Wednesday, June 30, 2021
Tuesday, June 29, 2021
Tuesday's Tidbits
* It has been 21,032 days since I was born, that is 21 years using my new and improved 991 day Calender. I prefer my calendar as it is the best calendar and it is variable.
* It has been 6,263 days since I graduated from WVU with a Degree in Geography. I also have a minor in Communications and a Minor in History.* 4,079 days ago I proposed to Michelle, 4:00 in the morning in the back yard. It was no surprise, she knew it was coming.
* It was 3,601 days ago in front of our closest friends and family, Michelle and I became husband and wife at the Marilla Center, then we feasted like Kings and Queens.
* I have now lived 1,241 days longer than my Dad did and I'm still going strong.
* I have 3,879 days to go until I retire, give or take a few hundred days here or there.
* The next Backyard Brawl where we beat Pitt's ass in Football is only 439 days away.
* There are 178 more shopping days left until Christmas 2021. You still have plenty of time.
* The next Anniversary of my 21st Birthday will be in 155 more days.
* There are 37 more days to go until Michelle and I celebrate our Tenth Wedding Anniversary together. =)
* I have written 6,447 blogs in the now 16 1/2+ years since I started blogging.
* Drone still needs to be sent out for repairs, not a big priority at this time.
* Have yourselves a great day.
Monday, June 28, 2021

Sunday, June 27, 2021
Friday, June 25, 2021
Saturday Morning Ramblings
Big Ole Hairy Friday
Well it is moving day, twice. First of all Michelle's company will be moving to their new location both today and tomorrow. It's just up the street and will be a much larger location than their previous one.
Also on the Agenda we will be moving Mom and Gerald starting today to Unity Manor from where they currently live. It'll be much closer to town for them and they will be more centrally located to everyone and closer to the hospitals. It's the perfect situation for them, Farida lives in the same building I think a couple of floors below them, so they will already have friends that live there.
I'll be assisting with Mom's move and Michelle will be assisting with her companies move. I'm not working for RTI today but will head out next week until the end of the quarter or they shut us down. Next Thursday will be the 1st, so I know we'll be done by then if not before.
Have yourselves a great day. Happy Moving Day
Thursday, June 24, 2021
Photo Flashback Thursday
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
Tuesdays Tidbits
* It has been 21,025 days since I was born, that is 21 years using my new and improved 991 day Calender. I prefer my calendar as it is the best calendar and it is variable.
* It has been 6,256 days since I graduated from WVU with a Degree in Geography. I also have a minor in Communications and a Minor in History.* 4,072 days ago I proposed to Michelle, 4:00 in the morning in the back yard. It was no surprise, she knew it was coming.
* It was 3,594 days ago in front of our closest friends and family, Michelle and I became husband and wife at the Marilla Center, then we feasted like Kings and Queens.
* I have now lived 1,234 days longer than my Dad did and I'm still going strong.
* I have 3,886 days to go until I retire, give or take a few hundred days here or there.
* The next Backyard Brawl where we beat Pitt's ass in Football is only 446 days away.
* There are 185 more shopping days left until Christmas 2021. You still have plenty of time.
* The next Anniversary of my 21st Birthday will be in 162 more days.
* There are 44 more days to go until Michelle and I celebrate our Tenth Wedding Anniversary together. =)
* I have written 6,440 blogs in the now 16 1/2+ years since I started blogging.
* Drone still needs to be sent out for repairs, not a big priority at this time.
* Have yourselves a great day.
Monday, June 21, 2021
Mom had had enough of her laptop, it was about 5 years old and the internal power supply had become loose. It had seen its better days and she was ready for something new. I talked her into getting a new Chromebook, considering all that she does is surf the web it would be perfect for her. I have this exact same one that Michelle and I both use to travel with, thin, powerful enough to do whatever you need for it to do and light.
Speaking Mom and Gerald, they will be moving to Unity Manor here in Morgantown in the next week or so. Everything is done with the exception of physically moving them. They will be closer to town and more centrally located to anything and everything they may need and it'll be more convenient for everyone in both sides of the family to visit them. I told Gerald with his big personality and sense of humor he's going to be a rock star there.
Michelle must like her job, she's going back for another week of She is Happy to be back to work. Me, I'm heading to Republic PA today to work for RTI. We're going to see if we can catch Pennsylvania up to where it needs to be following this past year and Covid.
Have yourselves a great day.
Hi ho hi ho
Sunday, June 20, 2021
Sunday Morning Ramblings
We had a busy day yesterday, started off with us going to Canonsburg to take Hayley's long-lost cats to her and see them after their return from San Diego. They loved it out there but said it's too big of a city for her and wouldn't want to live there. It is a larger city with a lot going on, there are a million and a half people who live there, so I could understand her thought process.
Today is Father's Day. A day where we take a little time out and remember the Dad's of the world. My own Father has been gone for going on 22 years now, it's amazing how fast time flies and how much he is missed.
Plans for the day, grocery shopping and start preparing for working this week.I'll be in Republic PA, the home of Redstone Candy, my favorite Chocolate. It used to be only made for Christmas and Easter, but they make it year-round now. What a place for me to be working and I'll be there until the quarter ends o=r they shut us down to close out the quarter.
It's West Virginia Day. We were founded as a state 158 years ago today.
Have yourselves a great day.
Saturday, June 19, 2021
Happy Birthday Erica Jean Nicholson
Saturday Morning Ramblings
Friday, June 18, 2021
Big Ole Hairy Friday
Thursday, June 17, 2021
Photo Flashback Thursday
Wednesday, June 16, 2021
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
Tuesday's Tidbits
* It has been 21,018 days since I was born, that is 21 years using my new and improved 991 day Calender. I prefer my calendar as it is the best calendar and it is variable.
* It has been 6,249 days since I graduated from WVU with a Degree in Geography. I also have a minor in Communications and a Minor in History.* 4,065 days ago I proposed to Michelle, 4:00 in the morning in the back yard. It was no surprise, she knew it was coming.
* It was 3,587 days ago in front of our closest friends and family, Michelle and I became husband and wife at the Marilla Center, then we feasted like Kings and Queens.
* I have now lived 1,227 days longer than my Dad did and I'm still going strong.
* I have 3,893 days to go until I retire, give or take a few hundred days here or there.
* The next Backyard Brawl where we beat Pitt's ass in Football is only 453 days away.
* There are 192 more shopping days left until Christmas 2021. You still have plenty of time.
* The next Anniversary of my 21st Birthday will be in 169 more days.
* There are 51 more days to go until Michelle and I celebrate our Tenth Wedding Anniversary together. =)
* There are only 5 days until the start of Summer 2021. My second favorite season of the year. I'm currently enjoying my favorite season. I'm ready for some nicer weather I do know that.
* I have written 6,432 blogs in the now 16 1/2+ years since I started blogging.
* Drone still needs to be sent out for repairs, not a big priority at this time.
* I think we are either at the end of the tail end of the COVID Pandemic. It's been a rough 15 months but we are starting to see everything return to normal.
* Have yourselves a great day.
Monday, June 14, 2021
It's a Hi ho hi ho kind of day
She starts with FD Kitchen's and Bath today for about a week. She will be in this location and it looks like they will be moving into their new location in the next week or so. They acquired one of the new buildings that is beside the old Atomic Grill and are finishing up their remodel there before they move in. I know she is excited to get out of the house and back into a work environment. I'm very happy for her and I know she is excited as well. Good luck Michelle.
Myself, I will be heading East, the far eastern panhandle to work for RTI this week. Martinsburg is on my radar and I'm kind of glad to be going someplace new for a few weeks. Looks like I will be there for three weeks as we continue to try to get as many interviews as we can before June 30th. The next quarter which traditionally starts July 1st will start in the middle of July to give them time to get the lead letters out for the next round of interviews. I'll be staying at the Comfort Inn in Martinsburg as the Holiday Inn did not offer any rooms at the Government rate, plus I will be closer to my segment. Kind of excited as my room has a 2 person whirlpool, their rates were low enough that I managed to get myself a Suite for the week.
Have yourselves a great day
Sunday, June 13, 2021
Friday, June 11, 2021
Saturday Morning Ramblings
Michelle and I will be doing our Sunday shopping today, we have to take Hayley's car to the airport tomorrow as Michelle will be working this upcoming week. We'll drop it off for her so she can pick it up when she gets home later this week. Doing that means we move some of tomorrow's chores to today including our weekly grocery shopping.
Weather permitting we will probably be cutting grass today as well. It's not like either one of us will be available during the week anymore to cut any, so we'll knock it out.
My travel plans were changed this upcoming week, I will not be working in Romney and will instead be spending some time in Martinsburg working. The quarter ends June 30 and we have a lot of work in that segment of the state that has not even been addressed. I've worked the Northern and Eastern Panhandle this quarter, might as well finish it in the furthest point in the panhandle. There is so much work that they are bringing in someone from Virginia to work half of it as we are now allowed to cross state lines to work.
Have yourselves a great day.
Big Ole Hairy Friday...the return
Thursday, June 10, 2021
Photo Flashback Thursday
Wednesday, June 09, 2021
Tuesday, June 08, 2021
Tuesday's Tidbits
* It has been 21,011 days since I was born, that is 21 years using my new and improved 991 day Calender. I prefer my calendar as it is the best calendar and it is variable.
* It has been 6,242 days since I graduated from WVU with a Degree in Geography. I also have a minor in Communications and a Minor in History.* 4,058 days ago I proposed to Michelle, 4:00 in the morning in the back yard. It was no surprise, she knew it was coming.
* It was 3,580 days ago in front of our closest friends and family, Michelle and I became husband and wife at the Marilla Center, then we feasted like Kings and Queens.
* I have now lived 1,220 days longer than my Dad did and I'm still going strong.
* I have 3,900 days to go until I retire, give or take a few hundred days here or there.
* The next Backyard Brawl where we beat Pitt's ass in Football is only 460 days away.
* There are 199 more shopping days left until Christmas 2021. You still have plenty of time.
* The next Anniversary of my 21st Birthday will be in 176 more days.
* There are 58 more days to go until Michelle and I celebrate our Tenth Wedding Anniversary together. =)
* There are only 12 days until the start of Summer 2021. My second favorite season of the year. I'm currently enjoying my favorite season. I'm ready for some nicer weather I do know that.
* I have written 6,425 blogs in the now 16 1/2+ years since I started blogging.
* Drone still needs to be sent out for repairs, not a big priority at this time.
* We're actually Green for COVID for Monongalia County, although most of the rest of the state is red you can track the state stats HERE. We're still Orange on the Harvard map though.
* Have yourselves a great day.
Monday, June 07, 2021
Mission Accomplished
I carried her Dad's remains in one arm and her in the other as Michelle and I gave her away to become Tyler's bride. I think it is one of the most honored that I have ever been in my life, that she allowed me to not only be a part of it, but in such an important role that I was honored to do. I am proud to call this young woman my daughter, oh and today also happens to be her Birthday. Reach out to her and wish this beautiful young lady a very happy birthday.
Sunday, June 06, 2021
Return Road Trip
Michelle and I will be bringing two different cars back. I'll drive ours back home and she is going to take Hayley and Tyler's car to Canonsburg to pick up Hayley's cats before she returns home. I'll be home before her and hopefully will have the car unloaded before she gets home.
It's going to be a long and busy day of traveling, tomorrow we'll be heading out and doing our weekly shoppings that we did not do due to our trip.
Have yourselves a great day, we're coming home.
Saturday, June 05, 2021
Wedding Day
Happy 50th Birthday Gary Hall
It's Gary Allen Hall's birthday today, I've lost count as to how many years he is old, but I'm 21 so that should make him about....the Big 5-0 today. Unfortunately Hayley is getting married today so I can't surprise him for his 50'th, so if everyone would help we can blow his phone up at (681) 214-8667 =)
Gary is currently living in the Moundsville area and getting his business back up and running. He's really got the right mindset this time and he is more than capable of making it all happen and cornering the construction market in the area. He is an amazing Carpenter and all around carpenter.
Not sure what he has planned for today, I wouldn't be afraid to wager that he is probably working today, but that is just my guess.
If you happen to see or talk to Gary today, make sure that you take a minute or two to wish him a very Happy Birthday today.
Happy 50th Birthday Little Brother.
Friday, June 04, 2021
Rehearsal Day
Thursday, June 03, 2021
Road Trip
Wednesday, June 02, 2021
Tuesday, June 01, 2021
Tuesday's Tidbits
* It has been 21,004 days since I was born, that is 21 years using my new and improved 991 day Calender. I prefer my calendar as it is the best calendar and it is variable.
* It has been 6,235 days since I graduated from WVU with a Degree in Geography. I also have a minor in Communications and a Minor in History.* 4,051 days ago I proposed to Michelle, 4:00 in the morning in the back yard. It was no surprise, she knew it was coming.
* It was 3,573 days ago in front of our closest friends and family, Michelle and I became husband and wife at the Marilla Center, then we feasted like Kings and Queens.
* I have now lived 1,213 days longer than my Dad did and I'm still going strong.
* I have 3,907 days to go until I retire, give or take a few hundred days here or there.
* The next Backyard Brawl where we beat Pitt's ass in Football is only 467 days away.
* There are 206 more shopping days left until Christmas 2021. You still have plenty of time.
* The next Anniversary of my 21st Birthday will be in 183 more days.
* There are 65 more days to go until Michelle and I celebrate our Tenth Wedding Anniversary together. =)
* There are only 19 days until the start of Summer 2021. My second favorite season of the year. I'm currently enjoying my favorite season. I'm ready for some nicer weather I do know that.
* I have written 6,418 blogs in the now 16 1/2+ years since I started blogging.
* Drone still needs to be sent out for repairs, not a big priority at this time.
* Corona Virus, you can still track it as it is now starting to pick up steam and the numbers are decreasing.
* We're actually Green for COVID for Monongalia County, although most of the rest of the state is red you can track the state stats HERE. We're still Orange on the Harvard map though.
* Have yourselves a great day.