
Monday, March 30, 2009

It's Softball

Well in my opinion it is now my favorite tome of the year, last night was our first practice of the year and it was great to see everyone together again having a great time and just being, well, the guys.

After practice we managed to drive over to MiHALEY's for a few beers and some dinner. I had eaten earlier in the night so I didn't eat, but I think the guys really like the place, the atmosphere and the food.

Both Mike and Patty had a chance to stop by and meet everyone, Mike was out running errands and Patty was still over at the store and came over for a broom. I managed to talk to both of them for a while as the guys feasted and created a few new drinks.

It was a good day, and the first day of my favorite season of the year...softball.

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