
Monday, March 19, 2012

Back to Work

It's time for all the fun to cease and time for those of who work Monday thru Friday to put our noses back to the grindstone for another week of work. Stop the partying and get back to work in other words.

As a re-wind for yesterday we really didn't get into too much, did our grocery shopping and a little spring cleaning. Michelle scrubbed out the fridge as I cleaned a totally messy and unorganized computer desk. I pay all my bills electronically, but when a bill comes in the mail I put in next to my computer and let it stack up. It just needed cleaned up, my computer needed blown out and everything needed cleaned so we did that.

Yesterday afternoon I started to get the garden ready for 2012. I still have some mint growing from last season, but I tore everything else up including the weeds that had started to grow there and tilled all the soil up. I would imagine we'll start planning soon, we're still in the planning stage as to what we want to grow this year. Eliminate the things we didn't have much success on and grow more things that we did.

Now it's back to the office today, it is once again a lifting and a cardio day (I do cardio every day), so it's time to get in there and going.

Hi ho hi ho

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