Grandpa John arranged for a brand new Mercedes convertible for Brittany to ride on. Brittany had a large contingent of family members there at the parade cheering her on and showing our support.
As they called the five homecoming candidates out, Brittany was first followed by the other four girls who should have been the runners ups in this writers opinion, however with much sadness from her family and us calling for a recount the title of homecoming queen went to another girl. I told Robert he should have taken $100 Bills and bribed all the kids, I personally think there should have been a recount because the best looking girl was standing there without a tiara. I do have to confess that I am a little (OK a lot but give me a break) biased.
This however is the time for the kids, so all of old geezers walked back to our cars and headed home.
PS Michelle is making me pancakes and sausage with Butter Pecan syrup as I write this. She ROCKS!!!!
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