Thursday, October 31, 2013
Photo Flashback Thursday
Once a week I like to take a little bit of time out, time to reflect on days gone by that I have captured in pictures. Little lost moments in time that we are allowed to relive once again because someone had a camera handy and captured the moment. I like to select one of those lost moments in time and write a little something about it, briefly reliving a time and maybe stirring a few memories of some of my readers of yesteryear. Sometimes these are really easy pictures to find, it just jumps out at you saying pick me pick me. Sometimes it seems like you have looked at all the pictures over and over and it's hard to make a decision. One thing that always stands true though is that I always enjoy myself looking through the pictures.
Since this is Halloween I decided to go back and find a picture from Halloween from a years past. This particular one was three years ago, three short years ago when Michelle and I first went to her Sisters and then up to Jeans for Trick or Treating.
Every year I like to get a picture of all the kids before they go out in search of those candied treats, and this was the first one I came across so I decided to use it.
I figured I would give everyone an added bonus this year and post a second picture since there isn;t much dialog this week.
Hi ho hi ho and Trick or Treat
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Hump Day
Well we have reached that special day, the day that if you stand on your tippy toes and look over the noon time hump you can see the dawn of another weekend off in the distance. Just on the other side of a photo flashback, do you see it?
Sometimes I find funny pictures around the internet that make you think a little, sort of the like my classic Google that I used today. I can see future generations wondering if this is how we googled in the old days I think we called them Encyclopedia Britannicas.
Since tomorrow is a Photo Flashback kind of day, I think I should point out that tomorrow is also trick or treating in the area. Hopefully East Gate does not get bombarded like we did last year when our normal average allotment of trick or treaters tripled to over a thousand kids by the candy count.
Hi ho hi ho
Sometimes I find funny pictures around the internet that make you think a little, sort of the like my classic Google that I used today. I can see future generations wondering if this is how we googled in the old days I think we called them Encyclopedia Britannicas.
Since tomorrow is a Photo Flashback kind of day, I think I should point out that tomorrow is also trick or treating in the area. Hopefully East Gate does not get bombarded like we did last year when our normal average allotment of trick or treaters tripled to over a thousand kids by the candy count.
Hi ho hi ho
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Tuesday's Tidbits
* Goodbye Monday and Hello Tuesday. Tidbits anyone?
* 2,055 days since mine and Michelle's first date.
* 1,278 days ago I got down on a knee and proposed marriage.
* 815 days ago we entered into a life of marital bliss. It was the day my life changed for the better for good, I was married to my soulmate.
* 281 days to go until our Third Anniversary.
* 63 more days of blogging this year until I do my year end blog. It's one of my most favorite blogs of the year and allows me to reflect on the past 12 months according to my blog.
* 57 more shopping days left until Christmas.
* 38 days until we go and see Jeff Dunham.
* 33 days to go (my old football and softball number) to go until I reach the midpoint of my first Century on this planet. It's when I realize I'm starting to become more and more distinguished.
* We set our clocks back this Sunday Morning. You'll gain back that hour of sleep you lost this Spring as we get to the end of Daylight Savings Time and get back to real time. I guess this means days are going to start getting shorter and shorter until the start of winter.
* This is my 3,423rd blog post that I have written. Talk about starting to do something and seeing it through all the way. I'll be celebrating my 10th Anniversary as a Blogger next fall, hopefully I'll be in the middle of the Caribbean when that time comes.
* It looks like WVU Athletic Director Oliver Luck will be interviewing for the soon to be vacant Texas job. I was excited when he first came back, I haven't been much of a fan since. He did get the baseball team a good coach and a new stadium is being built, other than that I'm not impressed with him.
* Michelle's foot is feeling better, I caused her to overdue it Saturday.
* Do you like bacon? Really good bacon? Go to Streets Store in Masontown, WV and go back to the deli and have them cut you some. I'm not a big fan of bacon, but this is the best bacon I have ever eaten.
* Hi ho hi ho
* 2,055 days since mine and Michelle's first date.
* 1,278 days ago I got down on a knee and proposed marriage.
* 815 days ago we entered into a life of marital bliss. It was the day my life changed for the better for good, I was married to my soulmate.
* 281 days to go until our Third Anniversary.
* 63 more days of blogging this year until I do my year end blog. It's one of my most favorite blogs of the year and allows me to reflect on the past 12 months according to my blog.
* 57 more shopping days left until Christmas.
* 38 days until we go and see Jeff Dunham.
* 33 days to go (my old football and softball number) to go until I reach the midpoint of my first Century on this planet. It's when I realize I'm starting to become more and more distinguished.
* We set our clocks back this Sunday Morning. You'll gain back that hour of sleep you lost this Spring as we get to the end of Daylight Savings Time and get back to real time. I guess this means days are going to start getting shorter and shorter until the start of winter.
* This is my 3,423rd blog post that I have written. Talk about starting to do something and seeing it through all the way. I'll be celebrating my 10th Anniversary as a Blogger next fall, hopefully I'll be in the middle of the Caribbean when that time comes.
* It looks like WVU Athletic Director Oliver Luck will be interviewing for the soon to be vacant Texas job. I was excited when he first came back, I haven't been much of a fan since. He did get the baseball team a good coach and a new stadium is being built, other than that I'm not impressed with him.
* Michelle's foot is feeling better, I caused her to overdue it Saturday.
* Do you like bacon? Really good bacon? Go to Streets Store in Masontown, WV and go back to the deli and have them cut you some. I'm not a big fan of bacon, but this is the best bacon I have ever eaten.
* Hi ho hi ho
Monday, October 28, 2013
Is the Weekend over already??????
All good things must come to an end, and unfortunately that includes those fun filled days at the weeks end that we enjoy so much. The football is over with and it's time to get back to work, although I kind of wish a couple of the football teams I support would get back to doing a little bit of work.
Looking at the week ahead, I see that that Halloween and Trick or Treating is coming up this week. We'll be heading up to East Gate to once again hand out candy this year. It's going to be on Thursday from 6:00 - 8:00 PM. Michelle and I, mainly Michelle will be up there to help hand out Candy to all the good little boys and Girls.
Michelle is hoping that she is going to her stitches out this Friday. Her foots still a little sore from me making her climb the Grave Street Mound this weekend, but she's recovering nicely no matter what she throws at me. LOL
My brother Gary purchased a website, it's supposed to be but something tells me he has misspelled the domain name when he set it up and the guy who has it, has it until December 17, 2013 according to the whois search.
Alas, it's time I start to get read to do my morning Triple S and get my butt out the door.
Hi ho hi ho.
Looking at the week ahead, I see that that Halloween and Trick or Treating is coming up this week. We'll be heading up to East Gate to once again hand out candy this year. It's going to be on Thursday from 6:00 - 8:00 PM. Michelle and I, mainly Michelle will be up there to help hand out Candy to all the good little boys and Girls.
Michelle is hoping that she is going to her stitches out this Friday. Her foots still a little sore from me making her climb the Grave Street Mound this weekend, but she's recovering nicely no matter what she throws at me. LOL
My brother Gary purchased a website, it's supposed to be but something tells me he has misspelled the domain name when he set it up and the guy who has it, has it until December 17, 2013 according to the whois search.
Alas, it's time I start to get read to do my morning Triple S and get my butt out the door.
Hi ho hi ho.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Here I am again, first one to recover from the losing battle with the sandman from last night. He kicked my butt, yesterday evening, but I'm up and ready to do a days battle once again.
We made our trip yesterday, and we even ended up in Moundsville. I took her to see the Grave Creek Mound , which I haven't been to since I was a kid, and we managed to make it to the top of the mound. Coming down was more trouble for her, but she made it.
The old WV State Penitentiary is in the background, I think we are planning on taking another trip up there to tour the prison, her foot was a little sore at that time so we decided we'll do it another day.
Stopped at Cabelas and DiCarlos of course, couldn't head to that area without making those two stops. Michelle more than me believe it or not was craving DiCarlos.
Since Michelle has been eating bacon for breakfast recently, I went out yesterday morning and drove to Streets Store for some fresh cut bacon. I had a few co-workers talk about how good it was and the price (think no preservatives or food coloring) so I ran up and picked some up for her before we headed west. I did see a rack of Redstone Candy calling my name and I answered the call. LOL
It's a chores day, shopping and laundry. Maybe get to watch the Steelers since the Mountaineers appear to regress rather than progress as the season goes on. I haven't been too big a fan of our program since it has went 5-11 over the last 16 games. No organization, no discipline and horrible in game coaching.
Have a great day.
We made our trip yesterday, and we even ended up in Moundsville. I took her to see the Grave Creek Mound , which I haven't been to since I was a kid, and we managed to make it to the top of the mound. Coming down was more trouble for her, but she made it.
The old WV State Penitentiary is in the background, I think we are planning on taking another trip up there to tour the prison, her foot was a little sore at that time so we decided we'll do it another day.
Stopped at Cabelas and DiCarlos of course, couldn't head to that area without making those two stops. Michelle more than me believe it or not was craving DiCarlos.
Since Michelle has been eating bacon for breakfast recently, I went out yesterday morning and drove to Streets Store for some fresh cut bacon. I had a few co-workers talk about how good it was and the price (think no preservatives or food coloring) so I ran up and picked some up for her before we headed west. I did see a rack of Redstone Candy calling my name and I answered the call. LOL
It's a chores day, shopping and laundry. Maybe get to watch the Steelers since the Mountaineers appear to regress rather than progress as the season goes on. I haven't been too big a fan of our program since it has went 5-11 over the last 16 games. No organization, no discipline and horrible in game coaching.
Have a great day.
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Saturday Morning Rambling

I think we are heading west today, so that mean's we're heading towards Wheeling and making a few visits. Might just be a good day for a drive to get lost around the area, see some things that we have never seen together by taking alternative routes either there or on the way home. Might even take the GPS with us and do a little exploring.
We stopped by Michelle's Sister Chris's place last night to see how she was doing. She appears to be doing very well and well on the road to recovery. I know their other sister Danni has called them both out and challenged them to go Black Friday shopping this year. This will be the first year that all three will have went shopping together since we have been together.
Have a great day.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Big Ole Hairy Friday
Yes it is once again that time of the week that we all look foreword to, when we can take time to cease the labors for the week and take a little bit of needed time out to enjoy the fruits of those labors. It is once again the dawn of another weekend, and a Big Ole Hairy Friday.
Looking for a little bit of High School Football action this evening? The 7-1 Morgantown High Mohigans travel to Moundsville to take on John Marshall. The Also 7-1 University High Hawks travel to Kingwood to take on the Preston High School Knights. This will be the last game for these two local teams before the MoHawk Bowl next weekend. An undefeated and 6-0 Clay Battelle is at home to take on Van.
Not sure what we will be doing this weekend, but Michelle is craving a DiCarlo's Pizza so I would say that there is a VERY strong possibility of us heading towards Wheeling and picking up the delicacy. If we do head out that way, you have to make a stop at Cabelas .
Jared has spent the last week hunting with his dad and the guys, he should be home this evening according to Hayley unless they decide to stay and wait another day.
Hi ho hi ho
Looking for a little bit of High School Football action this evening? The 7-1 Morgantown High Mohigans travel to Moundsville to take on John Marshall. The Also 7-1 University High Hawks travel to Kingwood to take on the Preston High School Knights. This will be the last game for these two local teams before the MoHawk Bowl next weekend. An undefeated and 6-0 Clay Battelle is at home to take on Van.
Not sure what we will be doing this weekend, but Michelle is craving a DiCarlo's Pizza so I would say that there is a VERY strong possibility of us heading towards Wheeling and picking up the delicacy. If we do head out that way, you have to make a stop at Cabelas .
Jared has spent the last week hunting with his dad and the guys, he should be home this evening according to Hayley unless they decide to stay and wait another day.
Hi ho hi ho
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Photo Flashback Thursday
Once a week I like to take a little bit of time out, time to reflect on days gone by that I have captured in pictures. Little lost moments in time that we are allowed to relive once again because someone had a camera handy and captured the moment. I like to select one of those lost moments in time and write a little something about it, briefly reliving a time and maybe stirring a few memories of some of my readers of yesteryear. Sometimes these are really easy pictures to find, it just jumps out at you saying pick me pick me. Sometimes it seems like you have looked at all the pictures over and over and it's hard to make a decision. One thing that always stands true though is that I always enjoy myself looking through the pictures.
This weeks picture is appropriate, mainly because we had our first bit of snowfall for the year yesterday. All is well though, there is plenty of toilet paper and milk to go around after those first few drops hit the ground.
I thought this picture was sufficient to remind me more than anything else, that it could have been much worse than the few snowflakes that hit the ground in the area yesterday. I have seen 12" of snow here in October before and with the leaves still on the trees, that is a recipe for disaster.
I don't know if I have ever expressed my feelings about the cold weather and snow, but I'm honestly not a fan of snow. A couple inches Christmas eve and stay around for about a week and I'll be happy, provided it's not on the surfaces that I am trying to operate a motor vehicle on. I do love to look at snow, just as long as it is in another location rather than where I am at. For the most part however, my feelings toward snow where I am are pretty much this. I HATE SNOW!!!!!!!
Have a nice day.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Hump Da......wait a second
OK Mom, I get it, no more of my Geico Camel, or at least not this week. It is however the day after Monday and Tuesday, the day when you peek up over the noon time hump you can see the dawn of another weekend there off in the distance. Happy Photo Flashback eve day =)
I saw this picture last week and just had to pull it back up and use it. I think my Mom took a break from the midget porn and found this image and directed it towards my attention.
Michelle's sister Chris's surgery went well yesterday morning, she is still in the hospital recovering and is expected to have a quick and speedy recovery. I looked on the Auction Zip site and don't see any scheduled auctions anytime soon.
The West Virginia Grand Bash didn't sell their allotment of tickets in time and have chosen to reschedule it to January 18th. If you have purchased a ticket they will resend you a new one with your number, those of us who have already purchased tickets will be entered into an early bird drawing for $5,000. If you haven't purchased a ticket yet there is still plenty of time to do so. All proceeds go to West Virginia University Children Hospital.
Hi ho hi ho
I saw this picture last week and just had to pull it back up and use it. I think my Mom took a break from the midget porn and found this image and directed it towards my attention.
Michelle's sister Chris's surgery went well yesterday morning, she is still in the hospital recovering and is expected to have a quick and speedy recovery. I looked on the Auction Zip site and don't see any scheduled auctions anytime soon.
The West Virginia Grand Bash didn't sell their allotment of tickets in time and have chosen to reschedule it to January 18th. If you have purchased a ticket they will resend you a new one with your number, those of us who have already purchased tickets will be entered into an early bird drawing for $5,000. If you haven't purchased a ticket yet there is still plenty of time to do so. All proceeds go to West Virginia University Children Hospital.
Hi ho hi ho
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Tuesday's Tidbit
* Well that dreaded Monday is once again behind us, in our rear view mirrors and left in our dust as we head straight down the weekly highway to a Tuesday. Even if a yellow spotted purple frog came up to me singing Kumbaya backwards and in Mandarin Chinese I couldn't think of a better reason to do a tidbits. (Let's see how many people actually read that tidbit lol)
* 2,048 wonderful days ago I had the opportunity to go out on a date with someone, someone who would forever change my life for the better.
* 1,271 days ago (our 777th day of dating) I got down on one knee and proposed marriage.
* 808 Days ago in front of some people we kind of like, we exchanged our wedding vows and consumed quite a few calories at the Marilla Center.
* In 288 days we will celebrate our third wedding anniversary together.
* 70 days left this year, or as I otherwise refer to it when I do my final blog of 2013 in my Goodbye 2013 Blog. One of my favorite of the year.
* 64 more shopping days left until Christmas. That's 64 more days of threatening the little kids to be good or Santa isn't going to bring you anything. That only works for so long though. (sigh)
* We're 45 days from traveling to Pittsburgh to see Jeff Dunham. This will be mine and Michelle's fourth concert of the year. And just to think, her sister asked her if she could do two in one year.
* I have 40 more days left in my first half century and I can get full benefits for both Michelle and I with AARP.
* My Mother in Law is in town and stopped by last night. Sadie was long over due a haircut and she is the best at doing them. Michelle and I learn as we go, but Sadie isn't that cooperative for us.
* Michelle's sister Chris is having surgery today, our thoughts are with her as she recovers from hers.
* Michelle is doing a little better with her foot, it's a slow recovery process but the surgery appears to be a success.
* I need more things to count down on my blog, does anyone have any suggestions?
* I don't know if I have ever mentioned this, not only do I hate snow I hate cold weather. Brrrrrr
* This is my 3,416th blog that I have ever written. I'll be coming on my tenth anniversary as a blogger in less than a year from now. That is an awful lot of blogs and an awfully large portion of my life that I have shared with everyone over the internet.
* Hi ho hi ho
* 2,048 wonderful days ago I had the opportunity to go out on a date with someone, someone who would forever change my life for the better.
* 1,271 days ago (our 777th day of dating) I got down on one knee and proposed marriage.
* 808 Days ago in front of some people we kind of like, we exchanged our wedding vows and consumed quite a few calories at the Marilla Center.
* In 288 days we will celebrate our third wedding anniversary together.
* 70 days left this year, or as I otherwise refer to it when I do my final blog of 2013 in my Goodbye 2013 Blog. One of my favorite of the year.
* 64 more shopping days left until Christmas. That's 64 more days of threatening the little kids to be good or Santa isn't going to bring you anything. That only works for so long though. (sigh)
* We're 45 days from traveling to Pittsburgh to see Jeff Dunham. This will be mine and Michelle's fourth concert of the year. And just to think, her sister asked her if she could do two in one year.
* I have 40 more days left in my first half century and I can get full benefits for both Michelle and I with AARP.
* My Mother in Law is in town and stopped by last night. Sadie was long over due a haircut and she is the best at doing them. Michelle and I learn as we go, but Sadie isn't that cooperative for us.
* Michelle's sister Chris is having surgery today, our thoughts are with her as she recovers from hers.
* Michelle is doing a little better with her foot, it's a slow recovery process but the surgery appears to be a success.
* I need more things to count down on my blog, does anyone have any suggestions?
* I don't know if I have ever mentioned this, not only do I hate snow I hate cold weather. Brrrrrr
* This is my 3,416th blog that I have ever written. I'll be coming on my tenth anniversary as a blogger in less than a year from now. That is an awful lot of blogs and an awfully large portion of my life that I have shared with everyone over the internet.
* Hi ho hi ho
Monday, October 21, 2013
Starting Another Workweek
All good things must come to an end, and that even includes those days of the week that we look forward to all week. It's once again that time of the week where we stop the enjoyment and stick our noses back to the grindstone for another fun filled week of work.
Another update on Michelle, she knew that if this surgery did not work, the next step is having it be a full surgery in the operating room rather than a procedure in an office. It would be cutting her foot wide open as opposed to a small incision. As of last night, the only place on her foot that hurts is at the incision point and the rest of the heel does not hurt to put weight on. Looks like this may have been a successful procedure this time. Now the other foot may need to be done, but that will be way down the road as it was no where near as much of a problem as the one that was operated on.
Looking at the weather report ahead, it looks like we actually may get our first snowfall of the year this week (yuck I hate snow). I'm hoping it holds off until Christmas Eve, mainly because I'm not to fond of the white stuff.
I'm just thankful that the Federal Government opened back up officially last week, there was a rumor going around we were going to be furloughed this week, but I heard a later date as well.
Hi ho hi ho
Another update on Michelle, she knew that if this surgery did not work, the next step is having it be a full surgery in the operating room rather than a procedure in an office. It would be cutting her foot wide open as opposed to a small incision. As of last night, the only place on her foot that hurts is at the incision point and the rest of the heel does not hurt to put weight on. Looks like this may have been a successful procedure this time. Now the other foot may need to be done, but that will be way down the road as it was no where near as much of a problem as the one that was operated on.
Looking at the weather report ahead, it looks like we actually may get our first snowfall of the year this week (yuck I hate snow). I'm hoping it holds off until Christmas Eve, mainly because I'm not to fond of the white stuff.
I'm just thankful that the Federal Government opened back up officially last week, there was a rumor going around we were going to be furloughed this week, but I heard a later date as well.
Hi ho hi ho
Sunday, October 20, 2013
It's a kind of a late morning for me, Michelle recovered from the battle with the sandman before me and was up before I finally got up. I was up around 2:00 though, but laid back down after the sandman hit me again. We're up watching the Out of Towners and playing on Facebook.
Michelle is going to try to go to the grocery store with me this morning to get out a little. Her foot is feeling better with the exception of the location that they made the incision to do her surgery. She's going to try going to work tomorrow, I just have to remind her to not overdue it.
Hayley is boyfriendless this week as Jared and the guys, I would assume his dad and other relatives, have went hunting and camping for the week. Hayley even said he'll be out of cell phone coverage so they probably won't even get much if any chances to talk this week.
Mountaineers played semi-respectable yesterday, but lost an 11 point lead as we folded in the 4th quarter to a very good Texas Tech team. There was a point that I thought we were going to win, but it was just not to be. Last year we had the difference makers, this year we have a group of inexperienced players and no true difference maker like the three we had had season.
Have a great day.
Michelle is going to try to go to the grocery store with me this morning to get out a little. Her foot is feeling better with the exception of the location that they made the incision to do her surgery. She's going to try going to work tomorrow, I just have to remind her to not overdue it.
Hayley is boyfriendless this week as Jared and the guys, I would assume his dad and other relatives, have went hunting and camping for the week. Hayley even said he'll be out of cell phone coverage so they probably won't even get much if any chances to talk this week.
Mountaineers played semi-respectable yesterday, but lost an 11 point lead as we folded in the 4th quarter to a very good Texas Tech team. There was a point that I thought we were going to win, but it was just not to be. Last year we had the difference makers, this year we have a group of inexperienced players and no true difference maker like the three we had had season.
Have a great day.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Saturday Morning Ramblings
Here I sit in a quiet household, I'm the first to recover from being knocked out by the sandman last night and I'm up watching somethingoranother on the TV. I have no idea what it is, so that tells you how much I am paying attention to the television.
First off Michelle had her surgery yesterday, she has to keep her foot elevated and the local anesthetic wore off last night. She took some pain pills that were prescribed and went to bed. It's going to take a few days before she can put much weight on her foot. Her sister Chris called last night, but the sandman had already knocked Michelle unconscious for the evening. We'll see how she feels when she awakens, but that will be later this morning.
Not too much planned for us this weekend obviously, but Fox Sports 1 is broadcasting here. I stole this pic from a guy I work with, so I'll plug his personal business of 304 Dips in exchange for me stealing his photo. I feel that is a bit of free advertising.
It's homecoming here in Morgantown and the WVU Mountaineers take on Texas Tech today at noon on, you guessed it Fox Sports 1 which is channel 31 locally to the Morgantown area. I make no predictions, simply because we are in a rebuilding year and I have no idea what to honestly expect.
Have a great day.
First off Michelle had her surgery yesterday, she has to keep her foot elevated and the local anesthetic wore off last night. She took some pain pills that were prescribed and went to bed. It's going to take a few days before she can put much weight on her foot. Her sister Chris called last night, but the sandman had already knocked Michelle unconscious for the evening. We'll see how she feels when she awakens, but that will be later this morning.
Not too much planned for us this weekend obviously, but Fox Sports 1 is broadcasting here. I stole this pic from a guy I work with, so I'll plug his personal business of 304 Dips in exchange for me stealing his photo. I feel that is a bit of free advertising.
It's homecoming here in Morgantown and the WVU Mountaineers take on Texas Tech today at noon on, you guessed it Fox Sports 1 which is channel 31 locally to the Morgantown area. I make no predictions, simply because we are in a rebuilding year and I have no idea what to honestly expect.
Have a great day.
Friday, October 18, 2013
Big Ole Hairy Friday
Yes it is once again that time of the week that we all look foreword to, when we can take time to cease the labors for the week and take a little bit of needed time out to enjoy the fruits of those labors. It is once again the dawn of another weekend, and a Big Ole Hairy Friday and a three day holiday weekend for me.
First off Michelle is off today, she is having surgery on her foot (finally) for plantars fasciitis. She'll be off recovering the rest of the day so our weekend will probably be spent at home for the most part while she recovers.
Looking for a little bit of High School Football action this evening? The 6-1 Morgantown Mohigans are at home tonight against an always tough 4-2 Musselman. Chazzy Thomas needs just a handful of yards to top 2,000 on the season. The 6-1 University High Hawks will play host to 3-3 John Marshall on this side of town and the undefeated Clay Battelle Cee Bee's travel to Cameron to take on a 3-4 Cameron team.
Mountaineer Madness is this evening at the Coliseum. The 2013-4 WVU Men's and Women's basketball teams will take the floor this evening in an exhibition, I think gates open at 6:30 and it's also Homecoming weekend for the Football Team. Traffic should be heavy this weekend as we face a very tough and ranked Texas Tech team tomorrow.
WVU Officially broke ground yesterday for the new Baseball Stadium that will be constructed over the coming months. I believe it is scheduled to open in the Spring of 2015.
Hi ho hi ho
First off Michelle is off today, she is having surgery on her foot (finally) for plantars fasciitis. She'll be off recovering the rest of the day so our weekend will probably be spent at home for the most part while she recovers.
Looking for a little bit of High School Football action this evening? The 6-1 Morgantown Mohigans are at home tonight against an always tough 4-2 Musselman. Chazzy Thomas needs just a handful of yards to top 2,000 on the season. The 6-1 University High Hawks will play host to 3-3 John Marshall on this side of town and the undefeated Clay Battelle Cee Bee's travel to Cameron to take on a 3-4 Cameron team.
Mountaineer Madness is this evening at the Coliseum. The 2013-4 WVU Men's and Women's basketball teams will take the floor this evening in an exhibition, I think gates open at 6:30 and it's also Homecoming weekend for the Football Team. Traffic should be heavy this weekend as we face a very tough and ranked Texas Tech team tomorrow.
WVU Officially broke ground yesterday for the new Baseball Stadium that will be constructed over the coming months. I believe it is scheduled to open in the Spring of 2015.
Hi ho hi ho
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Photo Flashback Thursday
Once a week I like to take a little bit of time out to look through all those captured but past moments in time that we all refer to as pictures. I have either taken, scanned or collected thousands of them through the years that I like to keep on an external hard drive. I like to select just one of those lost moments of time and post it up and reflect a little on it in my blog. Sometimes this is pretty easy and sometimes it's not that easy, it is however always a whole lot of fun.
This weeks picture goes back, well more years than I am willing to admit but five years. Back to when Michelle and I had only been dating for about two months and I took her, Hayley and Wyatt out Geocaching. We started at Coopers Rock but eventually ended up at Deep Creek Lake where we got a few photo opportunities.
This is a picture of Michelle and Hayley by the swimming area. It was a place that we frequented that summer, but not so much since then. I do recall going to a pizza shop up there that was like a party pizza with a go cart track and a whole slew of video games to play.
It was a good day.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Hump Day
Guess what day it is, Guess what day it is. Wooot Wooot.
Yes it is that wonderful day of the week that if you stand up on your tippy toes and look over that noon time hump, just on the other side of a photo flashback, you can see the dawn of anther weekend off in the distance.
Well if we get any snow this month, I am 100% to blame. I had Michelle cut my hair off this past weekend and it seems like every time I do that it tends to snow. I was thinking that we had snow last year at Halloween, but that was actually Hurricane Sandy as to why everything was delayed last year.
As of the time I am writing this, the US Government is still shut down. We're getting closer and closer to the point where drastic measures may have to be taken, let's hope the adults can work something out before then.
Hi ho hi ho
Yes it is that wonderful day of the week that if you stand up on your tippy toes and look over that noon time hump, just on the other side of a photo flashback, you can see the dawn of anther weekend off in the distance.
Well if we get any snow this month, I am 100% to blame. I had Michelle cut my hair off this past weekend and it seems like every time I do that it tends to snow. I was thinking that we had snow last year at Halloween, but that was actually Hurricane Sandy as to why everything was delayed last year.
As of the time I am writing this, the US Government is still shut down. We're getting closer and closer to the point where drastic measures may have to be taken, let's hope the adults can work something out before then.
Hi ho hi ho
Happy Birthday Brittany Dae Cummings
I would like to take this opportunity to wish my beautiful niece Brittany a very Happy Birthday today.
Brittany is well on her way to graduating from West Virginia University and will be spending the Spring Semester in an internship program at Walt Disney World in the near future.
I am very proud of Brittany and everything she has worked her butt off so far to accomplish what she has, I understand what it takes and she has shown that she has as well.
If you happen to see Brittany today, make sure that you lake a little bit of time out and wish her a very Happy Birthday today.
Brittany if you are reading this, Happy Birthday from both Michelle and I.
Brittany is well on her way to graduating from West Virginia University and will be spending the Spring Semester in an internship program at Walt Disney World in the near future.
I am very proud of Brittany and everything she has worked her butt off so far to accomplish what she has, I understand what it takes and she has shown that she has as well.
If you happen to see Brittany today, make sure that you lake a little bit of time out and wish her a very Happy Birthday today.
Brittany if you are reading this, Happy Birthday from both Michelle and I.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Tuesday's Tidbits
* Well my three day Holiday weekend is over with, Columbus Day has come and passed, now it's time to look ahead towards a Tuesday. Can you think of a better reason than that to do a tidbits?
* 2,041 days ago I had the opportunity to spend an evening with a woman who would forever change my life.
* 1,264 days ago at about 4:00 in the morning in our back yard, I got down on one knee and proposed marriage to this wonderful woman.
* 801 days ago in front of our closest friends and family at the Marilla Center in Morgantown, we exchanged our Marital vows and officially began our lives together.
* In 295 days we will celebrate our third Wedding Anniversary.
* There are 77 days left until my Goodbye 2013 blog and the end of the year.
* There are 71 more shopping days left until Christmas.
* In 52 more days we will make that trip to Pittsburgh to see Jeff Dunham at the Consol Center.
* In 47 days I enter my second half century of my life, I'll turn the big 5-0 or the 29th anniversary of my 21st Birthday.
* There was a nice interview with former WVU Head Coach Rich Rodriguez where he cleared a number of things up. Yes I am one of the people who would like to see Rich come home, I think the program is heading in the wrong direction and he is the answer.
* iGoogle is going away in less than three weeks now, I think I have found a nice alternative in igHome. iGoogle has been my start up page for years, but when they shut down I think I have found a comfortable alternative that I like.
* Don't forget to get your Grand Bash Tickets.
* Hi ho hi ho
* 2,041 days ago I had the opportunity to spend an evening with a woman who would forever change my life.
* 1,264 days ago at about 4:00 in the morning in our back yard, I got down on one knee and proposed marriage to this wonderful woman.
* 801 days ago in front of our closest friends and family at the Marilla Center in Morgantown, we exchanged our Marital vows and officially began our lives together.
* In 295 days we will celebrate our third Wedding Anniversary.
* There are 77 days left until my Goodbye 2013 blog and the end of the year.
* There are 71 more shopping days left until Christmas.
* In 52 more days we will make that trip to Pittsburgh to see Jeff Dunham at the Consol Center.
* In 47 days I enter my second half century of my life, I'll turn the big 5-0 or the 29th anniversary of my 21st Birthday.
* There was a nice interview with former WVU Head Coach Rich Rodriguez where he cleared a number of things up. Yes I am one of the people who would like to see Rich come home, I think the program is heading in the wrong direction and he is the answer.
* iGoogle is going away in less than three weeks now, I think I have found a nice alternative in igHome. iGoogle has been my start up page for years, but when they shut down I think I have found a comfortable alternative that I like.
* Don't forget to get your Grand Bash Tickets.
* Hi ho hi ho
Monday, October 14, 2013
Columbus Day
Yes it is Monday, but it is also a Federal Holiday and it extends my weekend by one more day. Michelle is not so lucky, but I'm off today and will be staying home and enjoying it. Maybe taking in a nap or a movie or two.
I've been doing a good deal of research the past few months for a new camera set up. My point and shoot is good, but I have always wanted a DSLR with an interchangeable lens and a number of options that I could add to or build upon. There have been a couple that I like, but are Nikon's and I think are both in my final two. I want to finish paying off dell first due to all the 0% financing items I bought and their time frames. I found I can get the similar 0% financing at Best Buy, or Dell for the Camera, but Best Buy gives me more options and allows me to lean to what I want.
The Pittsburgh Steelers finally won their first game of the year yesterday. They beat Geno Smith and the Jets for their first win this year, which including pre-season stretches to 8 game s(4 in regular season). Michelle went ton her Sister Chris's to watch the game, but we have NEVER won anytime Chris and I watched a game together and I didn't want to extend that streak. So I stayed home and watched it.
Have a great day.
I've been doing a good deal of research the past few months for a new camera set up. My point and shoot is good, but I have always wanted a DSLR with an interchangeable lens and a number of options that I could add to or build upon. There have been a couple that I like, but are Nikon's and I think are both in my final two. I want to finish paying off dell first due to all the 0% financing items I bought and their time frames. I found I can get the similar 0% financing at Best Buy, or Dell for the Camera, but Best Buy gives me more options and allows me to lean to what I want.
The Pittsburgh Steelers finally won their first game of the year yesterday. They beat Geno Smith and the Jets for their first win this year, which including pre-season stretches to 8 game s(4 in regular season). Michelle went ton her Sister Chris's to watch the game, but we have NEVER won anytime Chris and I watched a game together and I didn't want to extend that streak. So I stayed home and watched it.
Have a great day.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Sunday Morning Grumblings
Here I sit on a quiet Sunday morning, Michelle beat the affects of the Sandman before me has already made her coffee and watching some horror movie on HBO. I've been up a couple of times, but nothing of any significance and I've yet to make my breakfast this morning. I'm slacking to say the least and Michelle is up much earlier than normal for a Sunday.
We didn't get into much yesterday other than running up to the Mall to have our rings inspected, we have to do that every 6 months to honor the lifetime warranty. For the first time since we started dealing with them it looked like an all new crew at JB Robinsons. The gentleman who served us seemed to keep making numerous errors that kind of frustrated me a little. When I bring numerous diamond items to your store for inspection and have numerous lifetime warranty laid out and organized for each and every piece of jewelry, don't try charging me $20.00 for an ear ring back. When I'm looking at something and it is quite obvious I've purchased from thee before numerous times, I either have a healthy line of credit or a lot of cash on hand. When I discuss the 0% financing at a piece we are looking for, I don't need to hear about "Lay Away" plans. And when we look at something don't tell me that s your girlfriends favorite piece of jewelry and when we inquire about another piece that all of a sudden becomes he favorite piece of jewelry. I just wonder if his wife (he was wearing a wedding ring) knows about his girlfriend. Rant over.
Time to make some breakfast and take a shower so we can go grocery shopping. Geno Smith and the Jets are playing against the Steelers this afternoon.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Saturday Morning Ramblings
Here I sit once again in a quiet household, being the first one to recover from that deadly battle with the dreaded Sandman from last night. I'm up watching I have no idea what on the TV (I am not paying much attention), and am up collecting my thoughts for the day.
In did get a little bit of fantastic news last night, It seems my niece Brittany had applied to the Disney Internship Program at Disney World. She was accepted recently into the program and she will be spending the second semester this year (January to June) working and studying at Walt Disney World Resorts. I have to say even though I loved my internship at the NRAC and it jump started my career, hers is much much cooler than anything I did and not only am I very proud of her and what she has accomplished, I'm actually quite jealous as well. Congratulations Brittany, you earned it now make the most of it.
I do have a funny story about that program. I had a guy I played softball with for years. Bob Moore was my pitcher for years and one of my favorite people I have even known. He had a son who was a character at Disney, he played a certain dog named Goofy. It was comical to hear Bob refer to his son when he did something crazy, he would use the pun "He's Just Goofy".
The Mountaineers are off today, but I still think they are underdogs to Bye, but we'll keep the score close.
No major plans for the day but I did hear a rumor yesterday that they have someone ready to occupy the K-Mart space when they close up shop in December. I've heard Gander Mountain will occupy that space from a pretty reliable source. We'll have to wait and see though.
Have a great day.
In did get a little bit of fantastic news last night, It seems my niece Brittany had applied to the Disney Internship Program at Disney World. She was accepted recently into the program and she will be spending the second semester this year (January to June) working and studying at Walt Disney World Resorts. I have to say even though I loved my internship at the NRAC and it jump started my career, hers is much much cooler than anything I did and not only am I very proud of her and what she has accomplished, I'm actually quite jealous as well. Congratulations Brittany, you earned it now make the most of it.
I do have a funny story about that program. I had a guy I played softball with for years. Bob Moore was my pitcher for years and one of my favorite people I have even known. He had a son who was a character at Disney, he played a certain dog named Goofy. It was comical to hear Bob refer to his son when he did something crazy, he would use the pun "He's Just Goofy".
The Mountaineers are off today, but I still think they are underdogs to Bye, but we'll keep the score close.
No major plans for the day but I did hear a rumor yesterday that they have someone ready to occupy the K-Mart space when they close up shop in December. I've heard Gander Mountain will occupy that space from a pretty reliable source. We'll have to wait and see though.
Have a great day.
Friday, October 11, 2013
Big Ole Hairy Friday
Yes it is once again that time of the week that we all look foreword to, when we can take time to cease the labors for the week and take a little bit of needed time out to enjoy the fruits of those labors. It is once again the dawn of another weekend, and a Big Ole Hairy Friday and a three day holiday weekend for me.
Looking for a little High School Football action? Well #3 Wheeling Park invades Morgantown tonight to do battle with the the Morgantown High Mohigans at Pony Lewis Field. The University High Hawks will play host to Logan tonight for their homecoming game and undefeated Clay Battelle is idle this week after playing this past Monday night.
If you like looking at the stars, tomorrow night from 7:00-10:00 the WVU Astronomy Club will host a Tour of the Night Sky at Chestnut Ridge Park. Admission is $2.00 per person. They will have a camp fire for making toasting marshmallows and making smores, with Hot Chocolate being served. They recommend bringing a lawn chair.
Other than that, the Mountaineers are off this weekend, the Pirates season is now over with a loss in game 5 of the NLDS against St. Louis and the weather looks like it's going to be less than cooperative.
I am off Monday for the Columbus Day Holiday, but have no idea what is happening from one day to the next with the Federal Government shutdown.
Hi ho hi ho
Looking for a little High School Football action? Well #3 Wheeling Park invades Morgantown tonight to do battle with the the Morgantown High Mohigans at Pony Lewis Field. The University High Hawks will play host to Logan tonight for their homecoming game and undefeated Clay Battelle is idle this week after playing this past Monday night.
If you like looking at the stars, tomorrow night from 7:00-10:00 the WVU Astronomy Club will host a Tour of the Night Sky at Chestnut Ridge Park. Admission is $2.00 per person. They will have a camp fire for making toasting marshmallows and making smores, with Hot Chocolate being served. They recommend bringing a lawn chair.
Other than that, the Mountaineers are off this weekend, the Pirates season is now over with a loss in game 5 of the NLDS against St. Louis and the weather looks like it's going to be less than cooperative.
I am off Monday for the Columbus Day Holiday, but have no idea what is happening from one day to the next with the Federal Government shutdown.
Hi ho hi ho
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Photo Flashback Thursday
Once a week I like to take a little bit of time out and look through all of my pictures that I have either taken, scanned or stolen of the internet through the years to select one and write a blog about. One simple lost moment in time that I live to relive and and share with everyone. Sometimes this is a pretty easy task and sometimes it's not so easy, it is always however always a whole lot fun.
This weeks pic goes back a few years, but is more than appropriate for the time. I took a trip up to Coopers Rock to take a few pictures. Here in Appalachia we have broad leaf hardwood trees that dominate the landscape. Every fall the leaves change colors and paint a majestic picture throughout the landscape making it something to see.
I bring this up now because we are getting closer to that time when that array of colors tickles the optical nerves and delivers a color euphoria that everyone should take a little time out and witness.
The nice thing about it all, this all happens very close to a place that I call home.
Make yourself some plans and maybe even a photoshoot, and go see this once a year beautiful landscape.
Hi ho hi ho
Wednesday, October 09, 2013
Hump Day
If you look up over the noon time hump, just on the other side of a Photo flashback, you can see off in the distance and see the dawn of another weekend off in the distance.
Not sure how much longer we will be working, due to the Government shutdown but we are still there for the rest of this week at the minimum. I have no predictions on what will be happening in DC with Congress, the people who ultimately decide if the Government is running or not. I have my opinion, just as everyone else, but I don't need to act like an idiot to get my point across.
My niece Amy did a series of family pictures yesterday with hers and Val's kids. I think she has that photographers eye that I wished I had but don't, and did a great job capturing those moments in time that you always look back on years later. I do have to say that I was pretty impressed with what she did and I gave her some ideas to move forward.
Hi ho hi ho
Not sure how much longer we will be working, due to the Government shutdown but we are still there for the rest of this week at the minimum. I have no predictions on what will be happening in DC with Congress, the people who ultimately decide if the Government is running or not. I have my opinion, just as everyone else, but I don't need to act like an idiot to get my point across.
My niece Amy did a series of family pictures yesterday with hers and Val's kids. I think she has that photographers eye that I wished I had but don't, and did a great job capturing those moments in time that you always look back on years later. I do have to say that I was pretty impressed with what she did and I gave her some ideas to move forward.
Hi ho hi ho
Tuesday, October 08, 2013
Tuesday's Tidbits
* Well Monday is once again behind us and we are staring straight down the barrel of a Tuesday, still can't think of a better reason than that to do a tidbits.
* The image you see is Jean's car as it was flipped on its side yesterday morning. I guess she was coming up Summers School road and lost control of it and rolled it onto the drivers side. I spoke with Val right after it happened and she seems to be alright, but my Sister Pam is trying to convince her to go to the hospital and get it checked out.
* It's been 2,034 days ago that my wonderful wife and I went out on our first date together.
* 1,257 days ago we became engaged.
* This is our 794th day of Marital Bliss.
* 302 days away from our third wedding anniversary.
* 84 more days left until my wonderful year end blog.
* There are but 78 more shopping days left until Christmas, I noticed this weekend that Walmart actually has their Christmas stuff like trees and decorations out in the stores already. A little early for my taste, but they are still out nonetheless.
* 59 more days until we go and see Jeff Dunham in Pittsburgh.
* I turn the big 5-0 in a mere and shrinking 54 days. I'm actually looking forward to the AARP discounts.
* This is my 3,401st blog post.
* There will be some adjustment for me soon, much of my trackers that I use for this blog are a part of the Google homepage iGoogle. iGoogle will be going away at the end of this month, completely changing how I see the world wide web. I think it's a step backwards from this users perspective, but they are Google and I am not. I will miss iGoogle because it has been my browser start up page for years.
* I got my 2013 flu shot yesterday, I've had a great deal of success at staying healthy the last couple of years getting flu shots, let's see if we can make it 3 in a row.
* Michelle was battling the flu once again yesterday and has had a real tough time of health issues as of late. Hopefully she is feeling better this morning.
* Hi ho hi ho
* The image you see is Jean's car as it was flipped on its side yesterday morning. I guess she was coming up Summers School road and lost control of it and rolled it onto the drivers side. I spoke with Val right after it happened and she seems to be alright, but my Sister Pam is trying to convince her to go to the hospital and get it checked out.
* It's been 2,034 days ago that my wonderful wife and I went out on our first date together.
* 1,257 days ago we became engaged.
* This is our 794th day of Marital Bliss.
* 302 days away from our third wedding anniversary.
* 84 more days left until my wonderful year end blog.
* There are but 78 more shopping days left until Christmas, I noticed this weekend that Walmart actually has their Christmas stuff like trees and decorations out in the stores already. A little early for my taste, but they are still out nonetheless.
* 59 more days until we go and see Jeff Dunham in Pittsburgh.
* I turn the big 5-0 in a mere and shrinking 54 days. I'm actually looking forward to the AARP discounts.
* This is my 3,401st blog post.
* There will be some adjustment for me soon, much of my trackers that I use for this blog are a part of the Google homepage iGoogle. iGoogle will be going away at the end of this month, completely changing how I see the world wide web. I think it's a step backwards from this users perspective, but they are Google and I am not. I will miss iGoogle because it has been my browser start up page for years.
* I got my 2013 flu shot yesterday, I've had a great deal of success at staying healthy the last couple of years getting flu shots, let's see if we can make it 3 in a row.
* Michelle was battling the flu once again yesterday and has had a real tough time of health issues as of late. Hopefully she is feeling better this morning.
* Hi ho hi ho
Monday, October 07, 2013
Back to Work
All good things must come to an end, and unfortunately that includes those fun filled days we work all week to get to. It's time to stick our noses back on the grindstone and return to doing what it is we do for a living.
I'm reporting to work, but I'm not sure how much longer as it seems there is no solution to the Government shutdown yet. I thought we we see a discharge petition this weekend to force a House vote on a clean bill and put the Government back to work, as of the time of this post this doesn't seem to be going to happen anytime soon. I'm hearing everyone where I work could be furloughed by the end of the week, but we'll have to wait and see.
We didn't do much of anything yesterday other than ht before and watched that fiasco of the Mountaineers and Baylor, so all we did yesterday was make a batch of cabbage soup, shopping and laundry. Of course we can't forget about the nap that I was able to fit in yesterday afternoon.
Looking at the week ahead, we have nothing planned for a while. We're at that time of the year when we start planning for the holidays. Trick or Treating, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. We may and I do mean may make a tip to Amish Country in Ohio, but that's just speculative right now. It's getting to be close to that time of the year when leaves start changing colors and falling off the trees. This is Michelle's time of the year, but I will always the rebirth that Spring brings us.
Hi ho hi ho
I'm reporting to work, but I'm not sure how much longer as it seems there is no solution to the Government shutdown yet. I thought we we see a discharge petition this weekend to force a House vote on a clean bill and put the Government back to work, as of the time of this post this doesn't seem to be going to happen anytime soon. I'm hearing everyone where I work could be furloughed by the end of the week, but we'll have to wait and see.
We didn't do much of anything yesterday other than ht before and watched that fiasco of the Mountaineers and Baylor, so all we did yesterday was make a batch of cabbage soup, shopping and laundry. Of course we can't forget about the nap that I was able to fit in yesterday afternoon.
Looking at the week ahead, we have nothing planned for a while. We're at that time of the year when we start planning for the holidays. Trick or Treating, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. We may and I do mean may make a tip to Amish Country in Ohio, but that's just speculative right now. It's getting to be close to that time of the year when leaves start changing colors and falling off the trees. This is Michelle's time of the year, but I will always the rebirth that Spring brings us.
Hi ho hi ho
Sunday, October 06, 2013
Sunday Morning GRUMBLINGS
Here I am in the early AM, up before everyone else and tired as hell. This day will definitely nap to be complete.
First the good, went to the Springs Festival yesterday and had a great time. Got a nice bushel of peppers and the largest head of cabbage that I have ever seen. My kitchen scale goes to 12 pounds and that doesn't even start to touch it.
Last year we noted that they ran out of sauerkraut after selling 5,000 pounds worth. This year they were out by 10:30 and had sold 6,000 pound, that's three tons of Sauerkraut.
We also went to the Summit Market were we grabbed some of our favorite Walnut Creek deli items and then headed the the Casselman for lunch. On our trip between these two places we once again passed the Springs festival. The line to get into it extended back into Pennsylvania and almost up to Route 40, I think we saw the line begin at about the BFS store in Meyersdale, PA. Note to self for future reference, go early, especially if it a nice day.
Then there was a football game last night. It was the second most amount of points a WVU had EVER given up, the first most was 109 years ago to Michigan and the total that was the second most was our first game ever in 1891.
West Virginia got pummeled last night 35-73 and the score was much closer than the game. To make things worse, Maryland who beat us 37-0 a few weeks ago lost to Florida State 63-0. 21 of our points was scored against the reserves and I think one touchdown came against Baylor's Cheerleaders as the football team had already completely demolished us and had changed clothes and left the stadium to celebrate.
Total embarrassment last night. Good thing the Steelers are off today. I'm not even going to talk about any other sports, I don't want to jinx them.
Have a great day.
First the good, went to the Springs Festival yesterday and had a great time. Got a nice bushel of peppers and the largest head of cabbage that I have ever seen. My kitchen scale goes to 12 pounds and that doesn't even start to touch it.
Last year we noted that they ran out of sauerkraut after selling 5,000 pounds worth. This year they were out by 10:30 and had sold 6,000 pound, that's three tons of Sauerkraut.
We also went to the Summit Market were we grabbed some of our favorite Walnut Creek deli items and then headed the the Casselman for lunch. On our trip between these two places we once again passed the Springs festival. The line to get into it extended back into Pennsylvania and almost up to Route 40, I think we saw the line begin at about the BFS store in Meyersdale, PA. Note to self for future reference, go early, especially if it a nice day.
Then there was a football game last night. It was the second most amount of points a WVU had EVER given up, the first most was 109 years ago to Michigan and the total that was the second most was our first game ever in 1891.
West Virginia got pummeled last night 35-73 and the score was much closer than the game. To make things worse, Maryland who beat us 37-0 a few weeks ago lost to Florida State 63-0. 21 of our points was scored against the reserves and I think one touchdown came against Baylor's Cheerleaders as the football team had already completely demolished us and had changed clothes and left the stadium to celebrate.
Total embarrassment last night. Good thing the Steelers are off today. I'm not even going to talk about any other sports, I don't want to jinx them.
Have a great day.
Saturday, October 05, 2013
Saturday Morning Ramblings
Here I sit once again in a semi-quiet household, I have Michelle's coffee grinding and brewing and will readily admit I'm writing this blog a little later than I normally do on Saturday morning. I'm slacking this morning so to speak.
We purchased our ticket for the WV Grand Bash yesterday. I'm not one to usually gamble that much, but this benefits Children's hospital and I plan on winning the Mercedes and the $100,000. I'm not greedy, I just want to to the two biggest prizes on our ticket. We stopped at Giant Eagle at the Towne Center, that nightmare is a whole different story, no wonder I never shop there anymore, and purchased our ticket. I was going to do it online, but it was a little hinky yesterday so we did a live transaction. The prize list is impressive and they are selling 10,000 tickets. I would even settle for one of the smaller $4,000 prizes. If we win one of those, our 2014 Cruise just became paid for.
Today we're heading east to Springs PA for the Springs Festival after we use our second of two 50% Fridays iHop coupon for Breakfast.
The Mountaineers play at Baylor tonight, the game starts at 8:00 PM.
Have a great day, looks like the weather is cooperating.
We purchased our ticket for the WV Grand Bash yesterday. I'm not one to usually gamble that much, but this benefits Children's hospital and I plan on winning the Mercedes and the $100,000. I'm not greedy, I just want to to the two biggest prizes on our ticket. We stopped at Giant Eagle at the Towne Center, that nightmare is a whole different story, no wonder I never shop there anymore, and purchased our ticket. I was going to do it online, but it was a little hinky yesterday so we did a live transaction. The prize list is impressive and they are selling 10,000 tickets. I would even settle for one of the smaller $4,000 prizes. If we win one of those, our 2014 Cruise just became paid for.
Today we're heading east to Springs PA for the Springs Festival after we use our second of two 50% Fridays iHop coupon for Breakfast.
The Mountaineers play at Baylor tonight, the game starts at 8:00 PM.
Have a great day, looks like the weather is cooperating.
Friday, October 04, 2013
Big Ole Hairy Friday
Yes it is once again that time of the week that we all look foreword to, when we can take time to cease the labors for the week and take a little bit of needed time out to enjoy the fruits of those labors. It is once again the dawn of another weekend, and a Big Ole Hairy Friday.
Looking for a little bit of High School Football action tonight? The Morgantown High Mohigans try to bounce back from last weeks loss to Martinsburg (for now, their QB who played against us was ruled ineligible and they may have to end up forfeiting that game before it is over with. The Mohigans host Dubois Area High School tonight at Pony Lewis Field. University High travels to Greenbriar East and Clay Battelle's game against Valley Whetzel was postponed due to the tragic death of one of their cheerleaders earlier this week.
Tomorrow we'll be heading to Springs PA fore the Springs Festival. I'm looking to score again on a bushel of Red Peppers like I did last year. Last year it was cold and rainy, maybe we can have a little bit better luck this year. I know they went through a whole lot of sauerkraut last year.
Hi ho hi ho
Looking for a little bit of High School Football action tonight? The Morgantown High Mohigans try to bounce back from last weeks loss to Martinsburg (for now, their QB who played against us was ruled ineligible and they may have to end up forfeiting that game before it is over with. The Mohigans host Dubois Area High School tonight at Pony Lewis Field. University High travels to Greenbriar East and Clay Battelle's game against Valley Whetzel was postponed due to the tragic death of one of their cheerleaders earlier this week.
Tomorrow we'll be heading to Springs PA fore the Springs Festival. I'm looking to score again on a bushel of Red Peppers like I did last year. Last year it was cold and rainy, maybe we can have a little bit better luck this year. I know they went through a whole lot of sauerkraut last year.
Hi ho hi ho
Thursday, October 03, 2013
Photo Flashback Thursday
Once a week I like to take a little bit of time out and look through all my pictures that I have either taken, collected or scanned through the years. Little lost moments of time that I like to select one and reflect upon it in my blog. Sometimes this is a pretty easy task, and sometimes it's not so easy to find that one special picture to write about. One thing that it always is is a whole lot of fun.
This weeks picture takes us back a few years it's of my sister Pam, some skinny ass comedian and myself a few years ago when he made a trip to Morgantown.
Growing up Gallagher was arguably my favorite comedian. I remember anticipating his Showtime specials and loving each and every one of them. In the 70's and 80's there was Gallagher and then everyone else. He greatly influence the way I look for humor in life. The one I remember the most was at Ponderosa when it first opened in Morgantown, they had a big sign out front that said "Now Serving, USDA Grade A Beef". Immediately my "Gallagher Logic" kicked ina dn I asked the obvious question. "If you are now serving USDA Grade A Beef, what the heck were you serving before?"
He's pretty much retired now after a few heart attacks, but it was an entertaining night I will always remember.
A little tidbit about him, after he graduated College he was living in Fairmont, West Virginia and that is where he wrote the "Sledge-A-Matic" bit that is his signature piece of comedy.
Hi ho hi ho
Wednesday, October 02, 2013
Government Shutdown Hump Day
Well we're still standing despite the Government shutdown. I worked yesterday and am working today and for the foreseeable future or until the Prime says to cease until we either have a budget or a continuing resolution.
Either way, it's hump day and if you look just over the noon time hump, just on the other side of a photo flashback,, you can see the dawn of another weekend off in the distance.
It was 40 years ago today I suffered the most agonizing injury of my life playing football. Broken leg, a 4 week hospital stay with surgery and a pin through my leg, six weeks in a body cast, back into the hospital for two more weeks of traction, a straight leg cast and a left leg that to this day I still do not have full range of motion on. I suffered what is known as a greentree fracture on my leg, that's when the leg breaks and is smashed together. People don;t know this, but I am a half inch taller on my left left (the leg that was in traction) than I am on my right leg. I have adjusted so no one knows, but it is the truth. I was fortunate, my orthopedic surgeon was one of the best in the world, they actually brought in Audie Murphy to be operated on by him. Good old Dr. Pickett, the man knew his stuff.
I would also like to take this opportunity to wish Chris Ostien a very Happy 41st Birthday today. He throws my name up on the Coliseum and Stadium Scoreboards every December 1st, I can return the favor in my blog.
Hi ho hi ho
Either way, it's hump day and if you look just over the noon time hump, just on the other side of a photo flashback,, you can see the dawn of another weekend off in the distance.
It was 40 years ago today I suffered the most agonizing injury of my life playing football. Broken leg, a 4 week hospital stay with surgery and a pin through my leg, six weeks in a body cast, back into the hospital for two more weeks of traction, a straight leg cast and a left leg that to this day I still do not have full range of motion on. I suffered what is known as a greentree fracture on my leg, that's when the leg breaks and is smashed together. People don;t know this, but I am a half inch taller on my left left (the leg that was in traction) than I am on my right leg. I have adjusted so no one knows, but it is the truth. I was fortunate, my orthopedic surgeon was one of the best in the world, they actually brought in Audie Murphy to be operated on by him. Good old Dr. Pickett, the man knew his stuff.
I would also like to take this opportunity to wish Chris Ostien a very Happy 41st Birthday today. He throws my name up on the Coliseum and Stadium Scoreboards every December 1st, I can return the favor in my blog.
Hi ho hi ho
Tuesday, October 01, 2013
Tuesday's Tidbits
* Well that dreaded Monday is once again behind us and we are staring straight down the barrel of a Tuesday, still can't think of a better reason than that to do a tidbits.
* Well with the Government Shutdown looming (I am not sure of the situation as of the time of this post), this may be a short day for me. We've been told to report to work today regardless, but that is just probably a temporary thing unless Congress can't quit playing games.
* 2,027 days ago I had the honor of taking a beautiful young lady out on a date. Dinner and a movie were on the nights agenda.
* 1,250 days ago at about an hour before this blog is scheduled to post I got down on one knee and proposed marriage.
* 787 days ago in front of our closest friends and family she said those magical words, "I Do" and out lives as husband and wife officially began.
* We have 309 days to go until our third anniversary.
* 91 days and counting (I guess this means col weather is just around the corner) until New Years Eve and my final blog post of 2013.
* 85 days until NORAD tracks that fat guy flying around delivering gifts to good little girls and boys.
* In 66 days I'll be laughing it up with some old guy named Walter, some skinny guy named Achmed and Peanut as we head to Pittsburgh to see Jeff Dunham.
* 61 more days until I turn the big 5-0. At least I will qualify for full benefits with an AARP membership including all those wonderful discounts.
* I got my new Windows 7 Admin machine yesterday at work, we are transitioning away from Windows XP so we had to change my Government (I have two others) Computer around and get it set up. I have three computers and three Monitors, two are both running dual monitors and one is running a second monitor behind me (for e-mail) and one of the two in front of me. All being run through one keyboard and and one mouse on a 4 port dual monitor KVM switch.
* Jared finally went back up to Cranberry this weekend and repaired his truck and brought it back home. His grandfather bought the parts for him and he changed everything out and brought it back to Morgantown Sunday night.
* This is my 3,394th BLOG post that I have made. That's the equivalent to 9 years and about 3 months of doing a blog post each and every day.
* Hi ho hi ho
* Well with the Government Shutdown looming (I am not sure of the situation as of the time of this post), this may be a short day for me. We've been told to report to work today regardless, but that is just probably a temporary thing unless Congress can't quit playing games.
* 2,027 days ago I had the honor of taking a beautiful young lady out on a date. Dinner and a movie were on the nights agenda.
* 1,250 days ago at about an hour before this blog is scheduled to post I got down on one knee and proposed marriage.
* 787 days ago in front of our closest friends and family she said those magical words, "I Do" and out lives as husband and wife officially began.
* We have 309 days to go until our third anniversary.
* 91 days and counting (I guess this means col weather is just around the corner) until New Years Eve and my final blog post of 2013.
* 85 days until NORAD tracks that fat guy flying around delivering gifts to good little girls and boys.
* In 66 days I'll be laughing it up with some old guy named Walter, some skinny guy named Achmed and Peanut as we head to Pittsburgh to see Jeff Dunham.
* 61 more days until I turn the big 5-0. At least I will qualify for full benefits with an AARP membership including all those wonderful discounts.
* I got my new Windows 7 Admin machine yesterday at work, we are transitioning away from Windows XP so we had to change my Government (I have two others) Computer around and get it set up. I have three computers and three Monitors, two are both running dual monitors and one is running a second monitor behind me (for e-mail) and one of the two in front of me. All being run through one keyboard and and one mouse on a 4 port dual monitor KVM switch.
* Jared finally went back up to Cranberry this weekend and repaired his truck and brought it back home. His grandfather bought the parts for him and he changed everything out and brought it back to Morgantown Sunday night.
* This is my 3,394th BLOG post that I have made. That's the equivalent to 9 years and about 3 months of doing a blog post each and every day.
* Hi ho hi ho
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