
Saturday, April 09, 2005

After the first week

After my first week at VARGIS, I absolutely love the job and everything about it. It's in my degree, what I was trained to do in college and it's quite interesting to do what we are doing.

It's a job that I actually look forward to going to daily. I don't know if it's the 762 mile drive each way that gives you a good chance to reflect on the upcoming day or just wind down after a long day. Maybe it's me getting a chance to learn a new marketable skill in GIS, I don't know, but I like the entire situation right now.

It's almost as if this is the light at the end of the tunnel that I had to travel through in college. While you are in college you do things blindly with the hope of finding a light at the end of that tunnel, I was fortunate enough to find it. It was a long journey, but well worth it.


Kim said...

You certainly travel many miles ...maybe you should consider flying. *LOL*

George Hall said...

Anyone know of a cheap airplane for sale?