
Monday, September 04, 2017

Labor Day

If you are one of those people who work for a living, people who do something every day to make this world a better place, take a bow and thank you.

If you are fortunate enough to have this as a paid Holiday, then you should consider yourself one of the lucky ones. Both Michelle and I enjoy that privilege where our employers tell us that we are going to pay you for today, but go ahead and take the day off.

On the other hand, I have new furniture scheduled to be delivered tomorrow and I have some preparation work to do. We've been purging a number of things as to keep us off the show hoarders and we are going to steam clean the carpets today in preparation of our new furniture being delivered tomorrow. Most of the thanks goes to Michelle as she bagged and boxed up a bunch of VHS tapes and movies that we will never play again (we stream everything now from my MyCloud) and had no use for anymore. We're going to simplify our living room and possibly move the Christmas tree to another location this season.

If you are lucky enough to have this day off, enjoy it and thank you for all you do.

Hi ho oh no not today.

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