
Sunday, March 01, 2015

Sunday Sunday

Here I sit yet once again in a quiet household, I'm the first one to recover from that losing battle with the dreaded Sandman last night and I'm up early collecting my thoughts for the day once again.

Well we did not get into anything yesterday, we had thought about heading to Pittsburgh to one of the Carnegie Museums, but Michelle is having some pains so we stayed around the house and just relaxed. We did finally start with our first episode of House of Cards for season 3, of all three seasons it was the least spectacular opening to the season, but still a very good one.

Today's schedule is our typical one, grocery shopping this morning and finish up the rest of the laundry that we started yesterday afternoon. Nothing too exciting.

Michelle is going to have to have same day surgery on Tuesday, she is having some pain from her Gastric Bypass Surgery and the pocket is closing up, she has had trouble holding food down so they are going to do a quick procedure when they stick a balloon down in the opening of the stomach and open it back up a little. She is just one of the rare ones who had complications from the surgery and this is a 5 minute fix. She should be fine after that and no worries.

It's supposed to be nice and warm this afternoon, if you get a chance get out and enjoy yourselves a little bit.

Have a great day.

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