
Saturday, June 01, 2013

Saturday Morning Ramblings

Here I sit once again in a quiet household, I'm the only one here who has recovered from a losing battle with the sandman last night, and of course I was the first to lose that battle as well. I'm up early trying to find something on Netflix, but have been playing around on the computer for most of the morning so far.

We launched a new website last night, was born and was done to assist Michelle in her new business venture. If the site does not open up for you, and it should, it's the DNS servers setting and should be 100% functional by the end of the weekend. I would imagine that since it is a new domain it is going to be working now. All I did was redirect and mask Michelle's consultant page so it all appears under her domain name. We're going to do everything we can to assist her in getting this wonderful opportunity going.

I've got to work on my brakes on the Taurus this morning and then I think we are going to plant our garden finally this year. I've held off a couple of times due to cold fronts, now it's time to get it into the ground and growing.

Weather is going ton be nice and warm today, get out and enjoy it.

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