Yes it is once again that time of the week that we all look foreword to, when we can take time to cease the labors for the week and take a little bit of needed time out to enjoy the fruits of those labors. It is once again the dawn of another weekend and a Big Ole Hairy Friday.
Here we go again, FRIDAY!!! It's going to be a big weekend, first and foremost Sunday is Super Bowl Sunday. The Kansas City Chiefs will take on the San Francisco 49ers and compete for possession of a Lombardi Trophy. My prediction you might ask? I'm going with the Chiefs from the AFC to win it all and bring home the hardware. Kansas City is a 1.5 point favorite and I have to put faith in Patrick Mahomes to bring home the hardware and be the games MVP. These are my predictions in case anyone was interested.
Jim and Chris are having an Auction tomorrow at their store down in Cassville. At Press time the auction zip site does not have their auction on there, so everyone will have to wait until tomorrow mornings blog to find anything out about it.
This is my last day working for AECOM, the Management Services Division has been sold to the affiliates of American Securities LLC and Lindsay Goldberg. Yours truly is being credited for naming our inter-services website. They asked for names and my selection was chosen as the site where 30,000 of us will collaborate. The company asked for permission to use my name and and said there will be a small token of appreciation what ever that is supposed to mean.
Have yourselves a great day.
Hi ho hi ho
Friday, January 31, 2020
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Photo Flashback Thursday
Once a week I like to take a little bit of time out, time to look at some of the 30,000+ images that I have either captured with a Camera, Scanned or just simply stolen off the internet. Little lost moments in time that I post up and relive tight here for everyone while I try to recall the moments around that image. Sometimes it's pretty easy to find that image and sometimes it's a challenge, although one thing it always is is a whole lot of fun for me.
This pic dates back almost ten years, back to 2010 and when Sadie was the family pet. She used to get super excited when we were going to take a walk on the trails, because she knew she got to go with us. It was something that she really enjoyed and loved to do.
I miss my walks with Sadie, we would just hit the trail and play the music and forget anything and everything that could be troubling us for a while as we just enjoyed being in nature and having a lot of fun.
Have yourselves a great day.
Hi ho hi ho
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Tuesday's Tidbits
* Monday is over with, and I still hate snow. Time for a tidbits.
* It has been 20,509 days since my birth, so count your blessings that I am here and especially if you know me. Each and every one of us make this a special place.
* It has been 5,735 days since I graduated from WVU with a Degree in Geography, with an emphasis in Geographical Informational Science (GIS), a field that I do love.
* 4,336 days ago Michelle and I had our first date together, she still loves me all these years later.
* 3,560 days ago I proposed to Michelle, 4:00 in the morning in the back yard. She knew it was coming, I just made her wait.
* It was 4,002 days ago in front of our closest friends and family, Michelle and I became Husband and Wife. Seems like just yesterday.
* I have now lived 723 days longer than my Dad did and I'm still going. It brings how short life is into perspective, especially with all that has been happening around us lately, that brings it all into perspective.
* I have 4,340 days to go until I retire, give or take a few hundred days here or there, like I said I love what I do and who knows when I would retire.
* The next Backyard brawl where we beat Pitt's ass in Football is only 947 days away, we are under 1,000 days until we kick some Panther butt.
* 338 more days to go until my Goodbye 2020 Blog is posted, recapping my year. I swear I just did one of these lol
* There are 331 more shopping days left until Christmas 2020. Relax you have plenty of time.
* My next Anniversary of my 21st Birthday will be in 308 more days. I've lost count as to how many anniversaries this is.
* There are 182 more days to go until Michelle and I celebrate our Ninth Wedding Anniversary together.
* There are 65 days until Michelle and I head to Pittsburgh to see Reba in concert.
* There are only 53 days until the start Spring 2020, the time of the year that I love so much although to date we have not really had much of a winter.
* 5 more days until Phil steps to center stage again for Groundhogs Day. Come on Phil, I'm counting on you.
* I have written 5,908 blogs in the now 15 1/4 years since I started blogging.
* No drone flights this weekend, but that has pretty much been my recurring theme this year with that.
* I have a number of birthdays coming up in the next week of friends and family, January is a busy month for Birthdays.
* I'm putting in to go to the ESRI Users Conference again this July in San Diego. Both Michelle and I had a great time there last year.
* I know Kim and Terri are going to DC in March, looks like I'm going to beat them by a month when I go down in a few weeks.
* I think Hayley has picked the colors for her wedding, Blush Pink, Ivory and Gold.
* Have I ever mentioned I hate snow? It's been a mild winter, but I just wanted to point that out.
* They STILL have not found Mountie Python, the 15' snake that escaped in Sabraton this summer.. He even has his own twitter account.
* I'm STILL converting some old VHS tapes to Digital Format for Trish. I really need to get back on this as I am such a procrastinator.
* Have yourselves a great day.
* Hi ho hi ho
* It has been 20,509 days since my birth, so count your blessings that I am here and especially if you know me. Each and every one of us make this a special place.
* It has been 5,735 days since I graduated from WVU with a Degree in Geography, with an emphasis in Geographical Informational Science (GIS), a field that I do love.
* 4,336 days ago Michelle and I had our first date together, she still loves me all these years later.
* 3,560 days ago I proposed to Michelle, 4:00 in the morning in the back yard. She knew it was coming, I just made her wait.
* It was 4,002 days ago in front of our closest friends and family, Michelle and I became Husband and Wife. Seems like just yesterday.
* I have now lived 723 days longer than my Dad did and I'm still going. It brings how short life is into perspective, especially with all that has been happening around us lately, that brings it all into perspective.
* I have 4,340 days to go until I retire, give or take a few hundred days here or there, like I said I love what I do and who knows when I would retire.
* The next Backyard brawl where we beat Pitt's ass in Football is only 947 days away, we are under 1,000 days until we kick some Panther butt.
* 338 more days to go until my Goodbye 2020 Blog is posted, recapping my year. I swear I just did one of these lol
* There are 331 more shopping days left until Christmas 2020. Relax you have plenty of time.
* My next Anniversary of my 21st Birthday will be in 308 more days. I've lost count as to how many anniversaries this is.
* There are 182 more days to go until Michelle and I celebrate our Ninth Wedding Anniversary together.
* There are 65 days until Michelle and I head to Pittsburgh to see Reba in concert.
* There are only 53 days until the start Spring 2020, the time of the year that I love so much although to date we have not really had much of a winter.
* 5 more days until Phil steps to center stage again for Groundhogs Day. Come on Phil, I'm counting on you.
* I have written 5,908 blogs in the now 15 1/4 years since I started blogging.
* No drone flights this weekend, but that has pretty much been my recurring theme this year with that.
* I have a number of birthdays coming up in the next week of friends and family, January is a busy month for Birthdays.
* I'm putting in to go to the ESRI Users Conference again this July in San Diego. Both Michelle and I had a great time there last year.
* I know Kim and Terri are going to DC in March, looks like I'm going to beat them by a month when I go down in a few weeks.
* I think Hayley has picked the colors for her wedding, Blush Pink, Ivory and Gold.
* Have I ever mentioned I hate snow? It's been a mild winter, but I just wanted to point that out.
* They STILL have not found Mountie Python, the 15' snake that escaped in Sabraton this summer.. He even has his own twitter account.
* I'm STILL converting some old VHS tapes to Digital Format for Trish. I really need to get back on this as I am such a procrastinator.
* Have yourselves a great day.
* Hi ho hi ho
Monday, January 27, 2020
All good things must come to an end, and that does in fact include those fun filled things that we refer to as weekends even though I worked through the weekend. Now it's time to strap em up, and stick our collective noses back onto that grindstone for another fun filled week of doing what it is we do for a living.
My weekend of working will extend for me into this evening as I will be heading out into the field after work today to conduct at least 1 and as many as 3 interviews today. It's been a pretty productive quarter so far for the West Virginia team even though we are down 40% of our work force. We have brought in some travelers and they have done a fantastic job filling in.
Michelle's company has a big announcement coming up this weekend. It might be worth paying attention if you have any interest in what they do (put people to work in good paying jobs). More to come on that later in the week.
I have three transitional meetings this week, we are transitioning from my current employer into a break off company this time next week. More to follow on that when it happens.
Have yourselves a great day.
Hi ho hi ho
My weekend of working will extend for me into this evening as I will be heading out into the field after work today to conduct at least 1 and as many as 3 interviews today. It's been a pretty productive quarter so far for the West Virginia team even though we are down 40% of our work force. We have brought in some travelers and they have done a fantastic job filling in.
Michelle's company has a big announcement coming up this weekend. It might be worth paying attention if you have any interest in what they do (put people to work in good paying jobs). More to come on that later in the week.
I have three transitional meetings this week, we are transitioning from my current employer into a break off company this time next week. More to follow on that when it happens.
Have yourselves a great day.
Hi ho hi ho
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Here I sit yet once again in a quiet household, my co-author is somewhere sniffing around and I'm sitting here collecting my ingenious thoughts for the day. The Steve Martin movie the Lonely Guy is playing on the boob tube behind me.
What's on my agenda for the day. Let's see Grocery Shopping, run to the bakery, weekly chores around the house, pay a few bills and then it's out into the field to do a little more field work for RTI. I had a decent day yesterday, didn't conduct any interviews but have some set up for tomorrow evening.
It rained most of the day yesterday and my windshield wipers were in serious need of replacement, so I went to Advance Auto and got a really good set. It has probably been a year since I replaced them and one was just starting to tear away from the blade, so that was a good time to get them replaced. They needed it, I just had put it off for a while. Heavy rains Friday night convinced me that they needed to be changed so I did it yesterday morning.
I did plan my itinerary for the ESRI Federal Users Conference in a couple of weeks. There are so many things to see and do, so many training and tip sessions that it can be a little bit overwhelming. This will be my third Federal Users Conference and fourth overall where Jack Dangermond is there and the Keynote speaker at the Plenary Session. I've put in for San Diego once again this year, keeping my fingers crossed on that one.
Have yourselves a great day, stay warm and dry.
Hi ho hi ho
What's on my agenda for the day. Let's see Grocery Shopping, run to the bakery, weekly chores around the house, pay a few bills and then it's out into the field to do a little more field work for RTI. I had a decent day yesterday, didn't conduct any interviews but have some set up for tomorrow evening.
It rained most of the day yesterday and my windshield wipers were in serious need of replacement, so I went to Advance Auto and got a really good set. It has probably been a year since I replaced them and one was just starting to tear away from the blade, so that was a good time to get them replaced. They needed it, I just had put it off for a while. Heavy rains Friday night convinced me that they needed to be changed so I did it yesterday morning.
I did plan my itinerary for the ESRI Federal Users Conference in a couple of weeks. There are so many things to see and do, so many training and tip sessions that it can be a little bit overwhelming. This will be my third Federal Users Conference and fourth overall where Jack Dangermond is there and the Keynote speaker at the Plenary Session. I've put in for San Diego once again this year, keeping my fingers crossed on that one.
Have yourselves a great day, stay warm and dry.
Hi ho hi ho
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Saturday Morning Ramblings
Here I sit in a quiet household, my co-author is fast asleep in the bedroom and I'm out here watching who knows what on the TV. I'm trying to wake up from the butt kicking I took last night from that dreaded Sandman and starting to plan out my day.
What are my plans for the day? You guessed it, I'm out in the field once again today working for RTI. I'm still working my way through my second segment and trying to open up all of my lines. I went out Thursday evening for a couple of scheduled interviews and managed to find two cooperative households and managed to get my interviews. Hopefully today I can either make it the rest of the way through my roster to have all lines open, or I can get some interviews taking up my time doing that. Weather is kind of bad today, interviews would be my preference.
That's going to be pretty much my agenda for the whole weekend, I'm planning on going out again tomorrow afternoon and working followed up by a couple of evenings of field work this week. It's next weekend, aka Super Bowl Sunday, that I may want to take one day off.
If you are looking for something to do today as well as stay in, a co-worker likes to build models and is pretty good doing it. He's has been on multiple magazine covers with some of his builds and goes into a remarkable level of detail. Starting at noon today until noon tomorrow, they are doing a 24 hour build on Facebook. This is the 14th year for them doing it and it all started in his basement, this year I think they are up to 150 builders around the world that are participating in this years build. I tuned in last year and found a few models that I really enjoyed. It's not streamed or anything, but there will be periodic pictures from everyone. It kept me interested last year, might be worth a watch.
Have yourselves a great day.
Hi ho hi ho
What are my plans for the day? You guessed it, I'm out in the field once again today working for RTI. I'm still working my way through my second segment and trying to open up all of my lines. I went out Thursday evening for a couple of scheduled interviews and managed to find two cooperative households and managed to get my interviews. Hopefully today I can either make it the rest of the way through my roster to have all lines open, or I can get some interviews taking up my time doing that. Weather is kind of bad today, interviews would be my preference.
That's going to be pretty much my agenda for the whole weekend, I'm planning on going out again tomorrow afternoon and working followed up by a couple of evenings of field work this week. It's next weekend, aka Super Bowl Sunday, that I may want to take one day off.
If you are looking for something to do today as well as stay in, a co-worker likes to build models and is pretty good doing it. He's has been on multiple magazine covers with some of his builds and goes into a remarkable level of detail. Starting at noon today until noon tomorrow, they are doing a 24 hour build on Facebook. This is the 14th year for them doing it and it all started in his basement, this year I think they are up to 150 builders around the world that are participating in this years build. I tuned in last year and found a few models that I really enjoyed. It's not streamed or anything, but there will be periodic pictures from everyone. It kept me interested last year, might be worth a watch.
Have yourselves a great day.
Hi ho hi ho
Friday, January 24, 2020
Big Ole Hairy Friday
Yes it is once again that time of the week that we all look foreword to, when we can take time to cease the labors for the week and take a little bit of needed time out to enjoy the fruits of those labors. It is once again the dawn of another weekend and a Big Ole Hairy Friday.
What is on my agenda for the weekend, what else I'm going out and working this weekend. Probably both days, but we'll have to see that is always subjective. I took off last Sunday, so you just never know. I guess it all comes down to how heavy of a caseload I have and how desperate we are in need for my services since we still haven't filled a number of positions in the state.
Michelle doesn't have any plans this weekend, but she'll be busy next weekend as Jim and Chris will be having their monthly auction at that time. Specific details will be provided when they become available.
Have yourselves a great day
Hi ho hi ho
What is on my agenda for the weekend, what else I'm going out and working this weekend. Probably both days, but we'll have to see that is always subjective. I took off last Sunday, so you just never know. I guess it all comes down to how heavy of a caseload I have and how desperate we are in need for my services since we still haven't filled a number of positions in the state.
Michelle doesn't have any plans this weekend, but she'll be busy next weekend as Jim and Chris will be having their monthly auction at that time. Specific details will be provided when they become available.
Have yourselves a great day
Hi ho hi ho
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Photo Flashback Thursday
Once a week I like to take a little bit of time out, time to look at some of the 30,000+ images that I have either captured with a Camera, Scanned or just simply stolen off the internet. Little lost moments in time that I post up and relive tight here for everyone while I try to recall the moments around that image. Sometimes it's pretty easy to find that image and sometimes it's a challenge, although one thing it always is is a whole lot of fun for me.
This weeks pic goes all the way back to 2009, almost 11 years ago. We were having a little get together that day to celebrate Hayley's 16th Birthday and we had the families over to help her celebrate.
This weeks pic is my sister Pam giving me that has been referred to as the Hall Salute. I don't know why, but everyone always seems to want to flip me off and as you can tell by the video it is something that has been happening to me for years.
Have yourselves a great day
Hi ho hi ho
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Tuesday's Tidbits
* Monday is over with, can't think of a better reason to do a tidbits.
* It has been 20,502 days since my birth, so count your blessings that I am here and especially if you know me. Each and every one of us make this a special place.
* It has been 5,728 days since I graduated from WVU with a Degree in Geography, with an emphasis in Geographical Informational Science (GIS), a field that I do love.
* 4,329 days ago Michelle and I had our first date together, she still loves me all these years later.
* 3,553 days ago I proposed to Michelle, 4:00 in the morning in the back yard. She knew it was coming, I just made her wait.
* It was 3,095 days ago in front of our closest friends and family, Michelle and I became Husband and Wife. Seems like just yesterday.
* I have now lived 716 days longer than my Dad did and I'm still going. It brings how short life is into perspective, especially with all that has been happening around us lately, that brings it all into perspective.
* I have 4,347 days to go until I retire, give or take a few hundred days here or there, like I said I love what I do and who knows when I would retire.
* The next Backyard brawl where we beat Pitt's ass in Football is only 954 days away, we are under 1,000 days until we kick some Panther butt.
* 345 more days to go until my Goodbye 2020 Blog is posted, recapping my year. I swear I just did one of these lol
* There are 338 more shopping days left until Christmas 2020. Relax you have plenty of time.
* My next Anniversary of my 21st Birthday will be in 315 more days. I've lost count as to how many anniversaries this is.
* There are 189 more days to go until Michelle and I celebrate our Ninth Wedding Anniversary together.
* There are 72 days until Michelle and I head to Pittsburgh to see Reba in concert.
* There are only 60 days until the start Spring 2020, the time of the year that I love so much although to date we have not really had much of a winter.
* 12 more days until Phil steps to center stage again for Groundhogs Day. Come on Phil, I'm counting on you.
* I have written 5,901 blogs in the now 15 1/4 years since I started blogging.
* No drone flights this weekend, but that has pretty much been my recurring theme this year with that.
* I have a number of birthdays coming up in the next week of friends and family, January is a busy month for Birthdays.
* I'm putting in to go to the ESRI Users Conference again this July in San Diego. Both Michelle and I had a great time there last year.
* I know Kim and Terri are going to DC in March, looks like I'm going to beat them by a month when I go down in a few weeks.
* I think Hayley has picked the colors for her wedding, Blush Pink, Ivory and Gold.
* Have I ever mentioned I hate snow? It's been a mild winter, but I just wanted to point that out.
* They STILL have not found Mountie Python, the 15' snake that escaped in Sabraton this summer.. He even has his own twitter account.
* I'm STILL converting some old VHS tapes to Digital Format for Trish. I really need to get back on this as I am such a procrastinator.
* Have yourselves a great day.
* Hi ho hi ho
* It has been 20,502 days since my birth, so count your blessings that I am here and especially if you know me. Each and every one of us make this a special place.
* It has been 5,728 days since I graduated from WVU with a Degree in Geography, with an emphasis in Geographical Informational Science (GIS), a field that I do love.
* 4,329 days ago Michelle and I had our first date together, she still loves me all these years later.
* 3,553 days ago I proposed to Michelle, 4:00 in the morning in the back yard. She knew it was coming, I just made her wait.
* It was 3,095 days ago in front of our closest friends and family, Michelle and I became Husband and Wife. Seems like just yesterday.
* I have now lived 716 days longer than my Dad did and I'm still going. It brings how short life is into perspective, especially with all that has been happening around us lately, that brings it all into perspective.
* I have 4,347 days to go until I retire, give or take a few hundred days here or there, like I said I love what I do and who knows when I would retire.
* The next Backyard brawl where we beat Pitt's ass in Football is only 954 days away, we are under 1,000 days until we kick some Panther butt.
* 345 more days to go until my Goodbye 2020 Blog is posted, recapping my year. I swear I just did one of these lol
* There are 338 more shopping days left until Christmas 2020. Relax you have plenty of time.
* My next Anniversary of my 21st Birthday will be in 315 more days. I've lost count as to how many anniversaries this is.
* There are 189 more days to go until Michelle and I celebrate our Ninth Wedding Anniversary together.
* There are 72 days until Michelle and I head to Pittsburgh to see Reba in concert.
* There are only 60 days until the start Spring 2020, the time of the year that I love so much although to date we have not really had much of a winter.
* 12 more days until Phil steps to center stage again for Groundhogs Day. Come on Phil, I'm counting on you.
* I have written 5,901 blogs in the now 15 1/4 years since I started blogging.
* No drone flights this weekend, but that has pretty much been my recurring theme this year with that.
* I have a number of birthdays coming up in the next week of friends and family, January is a busy month for Birthdays.
* I'm putting in to go to the ESRI Users Conference again this July in San Diego. Both Michelle and I had a great time there last year.
* I know Kim and Terri are going to DC in March, looks like I'm going to beat them by a month when I go down in a few weeks.
* I think Hayley has picked the colors for her wedding, Blush Pink, Ivory and Gold.
* Have I ever mentioned I hate snow? It's been a mild winter, but I just wanted to point that out.
* They STILL have not found Mountie Python, the 15' snake that escaped in Sabraton this summer.. He even has his own twitter account.
* I'm STILL converting some old VHS tapes to Digital Format for Trish. I really need to get back on this as I am such a procrastinator.
* Have yourselves a great day.
* Hi ho hi ho
Monday, January 20, 2020
Martin Luther King Jr Birthday (not really)
Well my weekend extends one more day as today is the day we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr's Birthday (although he shares a birthday with my wife in reality), which makes it a Federal Holiday meaning my office is closed today. The rest of you who don;t get to enjoy the holiday, time to stick those collective noses back onto the grindstone.
I am going out and working today, I'm just going to go out and do field work for RTI. Since taking yesterday off, I thought it was the least that I could do was go out today. I can work some daylight hours, hopefully that prevents me from going out after dark too many times this week. It's just a difficult time of the year to get people to come to the door and participate, much less when it's dark out. I figure since it is MLK Day, I would go out and try to make my community better.
Michelle is in the office today while I get to sleep in a little bit (like I sleep in the wee hours), they are getting ready to move their office to Clarksburg next month and she has a lot to do to get that office up and running.
Have yourselves a great day.
Hi hp hi ho
I am going out and working today, I'm just going to go out and do field work for RTI. Since taking yesterday off, I thought it was the least that I could do was go out today. I can work some daylight hours, hopefully that prevents me from going out after dark too many times this week. It's just a difficult time of the year to get people to come to the door and participate, much less when it's dark out. I figure since it is MLK Day, I would go out and try to make my community better.
Michelle is in the office today while I get to sleep in a little bit (like I sleep in the wee hours), they are getting ready to move their office to Clarksburg next month and she has a lot to do to get that office up and running.
Have yourselves a great day.
Hi hp hi ho
Sunday, January 19, 2020
A Day Off
Here I sit on a quiet Sunday Morning, Peanut and I are up and discussing the quality of programming in television today compared to the 1970's. She contends TV is better now, of course she is only a few years old and I tell her all the good shows were done in the 70's. She just doesn't get it.
I'm actually going to take the day off today from working. I have cases to work, but sometimes you just need to step back and refresh yourself a little bit. I usually have long stretches of consecutive days worked, but it's a Holiday weekend and it rained all day yesterday and I would just like to enjoy one of my three days to myself.
Apple products must be engineered to have a limited lifespan. Coming back from St Louis my Apple Watch had the face come off of it, popped out of the seating and I could have bought a newer model for what it would have cost to have it reseated, so I bought a 3 series (we had the 2). Michelle and I bought our watches a couple weeks apart a few years ago, now hers did the same thing mine did but on a different angle. So being the good husband I am, I sent her to Best Buy to buy herself a new one. She too got the Apple 3, so it's an upgrade for her as well. She's happy now, it's amazing how much these devices become an extension of you and everything you do on a daily basis.
So what are my plans for the day? I may see if I can find a Copy of HR Block Tax Cut. It's the software we use every year to do our taxes and I'm going to need a 2019 version of it to this years taxes.
Have yourselves a great day.
I'm actually going to take the day off today from working. I have cases to work, but sometimes you just need to step back and refresh yourself a little bit. I usually have long stretches of consecutive days worked, but it's a Holiday weekend and it rained all day yesterday and I would just like to enjoy one of my three days to myself.
Apple products must be engineered to have a limited lifespan. Coming back from St Louis my Apple Watch had the face come off of it, popped out of the seating and I could have bought a newer model for what it would have cost to have it reseated, so I bought a 3 series (we had the 2). Michelle and I bought our watches a couple weeks apart a few years ago, now hers did the same thing mine did but on a different angle. So being the good husband I am, I sent her to Best Buy to buy herself a new one. She too got the Apple 3, so it's an upgrade for her as well. She's happy now, it's amazing how much these devices become an extension of you and everything you do on a daily basis.
So what are my plans for the day? I may see if I can find a Copy of HR Block Tax Cut. It's the software we use every year to do our taxes and I'm going to need a 2019 version of it to this years taxes.
Have yourselves a great day.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Saturday Morning Ramblings
Well here I sit once again in a quiet household, my co-author Peanut is slacking and is no where to be found on this fine morning. I'm up collecting my thoughts for the day and thinking about what movie I might put on.
Today's festivities include me going out to work today for RTI. I'm starting a new section, so fresh faces and new people to meet. I've pretty much knocked out the larger section and didn't have a whole lot of luck on that one.
I did get some good news at work yesterday, I put in to go to the ESRI Federal Users Conference last December and even registered for the event just in case I got the approval to go. We have a 60 day contract extension at work and it fell within that time period and it was going to be hard to get approved for that due to that. Surprise, got my approvals yesterday and will be going to Washington DC to be there the 10th to the 13th. Got my hotel booked and my car rented, I'm all ready to go just waiting on the date. We were also told if there was any training we wanted to go to, target some mid summer dates after the transition. Can anyone guess where I'm putting in for? I'll give you a HINT. =)
I think Michelle has scheduled herself a message this morning. I'll be out doing field work and she will be being pampered. I wonder of I can convince her to change
Have yourselves a great day.
Hi ho hi ho
Today's festivities include me going out to work today for RTI. I'm starting a new section, so fresh faces and new people to meet. I've pretty much knocked out the larger section and didn't have a whole lot of luck on that one.
I did get some good news at work yesterday, I put in to go to the ESRI Federal Users Conference last December and even registered for the event just in case I got the approval to go. We have a 60 day contract extension at work and it fell within that time period and it was going to be hard to get approved for that due to that. Surprise, got my approvals yesterday and will be going to Washington DC to be there the 10th to the 13th. Got my hotel booked and my car rented, I'm all ready to go just waiting on the date. We were also told if there was any training we wanted to go to, target some mid summer dates after the transition. Can anyone guess where I'm putting in for? I'll give you a HINT. =)
I think Michelle has scheduled herself a message this morning. I'll be out doing field work and she will be being pampered. I wonder of I can convince her to change
Have yourselves a great day.
Hi ho hi ho
Friday, January 17, 2020
Big Ole Hairy Friday
Yes it is once again that time of the week that we all look foreword to, when we can take time to cease the labors for the week and take a little bit of needed time out to enjoy the fruits of those labors. It is once again the dawn of another weekend and a Big Ole Hairy Friday and a Holiday Weekend.
Monday is Martin Luther King Jr's Birthday (he was actually born on the 15th and shares a birthday with my lovely wife), although we actually celebrate it Federally as the third Monday in January. It is a Federal Holiday Monday, so that means I in fact get a three day (although I will work off of them) weekend.
What does Friday mean for me? Well at work we order Pizza Al's it seems like every Friday. It's been a tradition pretty much from the guys I work with. It's a little slice of heaven before the final afternoon of work for the week.
Have yourselves a great day today.
Hi ho hi ho
Monday is Martin Luther King Jr's Birthday (he was actually born on the 15th and shares a birthday with my lovely wife), although we actually celebrate it Federally as the third Monday in January. It is a Federal Holiday Monday, so that means I in fact get a three day (although I will work off of them) weekend.
What does Friday mean for me? Well at work we order Pizza Al's it seems like every Friday. It's been a tradition pretty much from the guys I work with. It's a little slice of heaven before the final afternoon of work for the week.
Have yourselves a great day today.
Hi ho hi ho
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Photo Flashback Thursday
Once a week I like to take a little bit of time out, time to look at some of the 30,000+ images that I have either captured with a Camera, Scanned or just simply stolen off the internet. Little lost moments in time that I post up and relive tight here for everyone while I try to recall the moments around that image. Sometimes it's pretty easy to find that image and sometimes it's a challenge, although one thing it always is is a whole lot of fun for me.
This weeks pic was kind of easy for me, I just chose one from this past Summer when Michelle and I flew out to the West Coast and I went to the ESRI Conference in sunny Southern California. This picture was taken at the Pacific Ocean in the Northern Part of San Diego. She had found this pier close to Sea World and wanted me to see it.
So one morning before we left, we hopped in the car and headed out to this pier. It was actually my first time seeing the Pacific Ocean and it was a bit of a thrill for me.
Have yourselves a great day.
Hi ho hi ho
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Happy Birthday Michelle Dawn Hall
I would like to take this opportunity to wish someone very special to me a very Happy Birthday today. My heart and soul, my wife is celebrating her birthday on this day along with her Sister Chris who shares the same Birthday.
Michelle is the spice of my life, my best friend and soul mate is enjoying the start of another trip around this rock we call home.
Not sure what we're going to do yet, but I'll figure something out before the day is over.
Michelle is an amazing woman, someone who has endured the loss of a husband and had to raise two kids on her own. Someone that has seen a career have ups and downs and she always seems to land in a better situation that before. Someone who does not quit and has remarkable determination and drive to get done what ever it takes to get done. She is my hero and my inspiration.
If you happen to see this lovely lady today, make sure you wish her a very Happy Birthday today.
Hi ho hi ho
Michelle is the spice of my life, my best friend and soul mate is enjoying the start of another trip around this rock we call home.
Not sure what we're going to do yet, but I'll figure something out before the day is over.
Michelle is an amazing woman, someone who has endured the loss of a husband and had to raise two kids on her own. Someone that has seen a career have ups and downs and she always seems to land in a better situation that before. Someone who does not quit and has remarkable determination and drive to get done what ever it takes to get done. She is my hero and my inspiration.
If you happen to see this lovely lady today, make sure you wish her a very Happy Birthday today.
Hi ho hi ho
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Tuesday's Tidbits
* Monday is over with, can't think of a better reason to do a tidbits.
* It has been 20,495 days since my birth, so count your blessings that I am here and especially if you know me. Each and every one of us make this a special place.
* It has been 5,721 days since I graduated from WVU with a Degree in Geography, with an emphasis in Geographical Informational Science (GIS), a field that I do love.
* 4,322 days ago Michelle and I had our first date together, she still loves me all these years later.
* 3,546 days ago I proposed to Michelle, 4:00 in the morning in the back yard. She knew it was coming, I just made her wait.
* It was 3,088 days ago in front of our closest friends and family, Michelle and I became Husband and Wife. Seems like just yesterday.
* I have now lived 709 days longer than my Dad did and I'm still going. It brings how short life is into perspective, especially with all that has been happening around us lately, that brings it all into perspective.
* I have 4,354 days to go until I retire, give or take a few hundred days here or there, like I said I love what I do and who knows when I would retire.
* The next Backyard brawl where we beat Pitt's ass in Football is only 961 days away, we are under 1,000 days until we kick some Panther butt.
* 352 more days to go until my Goodbye 2020 Blog is posted, recapping my year. I swear I just did one of these lol
* There are 345 more shopping days left until Christmas 2020. Relax you have plenty of time.
* My next Anniversary of my 21st Birthday will be in 322 more days. I've lost count as to how many anniversaries this is.
* There are 196 more days to go until Michelle and I celebrate our Ninth Wedding Anniversary together.
* There are 79 days until Michelle and I head to Pittsburgh to see Reba in concert.
* There are only 67 days until the start Spring 2020, the time of the year that I love so much although to date we have not really had much of a winter.
* 19 more days until Phil steps to center stage again for Groundhogs Day. Come on Phil, I'm counting on you.
* I have written 5,894 blogs in the now 15 1/4 years since I started blogging.
* No drone flights this weekend, but that has pretty much been my recurring theme this year with that.
* I have a number of birthdays coming up in the next week of friends and family.
* I kind of got dinged by Corporate about a couple of blogs that I wrote last month, I was revealing information that has yet to be made public and they requested I remove it so I did. Don't try to figure it out, it's all gone. It's nice to know
* I was talking to Kim and Terri this weekend, they are going to make a trip to Washington DC in March. I don't think Terri has seen our nations capital yet, so she should have a good time.
* Would you believe Jimmy Buffett announced another Pittsburgh Concert this year after abandoning us 2 of the last 3 years. Would you believe I did not buy tickets and Michelle and I are not going this year.
* Have I ever mentioned I hate snow? It's been a mild winter, but I just wanted to point that out.
* They STILL have not found Mountie Python, the 15' snake that escaped in Sabraton this summer.. He even has his own twitter account.
* I'm STILL converting some old VHS tapes to Digital Format for Trish. I really need to get back on this as I am such a procrastinator.
* Have yourselves a great day.
* Hi ho hi ho
* It has been 20,495 days since my birth, so count your blessings that I am here and especially if you know me. Each and every one of us make this a special place.
* It has been 5,721 days since I graduated from WVU with a Degree in Geography, with an emphasis in Geographical Informational Science (GIS), a field that I do love.
* 4,322 days ago Michelle and I had our first date together, she still loves me all these years later.
* 3,546 days ago I proposed to Michelle, 4:00 in the morning in the back yard. She knew it was coming, I just made her wait.
* It was 3,088 days ago in front of our closest friends and family, Michelle and I became Husband and Wife. Seems like just yesterday.
* I have now lived 709 days longer than my Dad did and I'm still going. It brings how short life is into perspective, especially with all that has been happening around us lately, that brings it all into perspective.
* I have 4,354 days to go until I retire, give or take a few hundred days here or there, like I said I love what I do and who knows when I would retire.
* The next Backyard brawl where we beat Pitt's ass in Football is only 961 days away, we are under 1,000 days until we kick some Panther butt.
* 352 more days to go until my Goodbye 2020 Blog is posted, recapping my year. I swear I just did one of these lol
* There are 345 more shopping days left until Christmas 2020. Relax you have plenty of time.
* My next Anniversary of my 21st Birthday will be in 322 more days. I've lost count as to how many anniversaries this is.
* There are 196 more days to go until Michelle and I celebrate our Ninth Wedding Anniversary together.
* There are 79 days until Michelle and I head to Pittsburgh to see Reba in concert.
* There are only 67 days until the start Spring 2020, the time of the year that I love so much although to date we have not really had much of a winter.
* 19 more days until Phil steps to center stage again for Groundhogs Day. Come on Phil, I'm counting on you.
* I have written 5,894 blogs in the now 15 1/4 years since I started blogging.
* No drone flights this weekend, but that has pretty much been my recurring theme this year with that.
* I have a number of birthdays coming up in the next week of friends and family.
* I kind of got dinged by Corporate about a couple of blogs that I wrote last month, I was revealing information that has yet to be made public and they requested I remove it so I did. Don't try to figure it out, it's all gone. It's nice to know
* I was talking to Kim and Terri this weekend, they are going to make a trip to Washington DC in March. I don't think Terri has seen our nations capital yet, so she should have a good time.
* Would you believe Jimmy Buffett announced another Pittsburgh Concert this year after abandoning us 2 of the last 3 years. Would you believe I did not buy tickets and Michelle and I are not going this year.
* Have I ever mentioned I hate snow? It's been a mild winter, but I just wanted to point that out.
* They STILL have not found Mountie Python, the 15' snake that escaped in Sabraton this summer.. He even has his own twitter account.
* I'm STILL converting some old VHS tapes to Digital Format for Trish. I really need to get back on this as I am such a procrastinator.
* Have yourselves a great day.
* Hi ho hi ho
Monday, January 13, 2020
Now it is time to stop with all of the fun we were having and stick our collective noses back onto the Grindstone for another fun filled week of doing what it is that we do for a living. For me, that just means I go from doing field work to doing office work for the day.
I hope everyone had a good weekend, I can't complain and I think Michelle and I had a pretty good one.
I did enjoy some unseasonably warm weather this past weekend, I know when I was out working Saturday I noticed Pearl Indicated that it was 71° when I pulled back into the driveway, hopefully we will get some nice weather this afternoon as I am firing up the GPS at work for the first time in 2020 and going and locating stuff to put into GIS.
Looking ahead I do have a couple meetings this week, we are switching our entire phone system over to a VOIP Phone that has some pretty neat features associated with them including video calls on the internal network (see phone). I already have mine in place and it is working, they just haven't retired the 30+ year old phones (work horses) just yet, I have to go for training on these new phones so that they can tell me what I have already played around with and figured out on my
Have yourselves a great day
Hi ho hi ho
I hope everyone had a good weekend, I can't complain and I think Michelle and I had a pretty good one.
I did enjoy some unseasonably warm weather this past weekend, I know when I was out working Saturday I noticed Pearl Indicated that it was 71° when I pulled back into the driveway, hopefully we will get some nice weather this afternoon as I am firing up the GPS at work for the first time in 2020 and going and locating stuff to put into GIS.
Looking ahead I do have a couple meetings this week, we are switching our entire phone system over to a VOIP Phone that has some pretty neat features associated with them including video calls on the internal network (see phone). I already have mine in place and it is working, they just haven't retired the 30+ year old phones (work horses) just yet, I have to go for training on these new phones so that they can tell me what I have already played around with and figured out on my
Have yourselves a great day
Hi ho hi ho
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Sunday Morning Ramblings
Here I sit in a semi-quiet household, I'm up and ready to start my day after I write my morning blog. Peanut is no where to be found (slacker) and once again I have no idea what is on the TV (can you tell I never watch it).
Michelle will be heading out this morning with Alice (Tyler's Mom) and heading up to Pennsylvania to visit a wedding venue for Hayley and Tyler's wedding next year. They are starting to look for venues and Hayley found this one, one where Amanda and Joey got married a few years ago.
A bit of sad news to report, I saw on Facebook yesterday that an old Texas Hold Em Poker buddy and father of one of my co-workers had passed away yesterday. Condolences go out to the entire Barry family, Charlie was a very good man and I always enjoyed the brief moments in time that we were all together.
Me, I'm out doing field work again this afternoon. I did finally get my first interview of 2020 yesterday which is always a good thing to get. I was kind of surprised that the software wasn't yielding any interviews and was kind of shocked a few times, but yesterday it yielded it's first person to be interviewed and fortunately they obliged.
I did stop over for about an hour yesterday and helped celebrate Mom's 77th Birthday. Kim and Terri organized something at Golden Coral and we all met up there to wish her a Happy Birthday.
Have yourselves a great day today.
Hi ho hi ho
Michelle will be heading out this morning with Alice (Tyler's Mom) and heading up to Pennsylvania to visit a wedding venue for Hayley and Tyler's wedding next year. They are starting to look for venues and Hayley found this one, one where Amanda and Joey got married a few years ago.
A bit of sad news to report, I saw on Facebook yesterday that an old Texas Hold Em Poker buddy and father of one of my co-workers had passed away yesterday. Condolences go out to the entire Barry family, Charlie was a very good man and I always enjoyed the brief moments in time that we were all together.
Me, I'm out doing field work again this afternoon. I did finally get my first interview of 2020 yesterday which is always a good thing to get. I was kind of surprised that the software wasn't yielding any interviews and was kind of shocked a few times, but yesterday it yielded it's first person to be interviewed and fortunately they obliged.
I did stop over for about an hour yesterday and helped celebrate Mom's 77th Birthday. Kim and Terri organized something at Golden Coral and we all met up there to wish her a Happy Birthday.
Have yourselves a great day today.
Hi ho hi ho
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Happy Birthday Sandra Irene Bell
I would like to take this opportunity to wish my Mother Sandra Irene Bell a very Happy 56th Anniversary of her 21st Birthday today, that would make her 29 Years old or 77 if you use the old fashioned method of counting.
I know Kim and Terri are to have a Birthday Breakfast for her at Golden Coral this morning, I'm going to try to make an appearance today before I go out to work. Seems that that has been the common place to meet up for Birthdays over the last decade or so, so it was the most likely place to go. Tradition as they say.
Not sure what the rest of her day involves, but I would imagine it will be her spending some time with Gerald as he is still recovering from surgery this summer.
If you happen to see Sandra Irene today, make sure that you take a little bit of time out and wish her a very Happy Birthday today.
Happy Birthday Mom.
I know Kim and Terri are to have a Birthday Breakfast for her at Golden Coral this morning, I'm going to try to make an appearance today before I go out to work. Seems that that has been the common place to meet up for Birthdays over the last decade or so, so it was the most likely place to go. Tradition as they say.
Not sure what the rest of her day involves, but I would imagine it will be her spending some time with Gerald as he is still recovering from surgery this summer.
If you happen to see Sandra Irene today, make sure that you take a little bit of time out and wish her a very Happy Birthday today.
Happy Birthday Mom.
Here I sit in a quiet household, no co-authors anywhere to be found and I'm here waking up and collecting my thoughts for the day. No idea what is playing on the noise box (TV) behind me, it's just on for noise anymore as I never seem to watch anything other than a few sporting events.
What is on my agenda for today? I'm out in the field trying to screen people and get a few interviews for RTI. I've been out a couple of times already, but today and tomorrow will my first shot at at trying to find people home on weekends.
Michelle got some news this week, they are shutting down their Fairmont office within the next couple of months and opening three new offices. One will be a satellite office here in Morgantown that she already has access to. They are opening a new office in South Point near Canonsburg and they just purchased the 9 story Goff Building in Clarksburg and that will serve as the main office that she will work out of but she will be at all three (actually 4 if you include Charleston) sites on a weekly basis. They are a rapidly growing company in an ever changing market.
Have yourselves a Great Day
Hi ho Hi ho
What is on my agenda for today? I'm out in the field trying to screen people and get a few interviews for RTI. I've been out a couple of times already, but today and tomorrow will my first shot at at trying to find people home on weekends.
Michelle got some news this week, they are shutting down their Fairmont office within the next couple of months and opening three new offices. One will be a satellite office here in Morgantown that she already has access to. They are opening a new office in South Point near Canonsburg and they just purchased the 9 story Goff Building in Clarksburg and that will serve as the main office that she will work out of but she will be at all three (actually 4 if you include Charleston) sites on a weekly basis. They are a rapidly growing company in an ever changing market.
Have yourselves a Great Day
Hi ho Hi ho
Friday, January 10, 2020
Big Ole Hairy Friday
Yes it is once again that time of the week that we all look foreword to, when we can take time to cease the labors for the week and take a little bit of needed time out to enjoy the fruits of those labors. It is once again the dawn of another weekend and a Big Ole Hairy Friday.
We finally made it to Friday, which means Pizza for Lunch in the Office. Woo Hoo I love Pizza.
My weekend plans should be pretty predictable, I'm going out and working for RTI both days and hitting it pretty hard as this will be my first chance at a couple weekend days. I'm working here locally on both of my segments, so there won't be a whole lot of travel time this quarter which is good especially during the months of Inclement Weather for our region.
When we came back from St Louis this past weekend, as we were coming into the house my Apple Watch had popped the screen up and I couldn't get it re-seated. The Apple Watch 5 is out now and the 2's that we had are no longer even supported by Apple, so I upgraded and bought an Apple Watch 3 for about half of what I bought my Apple Watch 2 for. It's an extension of me and I have to have one, I'm addicted.
Have yourselves a great day.
Hi ho hi ho
We finally made it to Friday, which means Pizza for Lunch in the Office. Woo Hoo I love Pizza.
My weekend plans should be pretty predictable, I'm going out and working for RTI both days and hitting it pretty hard as this will be my first chance at a couple weekend days. I'm working here locally on both of my segments, so there won't be a whole lot of travel time this quarter which is good especially during the months of Inclement Weather for our region.
When we came back from St Louis this past weekend, as we were coming into the house my Apple Watch had popped the screen up and I couldn't get it re-seated. The Apple Watch 5 is out now and the 2's that we had are no longer even supported by Apple, so I upgraded and bought an Apple Watch 3 for about half of what I bought my Apple Watch 2 for. It's an extension of me and I have to have one, I'm addicted.
Have yourselves a great day.
Hi ho hi ho
Thursday, January 09, 2020
Photo Flashback Thursday
Once a week I like to take a little bit of time out, time to look at some of the 30,000+ images that I have either captured with a Camera, Scanned or just simply stolen off the internet. Little lost moments in time that I post up and relive tight here for everyone while I try to recall the moments around that image. Sometimes it's pretty easy to find that image and sometimes it's a challenge, although one thing it always is is a whole lot of fun for me.
This weeks pic keeps popping up on my timeline on Facebook. It it my lovely wife Michelle when she used to work at BFS Corporate years ago. They had a contract with Chapman Printing for their office supplies and they guy who owns Chapman Printing was pretty good friends with former Marshall Football Coach Bob Pruett.
They were pretty good friends and I think Michelle even still has his personal cell phone number that he gave her. He really liked Michelle above and beyond all of the customers they dealt with.
This picture was not his first trip to visit Michelle, he always stopped in to see her when he was in the area and even invited her to a game to watch a "Real Football Team", I would imagine that he meant WVU because he couldn't have been talking about that team down south.
Have yourselves a great day.
Hi ho hi ho
Wednesday, January 08, 2020
Tuesday, January 07, 2020
Tuesday's Tidbits
* It's been three weeks since my last tidbits, it's time.
* It has been 20,488 days since my birth, each and everyone of them is very precious.
* It has been 5,714 days since I graduated from WVU with a Degree in Geography, minors in History and Communications.
* 4,315 days ago Michelle and I had our first date together, she still loves me all these years later.
* 3,539 days ago I proposed to Michelle, 4:00 in the morning in the back yard. She knew it was coming, I just made her wait.
* It was 3,081 days ago in front of our closest friends and family, Michelle and I became Husband and Wife. Seems like just yesterday.
* I have now lived 702 days longer than my Dad did and I'm still going. It brings how short life is into perspective, especially with all that has been happening around us lately, that brings it all into perspective.
* I have 4,361 days to go until I retire, give or take a few hundred days here or there, like I said I love what I do and who knows when I would retire.
* The next Backyard brawl where we beat Pitt's ass in Football is only 968 days away, we are under 1,000 days until we kick some Panther butt.
* 359 more days to go until my Goodbye 2020 Blog is posted, recapping my year that just began.
* There are 352 more shopping days left until Christmas 2020. Relax you have time.
* My next Anniversary of my 21st Birthday will be in 329 more days. I've lost count as to how many anniversaries this is.
* There are 203 more days to go until Michelle and I celebrate our Ninth Wedding Anniversary together.
* There are 79 days until Michelle and I head to Pittsburgh to see Reba in concert.
* There are only 73 days until the start Spring 2020, the time of the year that I love so much.
* 26 more days until Phil steps to center stage again for Groundhogs Day. Come on Phil, I'm counting on you.
* I have written 5,886 blogs in the now 15 years since I started blogging.
* No drone flights this weekend, but that has pretty much been my recurring theme this year with that.
* Michelle and I had a great time in St Louis.
* We used Uber quite a lot, and even Ubered some White Castle Hamburgers to the hotel one evening.
* Michelle really like a Coffee BBQ Sauce that Sugarfire has, so she bought a bottle.
* It's back to the office for me today, it's been a nice break, but back to that work now.
* Have I ever mentioned I hate snow? Even with all the heat, I still hate snow.
* They STILL have not found Mountie Python, the 15' snake that escaped in Sabraton this summer.. He even has his own twitter account.
* I'm STILL converting some old VHS tapes to Digital Format for Trish. I really need to get back on this as I am such a procrastinator.
* Have yourselves a great day.
* Hi ho hi ho
* It has been 20,488 days since my birth, each and everyone of them is very precious.
* It has been 5,714 days since I graduated from WVU with a Degree in Geography, minors in History and Communications.
* 4,315 days ago Michelle and I had our first date together, she still loves me all these years later.
* 3,539 days ago I proposed to Michelle, 4:00 in the morning in the back yard. She knew it was coming, I just made her wait.
* It was 3,081 days ago in front of our closest friends and family, Michelle and I became Husband and Wife. Seems like just yesterday.
* I have now lived 702 days longer than my Dad did and I'm still going. It brings how short life is into perspective, especially with all that has been happening around us lately, that brings it all into perspective.
* I have 4,361 days to go until I retire, give or take a few hundred days here or there, like I said I love what I do and who knows when I would retire.
* The next Backyard brawl where we beat Pitt's ass in Football is only 968 days away, we are under 1,000 days until we kick some Panther butt.
* 359 more days to go until my Goodbye 2020 Blog is posted, recapping my year that just began.
* There are 352 more shopping days left until Christmas 2020. Relax you have time.
* My next Anniversary of my 21st Birthday will be in 329 more days. I've lost count as to how many anniversaries this is.
* There are 203 more days to go until Michelle and I celebrate our Ninth Wedding Anniversary together.
* There are 79 days until Michelle and I head to Pittsburgh to see Reba in concert.
* There are only 73 days until the start Spring 2020, the time of the year that I love so much.
* 26 more days until Phil steps to center stage again for Groundhogs Day. Come on Phil, I'm counting on you.
* I have written 5,886 blogs in the now 15 years since I started blogging.
* No drone flights this weekend, but that has pretty much been my recurring theme this year with that.
* Michelle and I had a great time in St Louis.
* We used Uber quite a lot, and even Ubered some White Castle Hamburgers to the hotel one evening.
* Michelle really like a Coffee BBQ Sauce that Sugarfire has, so she bought a bottle.
* It's back to the office for me today, it's been a nice break, but back to that work now.
* Have I ever mentioned I hate snow? Even with all the heat, I still hate snow.
* They STILL have not found Mountie Python, the 15' snake that escaped in Sabraton this summer.. He even has his own twitter account.
* I'm STILL converting some old VHS tapes to Digital Format for Trish. I really need to get back on this as I am such a procrastinator.
* Have yourselves a great day.
* Hi ho hi ho
Monday, January 06, 2020
We are Home
We finally made it home last night at about 8:30 ish PM. I have to say that we had a great trip, I am once again recertified to work 2020 for RTI and we are all good for the year including receiving my new equipment.
I have to say, this was our best trip to St. Louis out of 4 so far. The first year the Arch was closed down for construction, the second year I went alone and it was sub zero both days so I didn't make it to the Arch. Last year there was a Government Shut Down at the start of the year and the Arch was closed due to that. This year however the weather was perfect, above freezing and pretty much in the comfortable range the entire time we were there.
Saturday Night we finally got our chance after Michelle purchased our tickets online to go up into the Arch and take the tram to the top. I posted a number of pictures on Facebook of our adventure and even live streamed it for a little while. Our timing was absolutely perfect as the sun was just starting to sit on the St Louis side and was a breath taking view as it dropped below the horizon.
Today I am off work from the office and will return tomorrow, but this afternoon I am going out into the field to start my 2020 First Quarter Field work all refreshed with all new gear. We have a number of Sunday Morning chores for the morning however that we will have to get done. Michelle is my rock and will get a few of those done on her own as I'm out in the field.
Have yourselves a great day.
Hi ho hi ho
I have to say, this was our best trip to St. Louis out of 4 so far. The first year the Arch was closed down for construction, the second year I went alone and it was sub zero both days so I didn't make it to the Arch. Last year there was a Government Shut Down at the start of the year and the Arch was closed due to that. This year however the weather was perfect, above freezing and pretty much in the comfortable range the entire time we were there.
Saturday Night we finally got our chance after Michelle purchased our tickets online to go up into the Arch and take the tram to the top. I posted a number of pictures on Facebook of our adventure and even live streamed it for a little while. Our timing was absolutely perfect as the sun was just starting to sit on the St Louis side and was a breath taking view as it dropped below the horizon.
Today I am off work from the office and will return tomorrow, but this afternoon I am going out into the field to start my 2020 First Quarter Field work all refreshed with all new gear. We have a number of Sunday Morning chores for the morning however that we will have to get done. Michelle is my rock and will get a few of those done on her own as I'm out in the field.
Have yourselves a great day.
Hi ho hi ho
Sunday, January 05, 2020
We're coming home.
We will be leaving St Louis today and heading back home. All the training and re-certification has been completed and we're ready to come home.
We'll be flying out of St Louis on Southwest Airlines 1548 and should be arriving back in Pittsburgh sometime this evening around 5:30 before getting in our car and returning home.
As always St Louis was fun (for Michelle) as I was in class for a couple of days. I'm sure she has grabbed a few memorable pictures that we either have or will share with everyone.
We will be home this evening, and we will both be on Vacation tomorrow from our normal jobs, I will be going out tomorrow afternoon to start my quarter off for RTI.
Have a great day.
We'll be flying out of St Louis on Southwest Airlines 1548 and should be arriving back in Pittsburgh sometime this evening around 5:30 before getting in our car and returning home.
As always St Louis was fun (for Michelle) as I was in class for a couple of days. I'm sure she has grabbed a few memorable pictures that we either have or will share with everyone.
We will be home this evening, and we will both be on Vacation tomorrow from our normal jobs, I will be going out tomorrow afternoon to start my quarter off for RTI.
Have a great day.
Saturday, January 04, 2020
The second day of training
It's day two of our training, we'll be dismissed sometime this afternoon after we finish the days festivities. Training is always two days and the second day is usually things like managing stress and a couple of other workshops. If I certified last night then I'll have a big hole in my schedule today, if not then I'll have that to do today.
Luckily I don't have to rush out to the airport and this evening like some of my co-workers and Michelle and I will be free to explore St Louis on our own tonight. We don't even leave until later tomorrow and will won't even have to leave the hotel until later in the morning so it could be a fun night in St Louis for the both of us.
We'll be enjoying this evening, might even do a Facebook live for everyone this evening.
Have a great day today, make it memorable.
Luckily I don't have to rush out to the airport and this evening like some of my co-workers and Michelle and I will be free to explore St Louis on our own tonight. We don't even leave until later tomorrow and will won't even have to leave the hotel until later in the morning so it could be a fun night in St Louis for the both of us.
We'll be enjoying this evening, might even do a Facebook live for everyone this evening.
Have a great day today, make it memorable.
Friday, January 03, 2020
A Day of Traning
Here I sit in St Louis and ready to go to my first day of training today. I'll be issued all new equipment today as I retire my computer and tablet that I have used the last 3 1/2 years doing this job.
My day will pretty much start off with me eating breakfast in the place in the picture. This is where are served our breakfast and lunches, we are on our own for dinner.
Today is a full day of training and I volunteered to go for my re-certification tonight like I did last year. So there is a possibility this could be a long day for me, if not then Michelle and I will probably go out to dinner with everyone from my crew.
This is the first of two days of training and re-certification for me.
Have yourselves a great day.
Hi ho hi ho
My day will pretty much start off with me eating breakfast in the place in the picture. This is where are served our breakfast and lunches, we are on our own for dinner.
Today is a full day of training and I volunteered to go for my re-certification tonight like I did last year. So there is a possibility this could be a long day for me, if not then Michelle and I will probably go out to dinner with everyone from my crew.
This is the first of two days of training and re-certification for me.
Have yourselves a great day.
Hi ho hi ho
Thursday, January 02, 2020
Off to St Louis

We'll be flying out today on Southwest Airlines flight 224 on a direct flight to St. Louis. Of all the airlines I fly, Southwest in my opinion is above and beyond all other airlines so I'm happy that is who we are flying with.
We'll arrive in St Louis early this afternoon, and we will have most of the day to ourselves as all I have to do is simply check in with RTI and that is my only obligation today. Weather permitting this year and it should be, we're going to buy tickets for the Tram to ride to the top of the Arch.
Have yourselves a great day.
Wednesday, January 01, 2020
Happy New Years!!!!
Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind?
Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and old lang syne?
For auld lang syne, my dear,
for auld lang syne,
we'll take a cup of kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.
And surely you’ll buy your pint cup!
and surely I’ll buy mine!
And we'll take a cup o’ kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.
We two have run about the slopes,
and picked the daisies fine;
But we’ve wandered many a weary foot,
since auld lang syne.
We two have paddled in the stream,
from morning sun till dine†;
But seas between us broad have roared
since auld lang syne.
And there’s a hand my trusty friend!
And give me a hand o’ thine!
And we’ll take a right good-will draught,
for auld lang syne.
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