
Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Thoughts for Christmas Eve

Just a few random thoughts and ideas for the Christmas Holidays.

* A Chinese gift exchange has been discussed and most people like the idea of it.

* Mom came up with an idea of everyone bringing a Christmas bulb or ornament for the tree. I like the idea, I would like to have one bulb, preferably personalized for each person that will be at Klaer Lodge. It doesn't have to be a commercial bulb, it could be Styrofoam personalized for that person. That way everyone could possibly be represented by the family tree.

* Photo's. I love my pictures and very rarely do we get the chance to get everyone together at one time and one place. Like Thanksgiving a couple years ago, I would like to take a lot of pictures including at least one of every family unit as well as others. I'll bring my tripod, so if anyone has a camera and wants pictures, bring your camera. I would like to do a Christmas video again this year, maybe even two of them, so I will need pictures to go on.

* Board games and a deck of cards are a few things we may need and if anyone would have a portable radio, that would be nice. Not sure what kind of electronic entertainment will be there, so it would be nice to have a few interactive toys for everyone to spend time together. I'm open to all ideas.

* I will try to go up once before the time we have it rented to just get a few ideas. If anyone else is interested in going (not sure when) let me know. Two heads are better than one, three are better than two and so on and so forth.

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