
Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Midweek Ramblings

Here we are again, I'm at a point in the middle of the week where I need to come up with something worth writing about, and not just fumbling through like I seem to be doing a lot of lately.

It is the middle of the week, this blog is in between two theme blogs and is not a weekend nor a beginning or ending of the week type blog. There are things I would love to talk about, but am legally obligated to not say a word.

Sometimes you come across situations that you will remember the rest of your life, whether it be a good situation, a bad situation or one that just makes you think. The worst thing about it all, is that due to CIPSEA and the repercussions that I could suffer. Not much different than say HIPAA,  it's just that we cover statistical information and protect respondents information by law.

What else can I talk about that doesn't get me into trouble. Hmmm, loving my Geo 7X Sub Centimeter GNSS. I got all the bells and whistles on this one and it set us back a little over $15,000, but I have to say that this thing is truley amazing.

Have yourselves a great day

HI ho hi ho

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