
Monday, September 30, 2019

And So it Begins

Well those fun filled things referred to as weekends and time off were enjoyable, I was able to get recharged and get ready to go once again. Today for me is not only the start of a new work week, it's the start of a streak of consecutive days that I will be working.

Yes you heard that right, this is not only the start of a work week, but tomorrow is the start of a new quarter for RTI. New doors to knock on, new people to meet, new challenges to overcome. Say goodbye to my relaxing weekends and hello to getting out the door on time so I can get some fieldwork in during daylight hours. It's always exciting the first time working through the roster and that all begins tomorrow.

This weekend should be a challenging one as WVU plays Texas here in Morgantown and you know how people love Mountaineer Football. However on weekends I will be working out of the area and out of the county, so I won't have to deal with the gameday traffic as much and will be coming home after the opening kickoff.

Have yourselves a great day.

Hi ho hi ho

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