
Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Hump Day

Two days in, Check. Two more ahead of us, check. Now all we have to do is get our butts up and over that noon time hump and we will be able to see the dawn of another weekend off in the horizon for us all to enjoy.

I have to say that I have changed the way I write my blog a little bit. I used to do it every day the day before at work during down periods, but those times are behind me now as my days are quite busy, challenging and quick as I am busy. Now I write them the day before still, but usually in the wee hours before I go to work. So while this is posting Wednesday at 3:00 AM, I'm actually writing this at about 5:45 AM the day before.

It just seems my creative juices seem to flow a little more in the early morning as I have always been an early morning person. A trait I think I got from my Grandparents, who would always start their days in the middle of the night. I remember my Grandmother would do laundry on Saturdays, and she was up at 1:00 or 2:00 AM starting it. Sunday dinners, same thing she was up very early starting to make her delicious home made roles that she used to make.

Some people function best during the day, some late night like my brother Gary, me I'm early morning and I think I will be that way until I die. I figure it's been 21 years (how old I am) and I'm not going to change now.

Have yourselves a great day, make it a memorable one.

Hi ho hi ho

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