
Monday, August 02, 2010

Weekend's Over

Well another fun filled weekend has went from reality to memory and history. I can say that it was a very good weekend for both myself and Michelle. However it is now times to wake up and get ready to put the nose back to the grindstone for yet another week work.

You can't get to the weekend until you gt Monday done and over with, I'm rested and relaxed and ready to go for another day at work.

We have a softball game tonight at 7:00. The season is starting to wind down for us and we have todays game and two next week and another season will have once again come and gone.

I'm going to try something new tonight, Michelle bought a pair of compression shorts last week and just loved them. So I went out yesterday and bought a pair of them. We do a lot of walking and are planning to do a little biking now that the rails to trails has reopened and these will help your legs breath with no restriction in movement. Michelle loves hers, so we'll break mine out tonight and see how they do.

Hi ho hi ho.

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