
Sunday, January 22, 2023


Here I sit on a quiet Sunday Morning, I actually get to enjoy a day off after working yesterday. Kiwi and I are up discussing our favorite card games. Mine happens to be Texas Hold Em and Kiwi likes to play Go Fish. 

We surprised Ralphie yesterday, Amy has had a surprise birthday party set up for some time and she kind of surprised him yesterday. She told him that they were going to the Mountain Jamboree to play Rook, but we were all there for a surprise Birthday Party to surprise him. She sent him off to pick up some Pizzas and he really had no clue. 

Shopping this morning and then relaxing after our chores. I would imagine that there is a nap that will be taken today, and possibly a little watching of some NFL Playoffs. The Steelers aren't in it so I won't be paying to close of attention, but I'll be paying attention. 

Have yourselves a great day, make it special. 

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