitive and almost to the point where I'm thinking about changing direction of them. They served their purpose for over 14 years, and I have written over 5,500 + blogs during that time period. Maybe it is just coming to the time when my life is just repetitive and I don't have much to say.

Writing this blog has become more of a tedious task as if I am trying to meet a deadline rather than just talking about my day or things that have went on in my life. Truth be told, press time for me writing this particular blog is 6:00 AM this past Sunday morning. I've been just taking one day a week (Sunday) and writing Monday through Friday's Blogs and the weekend blogs are both live blogs. How much thought can you really put into a journal when it is that repetitive using a regimented structure.

Michelle and I both live very busy lives, the only problem part of that word busy is that they are both primarily work related where there really isn't a whole lot of free time. Throw that in with us getting towards the end of winter and that long boring what I call dull time of the year and that does not help the creative juices flow.

Just rambling, but it is a real thought.

Have yourselves a great day.

Hi ho hi ho

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