
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tuesday's Tidbits

* Well Monday is now behind everyone, it was easier for some of than others, with that being said I still can't think of a better reason to do a tidbits.

* It has been 1,705 days since Michelle and my first date together.

* 928 days ago I got down on one knee and proposed marriage.

* We have been happily married for 465 days and counting now.

* There are 42 more shopping days left until Christmas. Wow is Christmas really only six weeks away? I know people who have already put up their Christmas trees.

* Ran to Comcast yesterday. Had to exchange a DVR receiver and exchanged my modem to grab a faster one. Everything seemed to be a little outdated, so I exchanged them and even got a better package and more features for a cheaper price believe it or not.

* This is only going to be a four day workweek due to yesterdays holiday, next week we are both taking off Friday after Thanksgiving to make it a four day weekend for us.

* Michelle's High School Reunion is that weekend.

* Over the next coming weeks there are some things we are going to be doing including our bi-annual carpet steaming, putting up a Christmas Tree, baking cookies, heading back home for Michelle's reunion, heading back for her family Christmas, Christmas shopping and probably a few other unexpected things.

* Hi ho hi ho

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