
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Saturday Morning Grumblings

Here I sit once again on a quiet Saturday Morning, I'm the only one up, but I was the first to lose that dreaded battle with the Sandman last night. I'm up early trying to find something entertaining on the boob tube and am not having any luck.

I think we are due for another snowstorm today, so for the most part we are going to have to hunker down and stay warm. Bitter cold temperatures are expected early next week once again.

I will have to go out either today or tomorrow, the cold killed my battery in my car and I had to leave it at work. I'm just going to buy a new battery and put in it, the bitter cold of the last two storms has just killed the cold cranking amps to nothing. We even tried jumping it yesterday and there was nothing. Time to replace it, but it really is only a couple years old. Kind of disappointed in the product.

There was a little bit of closure yesterday in the Skylar Neese case. Sheila Eddy pleaded guilty to first degree murder and was sentenced to life in prison with the chance of parole in 15 years, which due to a Supreme Court Ruling was the maximum that they could give her. I watched the stream yesterday afternoon, Eddy was sitting there crying, but I felt absolutely no compassion for her.

Have a great day and stay warm.

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