Saturday, January 31, 2009
For anyone whop isn't busy and wants to help
We're moving to Van Voorhis Road and officially take over tomorrow, but most of the moving and unpacking will be done today so we can help cheer the Steelers to another Super Bowl Championship Sunday evening.
Friday, January 30, 2009
It's a Big Ole Hairy Friday
Yes readers it is once again that time of the week when we cease our labors for the week and take a little time out to enjoy the fruits of our labors, it is a Big Ole Hairy Friday and the dawn of yet another weekend.
I was at the new house yesterday morning for several hours while the cable guys were connecting the cable and internet. We had to make sure that it was on in time for this weekends HUGE superbowl. As nice as it is to know that we have the cable there now working, when Ed got home from work last night he found that his was not working now, so that is why I am writing this blog. Sucks to be him.....
This is going to be such a busy weekend for all of us. I think that Ed and I are going to take a few trips to the new house tonight with some boxes that we packed last weekend. I believe the majority of it will be done all day Saturday, I still have to get in and do some cleaning, but for the most part we are ready to move.
This is going to be an awesome weekend, friends, food and football. What else could a girl ask for? I hope everyone has a great day and an awesome weekend, I know that I am going to enjoy myself.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Is it softball season yet?
I'm ready for another season of Softball, although not physically yet, but emotionally I am ready to hit the diamond again.
If anyone is interested, a bunch of people I play softball with plus a few others are planning on playing paintball this weekend weather permitting at MVP Park if anyone may be interested. I'll be busy moving, so obviously I won't be there.
Weekend is getting closer and my bachelor days are running out.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
* It has been 320 days now since Michelle and mines first date.
* 10,000 BC the movie we saw....still sucks.
* We're at three days and counting down until we officially move in together.
* Phil, the Rat from Punxatawney is starting to really agitate me. Have you looked outside?
* I really like Nestle Tollhouse cookies with Macadamia nuts in them. Had a couple last night (actually now as I am typing this last night(Figure that one out)).
* last year, My sister Kim made a total of 80 Blog posts in the month of January, this year she has a running grand total of one so far. I think I can safely say she will not reach January of '08's BLOG total.
* I think I am finally over that flu bug that I caught, it was a nasty one as many others had gotten it also. If you avoided it, consider yourself lucky.
* does anyone have any idea how hard it is to come up with content when you really haven't had the chance to speak to anyone recently.
* On the WVU football front, Bill Stewart and crew have arranged for one of the better recruiting classes I I have seen in Morgantown in a long time. A lot of very solid players and HS All-Americans.
* In case anyone missed it, Patrick White won the MVP of the Senior Bowl last week. Man am I going to miss having him behind center.
* Stay safe and stay warm, I'm sure the roads are horrible on your morning commute this morning.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Phil starting to get ready
I know you want to make me Happy this year, as you teased me last year with not seeing your shadow and then still bringing the cold stuff. Hey Phil, I for one am tired of the cold, the snow, the icy roads and am ready for the days of spring to be upon us.
What's it going to take this year? A Hooker Groundhog paid for and a nights supply of your favorite groundhog munchies and beer? You're not still upset about us winning the Steelers trivia show against you are you?
Monday, January 26, 2009
Start of one last week.
Michelle got a good start with helping me pack this weekend, I've still been a little under the weather and she was just an absolute trooper. I would say we have the hardest part of my move packed up, the only things left out are a few essentials that I need to get by for the week.
One thing I noticed, wow I have a lot of VHS and DVD's, and the collection is just going to double next week when we add Michelle's movies.
Anyone watch that game yesterday? Yuck.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Starting to feel a little better again
I still don't have my appetite back, but I am stating to feel better a little bit by little bit.
4:00 today, WVU v #4 Pitt in the basketball version of the Backyard Brawl. I wonder how Jack Flemming would have felt about this game.

Saturday, January 24, 2009
Starting to pack
Friday, January 23, 2009
It's a Big Ole Hairy Friday
This officially begins my last full weekend living at Brunswick Ct Apartments for me, as Michelle and I will start officially cohabitating starting next weekend, even though I think she has spent all but one weekend with me since the start of the summer (she went on vacation one weekend).
I can't say this has not been a memorable week as Myself, Michelle, Chad (Michelle's son), Trish and a few other friends have been nailed down with this stomach flu that is going around. If you have not had it yet, trust me you do not want it. I have lost a few pounds and my pants don't fit as tight though, so it's not all that bad...LOL
This weekend I'll be starting to get ready for the move next weekend, I'll start packing up all the unessential things (junk to most of you) and getting them ready to be transported to the Valley next weekend. We officially move in Sunday (the first) but Michelle is going over next Friday and starting to get things cleaned and ready to move in. I'm sure the majority of it will be completed Saturday evening, or at least I hope so, the Super Bowl is that Sunday afternoon. But that's all next weekend.
Have a great day.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
A Myspace post by my sister Terri
Closing time.
Nick and I have decided after four years of running a tavern, we are calling it quits. We have made many new great friends here that we will miss alot. However, it is due time to get back in my life the things that are most important to us, our family and friends. This transaction will be taking place somewhere between mid February to mid March. We will be moving to Nick and Terri Sivak's in Opakisski road for a short time until we are able to get back on our feet. We will be planning a final bash that will include music with Floyd Cowger, Weedhawks and Homebrew I hope everyone will be able to attend to help celebrate the new chapter we are beginning So with that being said I will be seeing everyone soon.
Back to Work
I've been pretty much out of everything the last two days, so not too much to speak about. I tried to watch the inauguration, but was too sick and drained to really see anything of importance. I tried to stay awake to watch President Obama's acceptance speech, but I zonked out and never got the chance to listen to history being made.
Feeling better, back to work.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Been under the weather
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Inaugeration Day

Today will be a historical day for our country, we have elected our first African American President and today he OFFICIALLY is sworn in and will be forever from this day forward be referred to as President Barack Obama.
Today is also when George W Bush obviously leaves office, I think the sad thing is it has been 7 1/2 years since 9-11 and Osama Bin Laden is still at large.
This is however the day the country swears in a new leader. Might make for soem very good television.
It's a new day and a new era in America.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Laate BLOG, Busy day
Well, I do have to say it is a great day to be a Steelers fan, they beat the Baltimore Ravens for the third time this season and advanced onto Super Bowl 43!!!!!!
I have some running around to do on my day off, so this is a short and sweet blog. Toodles.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Happy Birthday Layla Rosiak
This is going to be a great day!!!!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
It's so cold.....
...I just pissed slush.
...I just ate a popsicle, and realized it was my big toe.
...My dog is stuck to the fire hydrant.
...instead of milk, I put anti-freeze in my coffee.
...I slipped on some ice and shattered
...I saw a penguin wearing fleece.
......when i fart the crap particles freeze together. I put it in an igloo cooler and sent it off to a lab to get tested....followed by another poster saying...Just heard from the lab. They found sperm. Lots and lots of sperm.
...I saw a lawyer with his hands in his OWN pockets
...My shadow froze to the sidewalk.
...The local flasher was caught describing himself to women.
...Clinton is sleeping with his own wife in order to keep warm.
...The fire department advises you to set your house on fire.
...The steam off my head created a war between 2 Indian villages.
...Hitchhikers are holding up pictures of a thumb.
...I saw a squirrel knitting a little bag to keep his nuts warm.
...the hookers downtown are charging 20 bucks just to blow on your hands
...Al Gore is saying, "Screw it, let's burn some coal."
Thank you to the Blue and Gold News and the posters there for a little comical relief on this cold morning. The temp is currently -3 degrees F with a Wind Chill of -7 Degrees F.
1 Groundhog name Phil
2 onions, sliced
1/2 cup celery, sliced
Vinegar and water
Salt and pepper
Clean Phil er I mean Groundhog; remove glands; cut into serving pieces. Soak overnight in a solution of equal parts of water and vinegar with addition of one sliced onion and a little salt. Drain, wash, and wipe. Parboil 20 minutes, drain, and cover with fresh boiling water. Add one sliced onion, celery, a few cloves, and salt and pepper to taste. Cook until tender; thicken gravy with flour.
I'm not making any suggestions.....Phil
Friday, January 16, 2009
Big Ole Hairy Friday
I took Michelle out to dinner last night for her birthday. We were in the mood for Hot Sausage Hoagies, so we headed over to the old Westover Pizza (Collosante's (sp?)) for a nice dinner.
Not much on our agenda this weekend, going to get some paperwork in order and sign our lease for when we move in. Next weekend I'll start packing in anticipation for the following weekends move.
We had our company Holiday Party yesterday, we played the Chinese gift exchange game and I walked away with a really nice 8GB Verbatim Jump Drive. I have a 4GB one and I still have my second one that I ever bought, a 126 MB one from college that I still use a good bit. I was talking to a co-worker who has a verbatim and I read a few reviews on them, they come with very high praise.
It's going to be a three day weekend for this guy, very much needed after a very busy and hectic week.
Enjoy your weekend and bundle up, it's cold outside.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Happy Birthday Michelle
Today is a very special day in my sweethearts life, it is the day that she hit's that wonder and magical age of 40. Yes 40 years ago today my best friend, my companion and the woman who I will finally surrender my bachelorhood to was born.
We have both been putting in a lot of very long hours this week, but I know I am not working over today and will spend a little time with the love of my life.
I have been very blessed for first knowing her from years ago, secondly for going shopping at Wal-Mart last year and running into her, thirdly for her adding me as a friend in Myspace last spring and finally but most importantly, everything that has happened in my life ever since.
I love you sweetie and look forward to the day that we don't have to call each other just to say good morning or good night.
Happy Birthday sweetie.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Hump Day Tidbits.
* It was another busy day for both Me and Michelle. I'm trying to get data ready for a conference I have to go to in Pittsburgh next Weekend for the Carbon Sequestration Project, and Michelle is coming to the end of their Fiscal year so they are trying to get the books closed out for 2008.
* I have to go out of town next Wed for a conference, I'll be back the same day. Already checked out a Government Vehicle to burn some green fuels.
* It has been 306 days since my first date with Michelle last spring.
* Erica was supposed to be taken to the dentist yesterday to be sedated so they could work on her teeth. I have no further information, this was posted on Val's MySpace page.
* Danielle is still in (I think) after her first semester of college, she beat me in her first semester of college when we compare GPA's. Great job Danielle. She mentioned wanting a Primanti Brother's sandwich before she goes back to school.
* I think the same morons who are on the road when I drive were on the road when Michelle was going home last night, In think it's a conspiracy by bad drivers to mess us up.
* 18 days to go until Michelle and I move in together, 19 days until Phil gets shot if he sees his shadow.
* Anyone ever wonder how hard it is to write a tidbits when you have been busy at work and haven't talked to anyone?
* I have a three day weekend coming up, Monday is Martin Luther King Jr's birthday and it's a government Holiday.
* I guess they are finishing up my office over at the new DOE building, I should be moving in there in the next couple of weeks.
* The Capital Classic is tonight. WVU will beat Marshall in both Men's and Women's basketball.
* Is it softball yet?
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Busy Day
I know I will probably be looking at more of the same today, hopefully Michelle can get a little bit of rest since she is recovering from the flu still.
Did you see what the girl who was a virgin got her selling her virginity $3.7 Million American dollars. Is that ridiculous or what? She's paying for her education pretty easily.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Steelers to AFC Championship game again.

The Steelers will face the Baltimore Ravens, a team they have beaten twice this year already, for the AFC Championship.
The game will be played at 6:30 on Sunday, which is nothing new this year for the Steelers since they have had three 1:00 games all season.
It's a great morning to be a Steelers fan.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Happy Birthday Sandra Irene Bell
Movie Review Gran Torino
Looking around the theater and noticing how packed it was plus seeing previews for the movie previously, our expectations for the movie were quite high. If you would like to watch it, go HERE and find a running version. Firefox users may need to unblock the site on their popup blockers to have some files work. I was going to try to embed the file into the BLOG, but the code is not available to embed.
OK, on to the review. We had seen previews and it looked like classic Eastwood and it was just that. He plays that typical rough and tumble character that he very well known for. I thought to myself after the movie he could very well win an Oscar for this performance, this was Eastwood at arguably his best. Being he is 77 years old and only puts out movies every few years, this may be the swan song of one of our great American leading men.
When this comes out on DVD, it's worth the price to own.....twice.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Gran Torino
I'll wait until she gets up and around to see how she feels today, I know she has not been feeling all too well.
IF and that if a bg IF she is feeling better, I think we are going to venture out either this afternoon or this evening to see the new Clint Eastwood movie Gran Torino.
Friday, January 09, 2009
Big Ole Hairy Black Friday
Yes it is once again that time of the week we look forward to, when we cease the labors of the week and take a little time out to sit back and enjoy the fruits of our labors. It is once again another Bog Ole Hairy Friday and the start of yet another weekend.
It's been a full week for me to say the least. Firs t couple of months I was at SAIC I had one job code to bill to, between last week and this week I know have six tasks to bill to. Two of which are fully funded at 100%. (too bad they don;t pay me twice my salary lol)
This weekend Michele and I are going to go and see the new Clint Eastwood movie Gran Torino. We both saw the previews about a month ago and decided it was one of two movies we wanted to see. Marley and Me which we saw a couple weeks ago was the other.
For you Steeler fans, they Steelers play the Sand Diego Chargers Sunday at 4:00. I'll be watching.
Have a great Friday.
Is it Softball yet?
Thursday, January 08, 2009
A surprise Birthday party for Arron
I think he was surprised, but thought it was kind of funny with all the cars in the driveway and had a feeling that something was up.
It was a good evening and I know I enjoyed myself.
Just for you Arron:
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Over that darn hump day
Woo Hoo, we're at the hump and trying to get over the uphill part of the weekend and on our way back downhill and towards the weekend!!!!
I did see something kind of funny yesterday. Mark, who has developed WVUstats.comfrom it's infancy (he is the sites creator). I guess a guy at another website took it upon himself to embed Mark's site into his own site. It's not a very nice thing to do, in a way it is taking credit for someone elses intellectual property. Well, Mark is a great programmer and sent the guy a little message. he was talking about doing a redirect to another site to embarrass the guy, but he hasn't yet. Come on Mark, this guy could be the talk of the internet today.
Oh well, have a good hump day.
Technological change is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal.--Albert Einstein
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Best recruiting class I think I have ever seen.
That's three (actually four but one changed his mind) 5 Star recruits Coach Stewart has landed in a little over a year being our coach. In the previous coaches tenure here, he landed two 5 star recruits. One never made it to Morgantown and one played a couple games and left the team his Freshman year making way for Steve Slaton.
This years class includes the nations #1 and #12 WR. The nations #7 tailback, the Nations #2 Fullback and the nations #9 QB The #4 was committed here but has committed to a couple other schools since then). Not to mention we signed a future NFL shutdown cornerback the day before.
Congrats coach Stew and staff, one heck of a job.
I think this is an honor
I was just screwing around getting ready for work and using google and put my name in just to see what kind of results I would get. I am ranked #9 of the Top 50 Blogs in Morgantown.
I wonder what kind of a prize I get for such an honor...lOL
Busy Busy Busy
Talk about something that is time consuming and keeps you busy, between that and the meetings this week I'm going to be one busy little blogger with nothing to write about. The stuff I am doing is interesting, and it's nice to see the direction we are going with renewable bio-fuels, but it's not a topic that's meant for a casual blog.
Do you believe the most recent basketball rankings? Pitt is #1. Let's see we play them January 25th, let's see if we can return the favor by beating them when they are ranked #1 in a sport much like last year in football. Although if you look at the very complex Pomeroy Computer ratings that were put out Sunday evening, WVU is #1 in basketball in that poll.
This season looks like it could be interesting.
Monday, January 05, 2009
Back to work kind of a day

We took my Christmas Tree down this past weekend, so I guess you can the the holidays are now officially over with and behind us.
Michelle made a great dinner yesterday, she made stuffed peppers in the crock pot and let me say they were quite awesome. We're both taking leftovers with us to work today (as we did Friday) for our lunches. No complaints, Friday's pork roast and sour kraut were awesome. The stuffed peppers were also great.
We did manage to go over and see Michael and Patty this weekend and start to get the paperwork in order for us to move over to Van Voorhis Road at the beginning of next month.
Sunday, January 04, 2009
Lazy Sunday
I missed a few phone calls last night, accidentally turned the ringer off and never caught it until this morning. The iPhone has a little button on the side that is not too hard to accidentally bump and turn the phone off.
A little heads up but I won't be playing, Chris O is trying to organize a winter paintball day at MVP Park at the end of the month. Michelle and I will be busy moving that weekend, but if anyone would be interested in playing let me know and I'll let everyone in on the details.
WOW, I almost repeated a tragedy of last year as I was typing this. All is well though.
Have a good day.
Saturday, January 03, 2009
Early Morning Ramblings
For those curious about the Mountaineer scene today. the Men's basketball team will be traveling to Seton Hall for a Big East Conference game at 4:00. Not sure if it is on TV, my guess without looking is that it will be shown, but I am just speculating.
If you are looking for something new and interesting to do tonight, the WVU Woman's Gymnastics Team will have an intrasquad Gold v Blue meet tonight at the WVU Coliseum at 7:00. It's free and open to the public, so if you are looking for a little free and cheap entertainment and don;t want to sit in front of the TV, this may be your solution.
Before I forget, I have to wish Michelle's Mom a very Happy Birthday.
When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.--Alexander Graham Bell
Friday, January 02, 2009
Big Ole Hairy Friday
We're probably going to try to make it over and talk to Michael this weekend, we're moving at the end of the month and want to make sure everything is ready for us to move in when we do.
The Steelers are off this weekend, they have earned a first round playoff bye and can sit and watch everyone else trying to advance to the next round.
Have a great Friday.
Thursday, January 01, 2009
New Years Day
Hello everyone and welcome to the 2009 edition of my BLOG. I hope everyone had a very safe and Happy New Years Eve. Michelle and I stayed in and watched Dick Clark (man is he showing his post teen aged years) ring in the new year.
So far today Michelle and I watched the movie Wanted. The Movie was OK, the special effects were great, but it did seem just a little bit too over the top for my taste, then again I like super hero movies so what does that tell you.
For Dinner my baby is making Pork Roast, Sour Kraut and mashed potatoes. This will be the first time I have ever eaten pork and sour kraut for New years. Just never a big fan of Sour Kraut. Jean gave Michelle some advice and it had made it actually pretty good.
We had a pretty relaxing day, I think Pam was thinking we were moving this weekend as opposed to the first of next month. Maybe that was my fault telling everyone the first of the year. I am very thankful that she is more than willing to help out.
This afternoon we made a trip down to visit Nick and Terri at the bar. They were recovering from last night when the Weedhawks played at the bar.
Tonight its a couple football games before we are off to bed. We both have to work tomorrow.
Happy New Year!!!!!!!!

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
and days of auld lang syne?
For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne,
We'll take a cup o' kindness yet
For auld lang syne
We twa hae run aboot the braes
And pou'd the gowans fine;
we've wander'd mony a weary foot
Sin' auld lang syne
We two hae paidled i' the burn,
Frae mornin' sun till dine;
But seas between us braid hae roar'd
Sin' auld lang syne
And here's a hand, my trusty friend,
And gie's a hand o' thine;
We'll take a cup o' kindness yet
For auld lang syne
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
and days of auld lang syne?
For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne,
We'll take a cup o' kindness yet
For auld lang syne
Happy New Year 2009!!!!!!

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind ?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And days o' lang syne ?
- For auld lang syne, my jo,
- For auld lang syne,
- We’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet,
- For auld lang syne.
And surely ye’ll be your pint-stowp !
And surely I’ll be mine !
And we’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.
We twa hae run about the braes,
And pu’d the gowans fine ;
But we’ve wander’d mony a weary foot,
Sin auld lang syne.
We twa hae paidl’d i' the burn,
Frae morning sun till dine ;
But seas between us braid hae roar’d
Sin auld lang syne.
And there’s a hand, my trusty fiere !
And gie's a hand o’ thine !
And we’ll tak a right gude-willy waught,
For auld lang syne.