
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Major Problems

Well let me first start out by talking about our pumpkin. Michelle and I carved out our first pumpkin together last night. Hayley was the one who chose the design and Michelle and I carved it out.

I have to sat that it was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed doing this, we had bought a designs book earlier and some tools and we had at it.
Needless to say that this is our finished product, yes it is really a lit up pumpkin sitting on top of the entertainment center with a tea light burning and the lights out. I have to say that I am quite pleased with how it turned out. Michelle is awesome and last night was a memorable evening....until.......

I got a call from my banks fraud department, seems someone has my check card information and was ringing up purchases out the ying yang in New Mexico. Michelle and I were at Wal-Mart earlier in the evening and the locations of the two transactions must have set off a red flag, BB&T caught it, canceled my card and is issuing me a new one. I'm going to have to wait until the transactions clear ( I know of a minimum of $160.00 worth with two more pending) and I have to go and file a fraud claim with my bank. May take a few days, but I'll get all my money back. It's just the inconvenience on my part and the waiting game of waiting for a new card and clearing those fraudulent transactions.

Which had me did they get it?

My website has been under attack for over a month now. I have went around and around with GoDaddy about it. I actually installed one program and it went corrupt in no time. I spoke with their tech department and they felt it was coming from my computer and I should change my FTP information (which I did a month ago).

Well it's not hard to figure out 2+2, I think my computer has been corrupted and is the culprit. I thought I had it fixed, but obviously not.

The solution you may ask? No sleep last night, reformatted my hard drive and re-installed windows and changed my online passwords to my financial accounts.

It's been a long night.

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