We had a game scheduled last night at 10:00 against my old team, or at least the remaining remnants of that team. It was a game that I was looking foreward to all season, however last night just wasn't meant to be.
We everyone but two people there last night, however my old team could only manage to get eight guys out to play. The coach didn't even bother to show up. It was a little discouraging, however a win is a win. I didn find out that Josh was also pitching last night against the Tigers from his Dad.
Last night was Phil's last game of the year, he is the Assistant SID and is going to Australia for the next three weeks with the WVU Women's basketball team. I'll see him again when we draft our fantasy football league.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
Test Results
Just got back from my Doctors and got to see my test results from last week. Blood Pressure was within target, my cholesterol numbers were all within target, HDL's, LDL's and my Triglycerides. Then came the magic A1C results. This past February my A1C was 13.1, meaning that my AVERAGE blood sugar for the three months prior was OVER 350.
My target was under 7 by the DR and under 6.7 by the dietitian. It was 6.2 and I was pretty happy. I've added a couple pounds recently and just need to get back into my routine. Cut out the in between meal meals and walk more regularly.
Next appointment is in six months.
My target was under 7 by the DR and under 6.7 by the dietitian. It was 6.2 and I was pretty happy. I've added a couple pounds recently and just need to get back into my routine. Cut out the in between meal meals and walk more regularly.
Next appointment is in six months.
Three month check up today
Later today I will have my three month DR's checkup so I can renew my prescriptions and get my results from my tests that I went in for last week. I'm feeling pretty good about the upcoming results.
I tried to stop by the Daily Kneads yesterday to buy one last loaf of bread, however they had sold out of everything and were out of supplies and were not even making pizzas yesterday. I have my fingers crossed that someone will come in and purchase the buisness and get it back up and running, but there is nothing along those lines that has any solid commitments yet.
Mountainfewst appeared to have roughly 50,000 people visit Morgantown this weekend. Morgantown is starting to demonstrate on a yearly basis that there is life in Morgantown outside of the regular school year.
Enjoy your monday
I tried to stop by the Daily Kneads yesterday to buy one last loaf of bread, however they had sold out of everything and were out of supplies and were not even making pizzas yesterday. I have my fingers crossed that someone will come in and purchase the buisness and get it back up and running, but there is nothing along those lines that has any solid commitments yet.
Mountainfewst appeared to have roughly 50,000 people visit Morgantown this weekend. Morgantown is starting to demonstrate on a yearly basis that there is life in Morgantown outside of the regular school year.
Enjoy your monday
Happy Belated Birthday Joshua Nicholson
I managed to get caught up in some mis-communication yesterday with our siftball team and was running around making sure that the coaches message was incorrect. Wow what a day to still get rained out.
Anyways, I forgot to block about Josh's first birthday that he had yesterday. Val had the party originally scheduled for yesterday but switched it to this coming Sunday because so many people had alternative plans.
Happy First Birthday Josh. PS, the pictures from Erica's nbirthday are now online.
Anyways, I forgot to block about Josh's first birthday that he had yesterday. Val had the party originally scheduled for yesterday but switched it to this coming Sunday because so many people had alternative plans.
Happy First Birthday Josh. PS, the pictures from Erica's nbirthday are now online.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Last Night and today
Last night I went to the Gladiators game with Trish. The Gladiators took control on the games first play when Freddie Little Broke a TD run. The Gladiators offense was on the field much of the night as they rolled up a 37-7 victory.
Late in the fourth quarter Morgantown had set odd a bigger fireworks display than they did on the 4th of July if you can believe that.
I did see Uncle Junior and Debbie at the game, Debbie's son is an offensive lineman who had his hands full with a good 350 pound defensive tackle. He held his own and actually had little trouble controlling the mammoth.
This afternoon I take the softball field in a makeup game. As a team we have had an up and down season, hopefully we are more up today than down. Tomorrow night I play against my old team.
Late in the fourth quarter Morgantown had set odd a bigger fireworks display than they did on the 4th of July if you can believe that.
I did see Uncle Junior and Debbie at the game, Debbie's son is an offensive lineman who had his hands full with a good 350 pound defensive tackle. He held his own and actually had little trouble controlling the mammoth.
This afternoon I take the softball field in a makeup game. As a team we have had an up and down season, hopefully we are more up today than down. Tomorrow night I play against my old team.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Steelers Trivia Show tonight
If you have a chance to turn on KDKA tonight at 11:30 tonight, a close friend of mine, another guy from our past fantasy baseball leagues and a guy Chris's Dad will be appearing as a team on the Steelers Sports Challenge tonight.
Chris, aka WVAQ's Hector, his dad and Randy Page will be playing Steelers trivia tonight. This was taped a couple months ago, because Chris and his family are currently at the beach...rather than playing softball tomorrow. Shame shame.
Anyways, tune in if you get a chance.
Chris, aka WVAQ's Hector, his dad and Randy Page will be playing Steelers trivia tonight. This was taped a couple months ago, because Chris and his family are currently at the beach...rather than playing softball tomorrow. Shame shame.
Anyways, tune in if you get a chance.
RIP Bones
As any of you know me, I am a big softball advocate. I have been playing since the early 80's and it has been something that I have loved dearly. From my original team the "Fun Quads" to the Press Box to the team I played the majority of the 80's with "Sterling Faucet", I have met quite a few unique people.
Twice in my career I have been part I have managed to be a part of a softball rarity. I consider myself very lucky to have taken part (on the winning side) of not one but two no hitters. One being in the 90's with my long time battery mate who I will be competing against Monday night and the first was with a pitcher I was battery mates with at Sterling Faucet.
This morning I picked up the obituaries and my heart dropped when I read the obituary of Richard C. "Bones as we used to call him" Varner. I was Rich's catcher for about six years and played on some very good teams with him.
Bones was one of the best pitchers I ever worked with, even until this day, and I have worked with some very good ones.
I have a game on Sunday and a game on Monday, I have to do something to honor Rich with every at bat.
RIP Bones
Twice in my career I have been part I have managed to be a part of a softball rarity. I consider myself very lucky to have taken part (on the winning side) of not one but two no hitters. One being in the 90's with my long time battery mate who I will be competing against Monday night and the first was with a pitcher I was battery mates with at Sterling Faucet.
This morning I picked up the obituaries and my heart dropped when I read the obituary of Richard C. "Bones as we used to call him" Varner. I was Rich's catcher for about six years and played on some very good teams with him.
Bones was one of the best pitchers I ever worked with, even until this day, and I have worked with some very good ones.
I have a game on Sunday and a game on Monday, I have to do something to honor Rich with every at bat.
RIP Bones
Friday, July 27, 2007
OK, I'm back up and running
I went and switched out my Modem this morning and installed the new one. The old one was an old Motorola and I have been using it for about 5 1/2 years, so it was time for a new one anyways.
There is a lot going on in Morgantown tonight, weather permitting.
BOPARC will be playing the Movie Happy feet this evening, provided the weather isn't storming as it is now. However looking at the extended forecast it looks like we are going to have plenty of rain the whole weekend.
MountainFest has brought quite a few bikers into Morgantown for the weekend, however it may not be weather permitting for them because of all of the rain. Maybe this will be a good thing for Nick and Terri, could mean people will be inside drinking rather than riding.
Stay dry
There is a lot going on in Morgantown tonight, weather permitting.
BOPARC will be playing the Movie Happy feet this evening, provided the weather isn't storming as it is now. However looking at the extended forecast it looks like we are going to have plenty of rain the whole weekend.
MountainFest has brought quite a few bikers into Morgantown for the weekend, however it may not be weather permitting for them because of all of the rain. Maybe this will be a good thing for Nick and Terri, could mean people will be inside drinking rather than riding.
Stay dry
Connection Problems
After helping a few others this week on the Blue and Gold News with their connection problems, it seems as though Comcast is starting to have a lot of trouble with the older modems all of a sudden.
They open at 9:00 and I'm posting from Jeans waiting on the business office to open today so I can change out my modem.
Needless to say, I have an early start on my weekend. =)
They open at 9:00 and I'm posting from Jeans waiting on the business office to open today so I can change out my modem.
Needless to say, I have an early start on my weekend. =)
Happy Birthday Daniel Bell
Today is Daniels birthday and I would like to somehow extend a Happy Birthday with to him on his happiest of days.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Mountainfest starts today
Today is the official beginning of MountainFest here in Morgantown. Be extra careful driving around because there will probably be a very significant increase in motorcycle traffic in the area over the next four days.
The event has expanded to not only Mylan Park but to parts all over Morgantown. This event is in it's third year and continues to grow year by year.
Saturday Night Blue Oyster Cult so if anyone intends on attending they may need to have a little funs and go pick up a CowBell to the concert.
The event has expanded to not only Mylan Park but to parts all over Morgantown. This event is in it's third year and continues to grow year by year.
Saturday Night Blue Oyster Cult so if anyone intends on attending they may need to have a little funs and go pick up a CowBell to the concert.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
What I was talking about Monday
I did a BLOG Monday called Power of the BLOG. It was a blog post that I made that lead to this and honestly in a matter of minutes since I posted it.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
OK, One day down and we're on to day two of the week. I did manage to run over the the WVUH POC and get my blood tests done. I have a DR's appointment on Monday and I needed to get a three month A1C test done this morning so we can see first hand whaty my profress has been since I tackled diabetes head on. We'll see next week how much progress I have actually made.
We played softball last night if that is what you call it. I had a solid game, however as a team we were well....horrible. We have went from a playoff team to a team that doesn't understand the basic fundamentals of the game. It's all mental right now, we'll break out of it but it may not be this season.
Val has moved Josh's birthday from this Sunday to next week. She messaged me yesterday when I was in the middle of setting a program up to run, so the date slips my mind at this time.
Enjoy the weather.
We played softball last night if that is what you call it. I had a solid game, however as a team we were well....horrible. We have went from a playoff team to a team that doesn't understand the basic fundamentals of the game. It's all mental right now, we'll break out of it but it may not be this season.
Val has moved Josh's birthday from this Sunday to next week. She messaged me yesterday when I was in the middle of setting a program up to run, so the date slips my mind at this time.
Enjoy the weather.
Monday, July 23, 2007
The Power of the BLOG
It amazes me sometimes just what extend a BLOG reaches. You know the family members that read it, and a few distant friens who are just seeing what you have been up to. However yesterday it showed me just how far and how quick it can reach in a matter of minutes.
I'm not going to reveal anything as of yet, but I will this week when it happens. Maybe keep everyone in a little suspense till Wed.
Softball game tonight at 6:00 and after the game the team is taking a trip to Wings Ole for Wings and Beer on the deck. With the season winding down and us not being sponsered by a restauraunt this season we really haven't had too many chances to get out as a group after a game as we have in years past. I'll take my camera and grab a few pics to get me through the offseason.
I do have to go in for some blood work sometime this week, I have another DR's appointment next Monday and this will be my three month A1C test to see how I have been doing. I've cheated a couple days, but my numbers should be fine. I am actually kind of anxious to see what the numbers are myself.
Enjoy your day.
I'm not going to reveal anything as of yet, but I will this week when it happens. Maybe keep everyone in a little suspense till Wed.
Softball game tonight at 6:00 and after the game the team is taking a trip to Wings Ole for Wings and Beer on the deck. With the season winding down and us not being sponsered by a restauraunt this season we really haven't had too many chances to get out as a group after a game as we have in years past. I'll take my camera and grab a few pics to get me through the offseason.
I do have to go in for some blood work sometime this week, I have another DR's appointment next Monday and this will be my three month A1C test to see how I have been doing. I've cheated a couple days, but my numbers should be fine. I am actually kind of anxious to see what the numbers are myself.
Enjoy your day.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Daily Kneads is closing.
One of my favorite places in Morgantown to eat has to be the Daily Kneads and their spectacular assortment of made fresh daily breads will be closing both stores at then end of the month. . I can't think of any words to even start to do the quality of this brick oven made bread justice.
On my Myspace page in which they are a friend, they posted the following bulletin:
The Daily Kneads is Closing
Our hearts are breaking as we make this announcement. Due largely to skyrocketing overhead expenses, The Daily Kneads Bakery and The Daily Kneads Too Coffeeshop will both be closing at the end of this month.
So, stock up on bread while you can and don't forget to use up your bread cards!
-The Daily Kneads
As I am writing this blog, I am chowing down on a scrumptious piece of black olive pesto bread that I just brought home from the daily kneads.
Morgantown loses a great place, one that will always be remembered like Chico Dairy or Cappalanttis.
On my Myspace page in which they are a friend, they posted the following bulletin:
The Daily Kneads is Closing
Our hearts are breaking as we make this announcement. Due largely to skyrocketing overhead expenses, The Daily Kneads Bakery and The Daily Kneads Too Coffeeshop will both be closing at the end of this month.
So, stock up on bread while you can and don't forget to use up your bread cards!
-The Daily Kneads
As I am writing this blog, I am chowing down on a scrumptious piece of black olive pesto bread that I just brought home from the daily kneads.
Morgantown loses a great place, one that will always be remembered like Chico Dairy or Cappalanttis.
Josh Judy made his professional Debut
Josh Judy has finally made his professional debut. He pitched one inning yesterday and gave up a couple hits and struck out one. He didn't give up any runs, so his ERA is still 0.00.
WTG Josh
WTG Josh
Saturday, July 21, 2007
West Virginia Gladiators at home tonight.
The West Virginia Gladiators semi pro football team is at home tonight when they will battle the Lackawanna Dynasty tonight at Pony Lewis field at 7:00.
$5.00 entry fee and children under 12 are admitted free. If you're missing football and can't wait to see a few gridiron gladiators engage in some on the field brutal combat, tonight is the night.
$5.00 entry fee and children under 12 are admitted free. If you're missing football and can't wait to see a few gridiron gladiators engage in some on the field brutal combat, tonight is the night.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Eight years ago today
I just got home and VAL sent me a message. I almost forgot.
Read HER BLOG to know what has happened eight years ago today.
Read HER BLOG to know what has happened eight years ago today.
Fridays information
Once again we are at that favorite time of the week when the week of work is about to be put behind us and we can relax during a nice weekend.
* BOPARC is not having a movie tonight at the waterfront, however it will return next week with a showing of the movie Happy Feet.
* For those of you looking for something to do this weekend, Ribfest will be this weekend at Mylan Park. Tickets are only $5.00 and one of the celebrity judges is in my fantasy baseball league. I'm sure it will be a good time for all and lots of food.
* We will be playing paintball this Sunday if anyone is interested. Look at my previous post for information or pricing of the event. If you ahve never played before, try it once. I promise you will be back.
If you are planning ahead, next weekend is Mountain Fest at Mylan Park.
Have a good weekend.
* BOPARC is not having a movie tonight at the waterfront, however it will return next week with a showing of the movie Happy Feet.
* For those of you looking for something to do this weekend, Ribfest will be this weekend at Mylan Park. Tickets are only $5.00 and one of the celebrity judges is in my fantasy baseball league. I'm sure it will be a good time for all and lots of food.
* We will be playing paintball this Sunday if anyone is interested. Look at my previous post for information or pricing of the event. If you ahve never played before, try it once. I promise you will be back.
If you are planning ahead, next weekend is Mountain Fest at Mylan Park.
Have a good weekend.
The squirrels have fans
Would you believe I received an e-mail from Tampa Florida last night asking me how my buddies the squirrels were doing. There are five that join me on a daily basis, four of which being brown squirrels and one being a gray squirrel. They send their regards.
Included with the squirrels are an assortment of blue jays, cardinals, a woodpecker and at least three chipmunks by last count. They come and visit me each and every day and enjoy the gourmet feast that I set out for them on a daily basis.
Actually once when the food ran out under the three one of my squirrel buddies came to the door and asked if there was anymore food for him and his family to eat. I quickly obliged and set out a couple more cups of squirrel food for him and his friends to feast on.
It is quite amazing that they have a fan club. Their name is skip and their e-mail address is bear1972@tampabay.rr.com and their is Skip if anyone would like to talk to them.
I'm thinking about sending Skip a corresponding e-mail later today and am considering CC'ing their original e-mail to the friend that they claim decided to mention.
Thanks for reading Skip.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Paintball this weekend
If anyone is interested in playing Paintball this weekend, MVP Park is running their softball special.
JULY 22nd is BoParc Day at MVP
This is our second BoParc Day at MVP this year and the first one was a blast. Here is the deal...MVP sponsors a BoParc softball team in the "AA" league, so we want all the softball players to come and try paintball. If you are a softball player, family member, friend...it does not matter. Simply come to MVP on July 22nd from 10am-5pm and say "I want the softball deal" and you got it.
So what's the special deal you ask?
Well here it is...
All your rental gear (marker, mask, air tank)
All day air fills
500 Paintballs
Only $25
JULY 22nd is BoParc Day at MVP
This is our second BoParc Day at MVP this year and the first one was a blast. Here is the deal...MVP sponsors a BoParc softball team in the "AA" league, so we want all the softball players to come and try paintball. If you are a softball player, family member, friend...it does not matter. Simply come to MVP on July 22nd from 10am-5pm and say "I want the softball deal" and you got it.
So what's the special deal you ask?
Well here it is...
All your rental gear (marker, mask, air tank)
All day air fills
500 Paintballs
Only $25
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Connection Problems
What a day so far. I have been fighting to struggle to connect to the VPN Client at work all morning. I had to wake the network administrator up and get him involved with this.
Talk about a headache. All is well now.
Talk about a headache. All is well now.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
A night at the ballpark
My old team played a double header last night and my team was off, so I decided to stop down at the ballpark and watch a few games.
I was fortunate enough to get a chance to sit down an talk to Josh for a while, he's leaving this afternoon and will be in Orlando at 3:00 this afternoon to report to the Indians rookie team. If I remember correctly, he is reporting to the Gulf Coast league rookie team for the rest of the season.
I asked him just out of curiosity what a 10th rounder gets, his contract is for $55,000 a year plus living expenses while he is in the minors. Plus the Indians are paying for his tuition to complete school. He said it was the right decision, because had he waited until next year they could have offered him next to nothing knowing he had no leverage because then his underclassmen playing status would have been exhausted. I think he made the right choice.
I'll be there for his Major league debut.
I was fortunate enough to get a chance to sit down an talk to Josh for a while, he's leaving this afternoon and will be in Orlando at 3:00 this afternoon to report to the Indians rookie team. If I remember correctly, he is reporting to the Gulf Coast league rookie team for the rest of the season.
I asked him just out of curiosity what a 10th rounder gets, his contract is for $55,000 a year plus living expenses while he is in the minors. Plus the Indians are paying for his tuition to complete school. He said it was the right decision, because had he waited until next year they could have offered him next to nothing knowing he had no leverage because then his underclassmen playing status would have been exhausted. I think he made the right choice.
I'll be there for his Major league debut.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Back 2 Work after non busy weekend
I do have to say, this was probably the single most boring weekend that I have had in sometime. I never really mananged to do much of anything fun. I worked a couple hours last night and spent a few hours Saturday doing a little research for a buisness opportunity I'm considering.
Other than that I really didn't get into anything. Life as far as this weekend was concerned quite uneventful and boring. I think I even added a few pounds sitting around and doing nothing.
I do need to get back to rails to trails, it's been a couple weeks now since the last time that I made it down there, but I really didn't want to over exert myself with the Temps in the 90's even though we played a longer double header last week.
Today I am processing some data and going through my daily ritual of feeding my squirrels and watchig them eat. This has pretty much become a daily activity for me as of late.
Other than that I really didn't get into anything. Life as far as this weekend was concerned quite uneventful and boring. I think I even added a few pounds sitting around and doing nothing.
I do need to get back to rails to trails, it's been a couple weeks now since the last time that I made it down there, but I really didn't want to over exert myself with the Temps in the 90's even though we played a longer double header last week.
Today I am processing some data and going through my daily ritual of feeding my squirrels and watchig them eat. This has pretty much become a daily activity for me as of late.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Josh Signs with the Cleveland Indians

While at Indiana Tech, Josh made All-American this past season and decided to enter the MLB draft this past season. He was selected by the Cleveland Indians during the draft, a team that he wanted to play for. I guess since they are an American league team, I can now have a co-favorite team as I am a lifelong Pirates fan.
Recently Josh decided to pass up his Senior Season and signed a contract with the Cleveland Indians and he will report to Winter Haven Florida Rookie League team on Tuesday.
Josh said " I've done pretty much all I can do in college sports, Now I'm trying to make a dream become reality." I have watched him develop from a 14 year old kid, to a SR QB at UHS who saw his SR year go down the tubes with a torn ACL to winning the State American Legion Baseball Championship, to being an All-American.
Hey Josh, I want some tickets when you make the Major League debut. Good luck.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Nothing Really to say
I guess you can refer to this as a meaningless blog post, mainly because I really don't have anything to say. I however don't want to see my blog go stale as so many do, so I have to post something.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Friday the 13th
I completely overlooked the fact that today if Friday the 13th. Hmm So far nothign bad has happened, but it looks like it may rain out tonight.
It's Friday again
Once again BOPARC will be playing a movie out under the stars tonight when there will be a free showing of the movie Monster House tonight at dusk. The movie is free to the public and is a great time to be enjoyed by everyone. Just take you a few snacks and drinks and maybe even something comfortable to sit on and enjoy a nice movie under the stars.
For you basketball fans, you could ahve a chance to see some of the best High School basketball players in the country this weekend in Morgantown when the 72 team Jam Fest will take place. 2010 WVU recruit Noah Cottrill who will be playing this tournament. It could be a good basketball weekend.
There will also be a kids day downtown Morgantown tomorrow.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Kids' Day
Kids' will take over the downtown with more than 60 scheduled events. Kids of all ages will learn about safety, play games, receive free goodies from area businesses, make crafts, and play in the giant sand box. There will also be live entertainment, and free PRT, Trolley, and horse & buggy rides. Kids, help the Transit Authority 'paint a bus' downtown. So kids, the only place to be is Downtown Morgantown on Kids' Day.
If you are out for some Music, the All Good Festival has already kicked off and is running in Masontown, West Virginia.
Have a good weekend.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Stopped by to say hello to Terri
After work today, I decided to stop by Nick and Terri's to say hello. The last time I was there they were getting ready to go for a weekend camping trip. I was wanting to stop by all week, but just never seemed to make it until today.
I did see Terri yesterday as I was doing my daily trips around Super Wal-Mart and I told her I was going to stop by yesterday, but I never managed to make it down so I decided to stop by this evening.
Nick has a big grill that I think someone gave him. It's one of those big ones you haul around with a trailer hitch and use commercially. It's a pretty good sized one and I'm sure there will be a lot of food cooked over top of it.
I did see Terri yesterday as I was doing my daily trips around Super Wal-Mart and I told her I was going to stop by yesterday, but I never managed to make it down so I decided to stop by this evening.
Nick has a big grill that I think someone gave him. It's one of those big ones you haul around with a trailer hitch and use commercially. It's a pretty good sized one and I'm sure there will be a lot of food cooked over top of it.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Double Header Split
The last couple of years when we played a double header we usually swept them wining both games. For the third time this season we split another double header last night.
In the first game we were down 9-4 going into the bottom of the seventh inning (you play seven) and I led off the inning with a single and scored, fortunately we scored four other runs and tied the game 9-9 pushing it into extra innings in the 90 + degree sweltering heat. Eight inning neither team scored and I led off the ninth with another single. I advanced to second on a Scotty Barr single and then was going to tag up on a sacrafice fly that Chris Evans hit pretty deep, only the guy dropped the ball and I booked it around third and beat the throw at the plate for the 10-9 win in game 1.
Immediately after playing a 9 inning game in the heat, we played a second game right afterwards and were down 10-9 in the bottom of the 7th with bases juiced. Tying run was at third and the winning run at second base and both quick runners. kevin, who is one of our better hitters coming to bat, I thought we were going to have a nice double header sweep. He he a soft roller right back to the pitcher and was thrown out at first. Game over.
We're still playing with the .500 record with a 7-7 record on the year. Next game in two weeks.
In the first game we were down 9-4 going into the bottom of the seventh inning (you play seven) and I led off the inning with a single and scored, fortunately we scored four other runs and tied the game 9-9 pushing it into extra innings in the 90 + degree sweltering heat. Eight inning neither team scored and I led off the ninth with another single. I advanced to second on a Scotty Barr single and then was going to tag up on a sacrafice fly that Chris Evans hit pretty deep, only the guy dropped the ball and I booked it around third and beat the throw at the plate for the 10-9 win in game 1.
Immediately after playing a 9 inning game in the heat, we played a second game right afterwards and were down 10-9 in the bottom of the 7th with bases juiced. Tying run was at third and the winning run at second base and both quick runners. kevin, who is one of our better hitters coming to bat, I thought we were going to have a nice double header sweep. He he a soft roller right back to the pitcher and was thrown out at first. Game over.
We're still playing with the .500 record with a 7-7 record on the year. Next game in two weeks.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Softball Double Header Tonight.
We have had a change in our schedule and will have a double header tonight at 6:00 and 7:00. We will have a rematch against rugrats tonight at 6:00, a team that was undefeated Champions last season but we beat pretty good the last two times we have played them. Solid team and we are going to have to be on top of our game tonight. We haven't been full stregnth since the last time we played them on June 18th. Hopefully tonight we will be back to full strength. They're a good team and the last time we played I was responsible for getting three runners thrown out at home by challenging different outfielders arms. I'll be a little more conservative tonight.
7:00 we have a regular scheduled game against advantage health.
7:00 we have a regular scheduled game against advantage health.
Monday, July 09, 2007
Back 2 Work
It's that most dreaded day of the week, the day when we have to puit our weekend behind us and store them in our eternal memories as we approach a dawn of a new week of work. It's the dreaded Monday and the weather is supposed to be real nice today, reports of the temps reaching the mid 90's. When the weather is this nice, it should be a national holiday so that we can all get out and enjoy it.
I'm going to go out tonight and try to qualify for the West Virginia Poker Tour tonight. Keven is dealing the cards out tonight from 4-6:00 at the Waterfront Jeep dealership on Don Knotts Boulevard. I'm going to try and qualify for the Statewide tournament for a chance to earn a berth in the World Series of Poker in Las Vegas.
No softball tonight, but we will have a double header tomorrow night at 6:00 and 7:00. We had a schedule change and we will be off for two weeks after tomorrow nights double header.
I know the price of success: dedication, hard work, and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen.-- Frank Lloyd Wright
I'm going to go out tonight and try to qualify for the West Virginia Poker Tour tonight. Keven is dealing the cards out tonight from 4-6:00 at the Waterfront Jeep dealership on Don Knotts Boulevard. I'm going to try and qualify for the Statewide tournament for a chance to earn a berth in the World Series of Poker in Las Vegas.
No softball tonight, but we will have a double header tomorrow night at 6:00 and 7:00. We had a schedule change and we will be off for two weeks after tomorrow nights double header.
I know the price of success: dedication, hard work, and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen.-- Frank Lloyd Wright
Sunday, July 08, 2007
WOW, what a display
Last night, a few of us has all invested some money and were going to let off our own private fireworks display. I think I honestly have to say that I think we topped Morgantown's fireworks display.
I think there was six or seven of us constantly lighting them off from a top of a big farm hill to keep the sky continuously lit up with a multitude of bright colors and unique noises for about an hour and a half from the time that we started. It was a great time an a load of fun, I am definitely in next year because this is just a little too much fun to pass up on.
You would think a 90 minute fireworks display would be simple, but I think we spent almost that amount of time prepping the fireworks earlier in the evening and we literally used two pickup trucks to clean up all the discarded tubes and other things once we were done.
After dinner Kim took me up to their camp sight. It was the first time I really had a chance to take my Rodeo off road and it was made for this kind of a trip. I had to put it in 4 Wheel Drive Low and drop the 4 speed automatic transmission down into first gear to maneuver our way out to their very majestic view camp sight.
It was a good evening and I'm looking forward to Fireworks 2008.
Friday, July 06, 2007
Weekend is here again, this was a short two, two day work week because of the 4th of July fell on Wed splitting the week up into a couple two day work periods.
There will be no movie tonight at the waterfront, however next weekend the movie Monster House will play next Friday night.
Tomorrow will be July 7, 07 or 7-7-07. These are the numbers I have always played when In play the lottery and have actually won with before. Also tomorrow will be Live Earth. This is an eight country concert for the awareness of Global warming. Might be worth a tune in or two on the day when I'm not doing anything.
Nothing really planned for tonight. We were scheduled to play softball last night, but mother nature and the rain got the best of us and the game was cancelled.
There will be no movie tonight at the waterfront, however next weekend the movie Monster House will play next Friday night.
Tomorrow will be July 7, 07 or 7-7-07. These are the numbers I have always played when In play the lottery and have actually won with before. Also tomorrow will be Live Earth. This is an eight country concert for the awareness of Global warming. Might be worth a tune in or two on the day when I'm not doing anything.
Nothing really planned for tonight. We were scheduled to play softball last night, but mother nature and the rain got the best of us and the game was cancelled.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
AT&T Buys Dobson
AT&T has agreed to purchase Dobson $2.8 Billion in cash. For those of you who do not know, Dobson is the local cell phone company Cell One. Which means if you have Cell One your cell phone service wi;; eventually transfer over to AT&T's network.
What does this mean? Well, if you have been watching the news over the past week the big news has been the iPhone that Apple has released.
AT&T is the exclusive carrier for the iPhone right now and I think for a few years. So, if you live in Morgantown and want an iPhone that works, you'll need to have Cell One. No word on when the iPhone may be coming to Morgantown.
What does this mean? Well, if you have been watching the news over the past week the big news has been the iPhone that Apple has released.
AT&T is the exclusive carrier for the iPhone right now and I think for a few years. So, if you live in Morgantown and want an iPhone that works, you'll need to have Cell One. No word on when the iPhone may be coming to Morgantown.
It's a softball Thursday
We have a gamne tonight at 6:00 in a rare Thursday night game. We play at 6:00 and then afte that the team is planning on taking a trip to Wings Ole and eating out on the deck. If the weather permits, this will be the first dinner that everyine will have attended together outside of the pic nic earlier this summer at Dan and Lisa Barnes's.
I've finally gotten back to form over the past few games and became the hard out that I traditionally have been through the years. I had an early season slump, but now I am more than making up for it after a few minor adjustments.
Is it me, or does today feel like Monday?
I've finally gotten back to form over the past few games and became the hard out that I traditionally have been through the years. I had an early season slump, but now I am more than making up for it after a few minor adjustments.
Is it me, or does today feel like Monday?
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Happy 4th of July
Today however is Independence Day, but they did fireworks last night because this is the day that everyone has off. We celebrate this day as the 231st anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the birth of our nation.
I really don't have anything planned for today as of yet, but I hope everyone has a safe and happy 4th.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Sterling Faucet Reunion
I was listening to the radio this morning and they mentioned about there being another Sterling Faucet Reuninon on July 14th from noon till 5:00PM.
They didn't go to much into detail other than to bring a covered dish.
They left a number to call for more information (304) 292-8639
I worked at Sterling Faucet as a automated buffing machine operator from 1982 until 1990. It was a great eight years of my life where I made a lot of friends, some of whicj I still see and talk to today.
They didn't go to much into detail other than to bring a covered dish.
They left a number to call for more information (304) 292-8639
I worked at Sterling Faucet as a automated buffing machine operator from 1982 until 1990. It was a great eight years of my life where I made a lot of friends, some of whicj I still see and talk to today.
Fireworks tonight
There will be fireworks tonight downtown tonight at 9:30. There will also be a parade tonight on High Street and the fireworks dispay will be set off at 9:30 at the riverfront.
Just in, because there was over an hour delay last year, the fireworks company has agreed to let off an additional 400 fireworks for free this year. So, this should be a pretty good fireworks display this year because last years were such a dud.
Also on a sidce note that there will be NO FIREWORKS this year at Greer Mansion in Cheat Lake, so the one in downtown Morgantown should be quite considerable and there should be a decent sized crowd for the events due to that they aren't competing with Greer Mansion this year.
Just in, because there was over an hour delay last year, the fireworks company has agreed to let off an additional 400 fireworks for free this year. So, this should be a pretty good fireworks display this year because last years were such a dud.
Also on a sidce note that there will be NO FIREWORKS this year at Greer Mansion in Cheat Lake, so the one in downtown Morgantown should be quite considerable and there should be a decent sized crowd for the events due to that they aren't competing with Greer Mansion this year.
Monday, July 02, 2007
Worst time for a holiday
Not that I would ever complain about a piad day off, but teh 4th of July is on a Wed this year. It's a holiday for me, but it's right in the middle of the week. Had it been on a Thursday or a Tuesday I may have stretched it into a four day weekend, however it's in the middle of the week.
Last year I had a very busy and active 4th of July weekend, but this year appears to be rather uneventful until Saturday when we I'll be going to a private fireworks display.
I think this is going to be a work two, off one and work two type of week for me.
What's everyone elses plans?
Last year I had a very busy and active 4th of July weekend, but this year appears to be rather uneventful until Saturday when we I'll be going to a private fireworks display.
I think this is going to be a work two, off one and work two type of week for me.
What's everyone elses plans?
Sunday, July 01, 2007
I overheard a few of the racers that traveled to this event that really liked it, everything started at the waterfront marina and bistro and the new parking garage was used as a staging area (where they changed clothes and stored their bikes). I did see Bob Conway down there selling his Nutty Bavarian peanuts and we talked a little bit of softball.
Overall, I was very impressed with this event and only look for it to become bigger as time passes.
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