
Friday, September 11, 2009

Eight Years Ago

It was eight years ago that at about this time that the blog is actually posting that this country changed forever. It was September 11, 2001 and I was watching Jerry Springer as I did not have to work that Tuesday morning and I had but one class that evening. The day was mine and a little after 9:00 they interrupted Jerry Springer to bring a Special Report.

My eyes were peeled to the television for the rest of that fateful day. America had came under attack, a terrorist group lead by Osama Bin Laden had decided to send two airplanes into the World Trade Centers, One into the Pentagon and planned to put one into the Capital Building, but brave souls aboard US Air Flight 93 would not allow this to happen.

It's been eight years, one President failed to get Bin Laden and to the current President I beg you, get this man.

Remember those who died on 9-11 and all of those who have died protecting us since then.

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