
Saturday, March 26, 2016

Blogging Vacation Over

Well here I site once again in  a semi-quiet household, Phin has made sure I don't sleep too much as she is up and in her normal playful mood. I'm up early watching Play It To the Bone on HBO and collecting my thoughts for the day.

This is actually my first live blog in some time as everyone might have noticed. I was away all week in some pretty intense training for a part time job as a field interviewer. I did receive my certification and have all my equipment and am ready to hit the field when the next quarter starts on next Friday. I have to admit I was getting burned out by last Sunday Night and had to tone it down a bit as we were just taking in so much information in a very short time period and needed to to get our certifications. It's all over with now and I am in fact back home where I belong.

Well last Saturday when I was a away in Durham, North Carolina I posted that the family was having a get together and Easter Egg Hunt for the kids. I was obviously mistaken and wasn't aware at the time that I wrote that that they time had been changed till today. So, we are gathering all the kiddies up this afternoon and going to my Sister Terri's and having an Easter Egg Hunt and a little cookout for everyone. This is our March get together, now we need to find something to do for April. Nothing wrong with Bowling again, a kickball game, a get together shoot or just an old fashioned cookout at some local park or something where the kids have a playground. It's also Baseball season here in Morgantown and maybe a baseball game at Mountaineer Ballpark could be in order.

Yesterday I spent most of the time organizing our old bedroom and converting it into an office for the new job, I got all my supplies and got them all organized for field work and am ready to go. Today I am ready just to wind down and relax a little bit as it has been a pretty intense couple of weeks for me.

For those of you who love Thirty-One, my sister Kim is now a consultant. I know we have bought a number of their items in the past and use them pretty regularly, so if you are looking for a Thirty-One item and need a consultant, Here is Kim's page

Have yourselves a great day today, I plan on it.

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