
Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Hump Day

Two days down, to more ahead of us, that could only mean that if you peer up and over that dreaded noon time hump, you can see the dawn of another weekend off in the Distance. It's all downhill from here.

This is actually my slowest night of the week, I had Softball Monday Night, I worked last night and will work tomorrow night as Michelle will be in Charleston, so this is my one night this week when I can come home after my office job and actually relax a little bit.

You would think that after having a two week break (basically) from Blogging that that I would have a whole lot to talk about, truth be told that I really don't. Last week was filled with a bunch of information that a Geography Geek would like, someone who is into Digital Geospatial Data, but it would be boring to eveyone else. Need an example? Last week I got to meet Bill Moreland, he is the Senior Developer at ESRI and the guy responsible for ArcEdit and many of the Easter Eggs that were associated with the Software. Exciting to me, but pretty much boring to anyone who never used ArcEdit.

Have yourselves a great day.

Hi ho hi ho

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