
Sunday, November 04, 2018

Sunday Morning Ramblings

Here I sit on a quiet Sunday Morning, I get to lay back down and sleep for another hour as we turned the clocks back an hour.

Yesterday was a pretty good day, obviously it is a great day when your alma mater goes on the road in front of 100,000+ people and beat a ranked team on a last second play. The Mountaineers did just that with an amazing late TD and gamble for 2 to beat Texas 42-41. Both teams needed to win this game, but only one would emerge as the winner and that was us.

Michelle and I went to Amish Country yesterday, had a great time and managed to go to a couple of places that we had yet to visit. Amish Country is like your own little story, everyone has their own things they like to see or do and we like to expand on our knowledge of the place each time we go out there. It was just a day trip and we return to normal today.

Got my new laptop from RTI and should be good to go to go out in the field today. It was simply the AC Adapter that had went bad. So my streak is in fact over and starting over with day 1. This should be a much shorter streak as next Monday is a Federal Holiday and I don't think I am going to work either section.

Have yourselves a great day today.

Hi ho hi ho

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