
Monday, February 14, 2005

Short weekend

Wow, talk about a short one day weekend, sheesh. After I got off of work Saturday I went over to my mothers house and helped her get her new Photo Album up and running. She's off to a good start learning how to upload files to the server. However yesterday she did make a mistake by deleting her album rather than just one picture. She's back up and running and will be continuing to add photos to the album.

My sister Kim changed her thinking on how to do a website and is actually doing her main page in PHP as opposed to a static HTML. The PHP Site is off to it's second good start. She seemed to have accidentally wiped out her site yesterday, but not to fear she's been busting her behind getting everything back up and running. Once she has her site done, I think I'll back up a copy of everything on my computer for her in case this accidentally happens again. I should also back my own site up here pretty soon.

I'm trying not to overwhelm Kim with new information, maybe once she gets everything how she likes it I'll show her how to edit the PHP on her page so she can customize it a little more.

I have to get her a copy of Studio MX. It has a whole mess of new we design tools that she would love, and it contains Dreamweaver which will open many new doors to her in the way of HTML design.

On a side note, I guess Mom is going to get Terri's big box of pictures off of her today so we can look through them for new pictures to scan. I'm sure there will be many new pictures that will be coming to our sites soon. I know Kim said she had thousands of pictures, so there may be a lot of new pictures added to the albums pretty soon.

Stay tuned, it could be interesting.

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